Succos Shorts and Sukkot-to-go

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Sukkot-To-Go 5771 is available here. It features articles from YU Roshei Yeshiva, faculty and others on various aspects of Sukkot, and is a free download. In addition to this year’s issue, you can also download articles from the past 5 years of Sukkot To-Go publications. This issue contains the following articles:

Yom Kippur and Sukkos: Twin Symbols of Jewish Unity – Rabbi Elchanan Adler (Rosh Yeshiva, RIETS)
Travelers on Succot – Rabbi Azarya Berzon (Scholar in Residence, YU Torah Mitzion Toronto Community Beit Midrash)
The Transition from Yom Kippur to Sukkot- Rabbi Joshua Flug (Director of Rabbinic Research, Center for the Jewish Future)
Moshe Rabbeinu: An Angel Amongst Men – Ms. Miriam Krupka (Faculty, Ramaz Upper School))
Zman Simchateinu: Understanding the Happiness of Sukkot – Mrs. Chaya Batya Neugrosch (Head of School, YU High School for Girls)
Delayed Dedication – Mrs. Deena Rabinovich (Faculty, Stern College for Women)
The Beauty and the Least – Rabbi Moshe Taragin (RA”M, Yeshivat Har Etzion)
Plus a collection of Sukkot insights from members of the YU Kollel Elyon

YISE Succos-Shabbos Shorts

The Succos- Shabbos Shorts is sponsored by the Kwiat family in honor of David Kwiat's birthday.

September 22 – October 2, 2010 15 – 24 Tishrei, 5771

Wednesday September 22 – Eruv Tavshilin
Light Candles 6:47pm
Mincha 6:50pm Arcola
Mincha – Sephardi 6:50pm
followed by Maariv
Maariv 7:30pm

Thursday September 23
Hashkamah Minyan 7:00am
Nussach Sefard 7:00am
8:00 Minyan 8:00am
Sephardi 8:00am
Morning Services 8:45am
Youth Minyan 9:15am
Mincha – Sephardi 6:40pm
followed by Maariv
Mincha 6:50pm
Maariv 7:30pm
Light Candles after 7:44pm

Friday September 24
Hashkamah Minyan 7:00am
Nussach Sefard 7:00am
8:00 Minyan 8:00am
Sephardi 8:00am
Morning Services 8:45am
Youth Minyan 9:15am
Light Candles 6:44pm
Mincha – Sephardi 6:40pm
Mincha 6:45pm

Saturday September 25 (Chol Hamoed)
Hashkamah Minyan 7:00am
Nussach Sefard 7:00am
8:00 Minyan 8:00am
Sephardi 8:15am
Morning Services 8:45am
Youth Minyan 9:15am
Early Mincha Arcola 2:30pm
Mincha 6:40pm
Shabbos Ends 7:40pm

Chol Hamoed Shacharis
Sunday September 26
University 8:00am
Arcola 6:30am/7:30am/8:45am
Monday/Tuesday September 27/28
University 6:00am
Arcola 6:25am/7:35am/8:45am

Chol Hamoed Mincha/Maariv
Sunday/Monday/Tuesday September 26/27/28
Arcola and University 6:45pm

Wednesday September 29
University 5:50am
Arcola Social Hall 6:15am
Arcola Sanctuary 7:00am/8:45am

Wednesday September 29 – Eruv Tavshilin
Light Candles 6:36pm
Mincha 6:40pm
Mincha – Sephardi 6:40pm
followed by Maariv
Maariv 7:20pm

Thursday September 30
Hashkamah Minyan 7:00am
Nussach Sefard 7:00am
8:00 Minyan 8:00am
Sephardi 8:00am
Morning Services 8:45am
Youth Minyan 9:15am
Yizkor Not before: 10:30am
Mincha – Sephardi 6:30pm
followed by Maariv
Mincha 6:40pm

Thursday September 30
Light Candles after 7:32pm
Maariv 7:25pm
Hakafos 7:45pm
Youth Department Family Celebration in Arcola Social Hall

Friday October 1
Hashkamah Minyan 6:45am
Sephardi 7:30am
Arcola 8:30am
University 8:45am
There is no Nussach Sefard, 8:00 or Youth Minyan on Simchas Torah.

