test page trivia night

YISE presents

Fun for all ages!

Sunday, December 13 at 8:00pm - Virtually!

Register to play and to choose a Chanukah appetizer platter to enjoy while you play for first, second and third prizes!

The food may be picked up at Holy chow on Sunday approximately an hour before the event.

If you are unable to go to Holy Chow for medical reasons, please email social@yise.org or call Simi Franco at 301-346-8752.

Please pay using the PayPal button after you submit your registration form.
Questions? Contact social@yise.org

Family Trivia Night Registration

Individual, Couple or Family
Individual$ 10.00
Couple$ 12.00
Family$ 15.00
Payment may be made via PayPal or send a check to the YISE office. Please note the Order ID # when making your payment.The following form is separate from any PayPal payment. Please complete this form and click "Submit" below to place your order/reservation, whether you are paying by PayPal or any other method.

* = required fields

Customer Information

* Name:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Zip Code:
* Email:

Family Trivia Night Registration

Appetizer Type


Please include any special instructions below:
Click the Submit button to submit your order. A confirmation email will be sent to you including an Order ID #.

Payment via PayPal is SEPARATE from completing the form above.

To pay via PayPal, complete the form above and submit it. The receipt page includes a PayPal button.

You can also come back to this page later to make your payment. Once you have placed an order, if you return here to make a payment you do NOT need to complete the form.

If you have any questions, please contact social@yise.org or Simi Franco at 301-593-4465x403. Thank you for supporting YISE.