Shavuos Fun and Games
Dear YISE,
I hope you are all healthy and in good spirits!
I miss coming to shul each shabbos and seeing the childrenâ's shining faces in youth groups followed by the joyous chatter of adults at kiddush.
As we approach Shavuos and the giving of the Torah, I daven that we will all be reunited "like one man and one heart" real soon!
I have put together some fun games for kids and adults to enjoy while staying home this Yom Tov.
Download the following (all PDFs):
Shavuos memory cards
Shavuos finder
Shavuos Yoga cards
Shavuos Pictionary
What doesn't belong- Shavuos game
Shavuos dominoes
Shavuos bingo
Matan Torah puzzle
Aseres Hadibros scavenger hunt
Aseres Hadibros scavenger hunt Checklist
Spring Bingo
Wishing you all a meaningful and joyous Shavuos!
Michal Merkin, YISE Youth Groups Coordinator