Light Candles 6:32pm
Mincha – Sephardi 6:30pm
Mincha 6:35pm
Saturday October 2
Regular Shabbos Morning Schedule
Early Mincha Arcola 2:30pm
Mincha – Sephardi 6:15pm
Mincha 6:30pm
Shabbos Ends 7:29pm

Halachic Times – September 26 – October 2
Talis & Tefilin (Earliest) 6:13am Krias Sh`ma (Latest) 9:59am Mincha (Earliest) 1:30pm


Donna & Geoffrey Rosenbloom on the birth of a granddaughter, Kayla Rivka, born to Malkie & Josh Rosenbloom of Detroit. Mazal Tov to the great-grandparents and to Kayla's siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Sarabeth & Jonathan Lefman on the birth earlier this week of a daughter.


Jeffrey Augenbaum on the passing of his mother, Doris Augenbaum. The funeral took place Sunday in Forest Hills, NY. Shiva was observed before Succos at the Augenbaum residence in Kew Gardens Hills.


Beis Medrash Zichron Gedaliah Community Tuesday Night Learning for Men – in the YISE small Social Hall. Learning 8-9pm, followed by Maariv and light refreshments. Five shiurim & chavrusas. Contact Rabbi Eli Reingold, 301-996-5910, or R' Moshe Haim Blate, 404-273-3392 for details.

Rabbi Zev Katz's Wednesday morning YISE Chumash class resumes Wednesday, Oct. 6.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan`s Wednesday evening Advanced Men`s Gemara shiur, previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z”l, which follows Maariv at University Blvd., will resume October 6.

Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Sunday night shiur for men in Mishna Brurah meets at his home. For more information contact

Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Wednesday night Women`s shiur will resume meeting after Succos, Oct. 6, on the small side of the Arcola Social Hall.


Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at the 8AM and 8:45 AM Minyan Thursday and Friday morning Succos.

Rabbi Barry Greengart will speak at University Boulevard Thursday morning Succos.

Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at University Boulevard on Shabbos.

R` Moshe Haim Blate will speak between Mincha and Maariv at University this Shabbos.

Rabbi Reingold will speak between Mincha and Maariv at Arcola this Shabbos.

Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Musaf.

Rabbi William Millen – Gemara Shiur, Mesechet Chagigah, will not meet this Shabbos.

Rabbi Amram Hes – Parsha shiur will meet this Shabbos 30 minutes before Mincha.


Sisterhood Spa Day Wait List – Thanks to an overwhelming response, YISE Sisterhood's Day at the Spa event, scheduled for Oct. 24, is sold out! A wait list has been created for anyone still interested in the event. To be put on the waiting list contact Aliza Chlewicki at Those who have registered will be receiving information, including directions, schedule of spa services, and spa 'ground rules,' before Sept. 30. Event sponsors are still needed and will be listed in the program. Sponsorships will be put towards sponsoring a deserving woman's day at the spa and will also help defray Sisterhood`s subsidy costs. Sponsorships should be sent to Hedy Bauman, 1131 University Blvd. W., #610, Silver Spring, MD 20902

The YISE High Holiday Committee thanks the following people for helping set up at the Arcola building: Steve Friedman, Merav Friedman, Matan Friedman, Fred Glogower, Louis Morris, Adam Blitzstein, Ken Saks, Max Rudmann, Stuart Cohen. The Committee also thanks these people for helping reset the Arcola Building Motzei Yom Kippur: Stuart Cohen, Avi Ginsburg, Daniel Ginsburg, Elazar Ginsburg, Naftali Ginsburg, Yale Ginsburg, Mordechai Litwack, David Marwick, Chaim Shulman, Helen Shulman, Amichai Yavlovich, Eli Yavlovich.

YISE Nursery presents Mommy and Me with Morah Adeena Hadar. Thirteen Thursdays at 10:30am – beginning on October 7 at the Nursery building. $125. Call Lianne Heller at 301-593-7365 or e-mail to register.

Thank You, Succah builders! YISE would like to publicly acknowledge and thank the volunteers who assembled the Shul`s Succah: Stuart Cohen, Avi Kotek, Ira Thompson, Eli Landy, Milton Kahn, Moshe Kasser.


The Youth Minyan will meet on the first three days of Succos.

Groups for children ages 2-5 will meet this Shabbos. There will be groups over the 1st days of Sukkos, Thursday, Friday and Shabbos. The kids will be having their snack in the Sukkah, so all parents should pick up their children in the Sukkah.

Simchas Torah! The YISE Youth department invites the entire community to our annual Simchas Torah Extravaganza, which will take place on Thursday evening, September 30, beginning with Maariv at 7:25 pm and exciting festivities to follow. Join us for the celebration with dancing, lots of delicious sweets, and a fleshig Kiddush. To sponsor this program or for more information, please email

Sukkah Hop! All parents and children in Pre-K through 6th Grade are encouraged to join us for this year`s exciting Sukkah Hop! Please join us on Shabbos Chol Hamoed, September 25, at 4:00 pm at the YISE Arcola Sukkah to begin our journey. Come ready for delicious treats and lots of fun!

Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Shiur for 6th-8th grade boys will meet one hour before Mincha on Shabbos.


Mazal Tov to Avital & Avi Grunhaus, former Kemp Mill residents, on the birth of a daughter, Tamar.

Mazal Tov to Rivka & Ami Schreiber on the birth of a new son. The bris will be at the Schreiber residence, 11735 Lovejoy Street, after davening this Friday (second day of Sukkot).

Women's Daytime Tehillim Group – 2pm-3pm, Tuesdays. For information contact Arleeta Lerner, 301-649-0552.

Women's Tehillim for Shidduchim group will meet at SEHC at 7:00 pm. on Sunday evenings. All women are invited to attend.

Have your Mezuzos checked now in accordance with Jewish custom, twice in seven years. The cost is 8 dollars per Mezuza check. Call to schedule an appointment. Leave a message for Rabbi Levy at 240-423-8810, or

Packages for Soldiers! High Holiday packages are being sent to Jewish soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sponsor a package for $36; each package includes challahs, grape juice, kosher food, and more. For more information, contact Cori Oxman (

Workshops on Social Media Job Tools – JSSA has organized three free presentations to develop skills in the use of social media by LinkedIn expert Jason Alba, as follows: (1) 11810 Falls Road, Potomac: Mon. Sept. 27 (7-9 pm) and Tues., Sept. 28, 9-3 pm and (2) 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, Wed., Sept. 29, 9-3 pm. Register early at or call 301-610-8419.

Sustainability Circle – A group of local community members are gathering monthly for a “Sustainability Circle,” an ongoing discussion of environmental issues and potential environmental actions, within the context of Jewish tradition. Each session focuses on a specific environmental theme, and includes a Torah teaching and a presentation of suggested environmental actions on that topic. The group now includes adults from KMS, YISE, Chabad, the SSJC, and the Yeshiva. The next session, “reducing waste,” is Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 8 pm. To learn more and to receive regular emails about the Sustainability Circle, contact Ellen Haber at

Saving for and Spending in Retirement – Bikur Cholim's Eldercare Project's next session, on Sun, Oct. 17, 9:30-11:30 am, at KMS, will feature Steven Goldberg on financial planning, investments (including pensions, 401(k)s, IRAs, annuities), asset allocation, and software programs for preserving your nest egg. Reverse mortgages will also be discussed.

Helpline for addictions – Do you or someone you love, have a problem with any type of addiction? If so call 866- zehayom for confidential help geared towards the frum community. For more information go to, which is sponsored by the Yehuda Mond Foundation.

Gemachs – Visit to find out about area gemachs, where you can donate or borrow items, ranging from bicycles and children equipment to simcha clothes.

Free jobsearch bootcamps – These popular, monthly bootcamps, run by JSSA are "sold out" every month. Kickstart your jobsearch and learn about about the hidden job market, networking, effective resumes, and interviewing. Limited openings, so pre-registration is required, 301-610-8380. Next open sessions are on Sept. 28 and 29.

Tomchei Shabbos – Do you know individuals or families who can't afford to buy food for Shabbos or Yom Tov? The Yehuda Mond Foundation will arrange local food deliveries in a confidential manner. Please contact Rabbi Moshe Arzouan if you know anyone who could benefit from this service. For more information on the Foundation, and how to provide much-needed tax-deductible support to this project, visit

Yom Tov Appeal – The Franco Foundation is an important part of our own community's safety net for individuals and families unable to face emergencies and pay for basic needs. Please send your generous tax-deductible donation to the Franco Foundation c/o Allan Franco, 613 Bromley St., Silver Spring 20902. You can also refer cases to

Community programs are listed as space is available, at the discretion of the YISE staff. Non-YISE programs may appear more than once, but there are no guarantees. Submissions are subject to editing for space or stylistic requirements.


Please remember the Shul rents parking spaces from Parkland Pool, behind the Shul building. Members should not park in the Shopping Center lot unless shopping there. Also, please be careful when crossing the street to the Shul. Traffic in and out of the Shopping Center, both on Lamberton and Arcola, can be heavy at times. Proceed with caution! Finally, when parking in the Pool lot behind the Shul, do not block in the large moving vans parked there. They rent that space and can have your car towed away if you block them in.