
To apply for membership to Young Israel Shomrai Emunah please complete the membership document and the confidential document

Once completed, upload the membership document to the ShulCloud form below and email the confidential form to Rabbi Rosenbaum at

All applicants are required to complete the “Confidential” form before membership can be considered. This form will be seen by the Rabbi only. If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact Rabbi Rosenbaum at 301-593-4465, ext. 105. Any other questions may be addressed to the office or the Shul President. 

Membership Categories

These new member categories include many benefits that would not be included in a regular full membership.
They are designed for those who want to enhance their experience while providing support for our comprehensive programming and growth. Base membership fees covers a fraction of our annual budget which is dedicated to providing the highest standards of quality and service our members expect and deserve. It is initiatives like this that provide opportunity and privilege for those who can to support the leading orthodox synagogue in the Greater Washington area.

We are grateful for your consideration as we move from strength to strength.

Benefit Associate ($720) Full ($1,220) Silver ($2,500) Silver Single ($1,950) Gold ($3,600) Platinum ($5,000) Diamond ($10,000)
Member Discounts
Voting Rights
High Holiday Seats*
RH Greetings (full page)
High Holiday Babysitting**
Mi Shebayrach for family with no additional fee
Banquet Tickets***
8 (table)
Banquet Journal Ad – Full Page****
Silver Page
Silver Page
Gold Page
Platinum Page
Diamond Page
Talis Box Rental
Annual Hakaras Hatov Event
Simchas Torah Kiddush Sponsor
In Memory Of/In Honor Of Cards (Unlimited)
Building Fund
Library Book Dedication
Yizkor Book Dedication
One Kiddush Sponsorship
* For family members and guests who are not members of YISE.
** For children of members and ticketed guests only
*** Transferable
**** Full page-one color page or 2 plain pages
***** Associate Member Discount Levels

Membership Categories and Rates

New! Under 30 membership now available. For new single members under 30 or for a new couple where at least one of the two people is under 30 years of age, the membership cost will be:

  • First year – $200
  • Second year – $300
  • Third year – $400
  • Fourth year – $540
  • Fifth year – $750 This rate will continue until a single member or both members of a couple reach the age of 30.


* This will not entitle new members to the preschool discount.