Who's Who
Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum
- 301-593-4465 Ext. 105
- rdrosenbaum@yise.org

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum became the Rabbi of YISE in 2010 after having served as the Assistant Rabbi under Rav Gedaliah Anemer, zt”l, for the previous five years. In addition to his responsibilities at YISE, Rabbi Rosenbaum has played an extensive role in the broader Greater Washington Orthodox Jewish community, serving, among other positions, as President of the Vaad Harabanim of Greater Washington from 2013 to 2015. Rabbi Rosenbaum is currently the Gittin Administrator for the Vaad, coordinating halachic divorce for couples in the community. He also acts as a halachic resource for a number of organizations in the community.

Before coming to YISE, Rabbi Rosenbaum was the Rabbi of Am Hatorah Congregation in Bethesda, Maryland for five years. His first love was Jewish education and he taught Judaic studies at the Yeshiva of Greater Washington – to levels ranging from seventh grade to post-high school in the Boys, Girls, and Yeshiva Gedolah Divisions – for ten years. He still enjoys numerous opportunities to connect to the youth of our community, including YISE’s popular Dor L’Dor program and weekly visits to the YISE Nursery.
Rabbi Rosenbaum’s greatest joy in the rabbinate is the opportunity to forge meaningful connections with individuals of various ages and backgrounds. Having joined the YISE community as a child in 1984, he enjoys the unique opportunity to deepen relationships with some congregants he has known for decades.
Rabbi Rosenbaum gives both weekly and periodic shiurim within our shul. Many of his shiurim can be found at http://torahdownloads.org/s-
Rabbi Rosenbaum is a musmach of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington and holds a BS in Accounting from University of Maryland University College.
Rebbetzin Atara Rosenbaum, a product of the Woodside community, has been a Judaic studies teacher at the Yeshiva of Greater Washington Girls Division since 1998. The Rosenbaums’ lives are immeasurably enriched by their children Yosef, Gedaliah, Moshe, Rachel, and Miriam.
Rabbi Yosef Postelnek

Rabbi Yosef Postelnek is the Assistant Rabbi at YISE. A graduate of Sy Syms School of Business, Rabbi Postelnek received Semicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He currently learns in Kollel Zichron Amram of Yeshiva of Greater Washington. His wife, Aliza, holds an M.A. in Jewish Education from Yeshiva University’s Azrieli Graduate School, specializing in secondary Jewish education, and a B.A. in Psychology from Queens College. She currently teaches Tanach, Chumash, and AP Psychology at Berman Hebrew Academy. With a shared passion for Torah and desire to serve the Jewish community, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Postelnek – along with their three children – feel privileged and excited to connect, learn and grow with the entire YISE community.

Office Staff
Simi Franco
Office Manager
Phone: 301-593-4465
Ext. 103
Email: office@yise.org
Josh Breitstein
Facility Manager
Phone: 301-593-4465
Ext. 104
Email: facility@yise.org
Menucha Singer Wolfe
Executive Director
Phone: 301-593-4465
Ext. 102
Email: mswolfe@yise.org
Officers of the Shul
President: Joshua Seidemann – president@yise.org
Vice President 1: Meir Kramer – mkramer@yise.org
Vice President 2: Barbara Price – barbaraprice@yise.org
Vice President 3: Isaac Moses – imoses@yise.org
Vice President 4: Rabbi Yehuda Shinensky – yshinensky@yise.org
Vice President 5: Ori Carmel – ocarmel@yise.org
Secretary: Jonah Mainzer – secretary@yise.org
Treasurer: Nancy James – treasurer@yise.org
Immediate Past President
Yale Ginsburg: yginsburg@yise.org
Dova Boyars: dboyars@yise.org
Aliza Chlewicki: achelwicki@yise.org
Dov Chodoff: dchodoff@yise.org
Ethan Cohen: ecohen@yise.org
Shoshana Feldman: sfeldman@yise.org
Ali Jacobson: ajacobson@yise.org
Goldie Levy: glevy@yise.org
Nissy Moskowitz: nmoskowitz@yise.org
David Price: dprice@yise.org
Elise Saks: esaks@yise.org
Craig Simon: csimon@yise.org
Jules Szanton: jszanton@yise.org
Joan Walter: jwalter@yise.org