Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach – April 22-23, 2011

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YISE Shabbos Shorts

Shabbos, April 22-23, 2011

Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach 19 Nisan, 5771

Earliest Candle Lighting 6:28pm Latest Candle Lighting 7:34pm

Friday Mincha (Plag) – Arcola 6:15pm

Friday Mincha 2 – Arcola Social Hall 7:00pm

Friday Mincha – University 7:15pm

Friday Mincha – Arcola 7:35pm

Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 7:00pm

Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at University Blvd.

There are no Kiddushes this Shabbos.

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 5:00pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 7:15pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 7:30pm

Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 7:30pm

Shabbos Ends 8:36pm


Marvin, Bill & Ruthie Konick on the birth of great grand-daughter and granddaughter Rena Shaine. Parents are Ayelet & Yosef Konick of Israel. Mazal tov also to big brother Akiva Yonah and the Arzouan, Seidemann & Sperling families.

Janet & Avi Litwack on the birth of Rachel Adina.


Rena Fruchter & family on the passing of her mother, Leah Troy. The funeral took place last Sunday. Shiva was completed with the beginning of Yom Tom.

Elizabeth Kruger & family on the passing of her father, Jack Robinson. The funeral took place on Thursday. Shiva will be observed at the Heckelman home, 11505 Daffodil Lane, from Tuesday evening April 26 through Monday morning May 2. Services: 8:45pm Tuesday/Saturday evenings and 8pm Wednes./Thurs./Sunday evenings. The family requests visitors between 10am and 12 noon, between 2pm and 5pm and after 7pm.

Save the Date – Sunday, May 1 – Annual YISE/KMS Yom HaShoah V'Hagvurah Commemoration, 7:30pm, at YISE, featuring speaker David Bayer. Grade 5 and older encouraged to attend. Mincha 7:10pm; Maariv to follow program

Tanach Project in Commemoration of 1st Yahrzeit of Rav Anemer, zt"l – For those participating in the project, please remember to complete your section(s) by May 4, which is in less than 2 weeks. A special Seudat Shlishit is being planned for Shabbos, May 7.


Post-Pesach Pizza Raffle! Enter for a chance to win the first pizza out of Ben Yehuda's oven after Pesach and help the YISE Youth Department. Tickets are $10 each, or two for $18. To purchase tickets, email

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Shiur for 6th-8th grade boys will not meet this Shabbos.

WEEKDAY SHIURIM will resume after Pesach

Talmud Yoma – Shiur Monday through Thursday, small Beis Medrash, 11am- Noon.

Beis Medrash Zichron Gedaliah Community Tuesday Night Learning for Men – The Learning program is on Pesach break. It will resume Tuesday, May 3.

Rabbi Zev Katz's Wednesday morning Chumash class, previously taught by

Rabbi Anemer, z"l, will resume on May 4.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Wednesday evening Advanced Men's Gemara shiur, previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, after Mincha/Maariv at University Blvd.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara shiur for men, Tuesday and Friday mornings, Arcola Social Hall, 6:00-6:45am.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Sunday night shiur for men in Mishna Brurah meets at his home. For more information contact

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Wednesday night Women's shiur 8pm, Small Beis Medrash. The Greater Washington Community Kollel Linas Hatzedek will meet this Sunday with the continuing topic of Hachnasas Orchim. The program is presented jointly with the YISE Adult Education Committee Sunday mornings, 9:30am, following 8:45am Shacharis.

Gemara Basics – The Greater Washington Community Kollel's weekly Yesodei HaTorah shiur for men will resume Thursday, May 5, 8-9pm, in the large Social Hall.


R' Pinchas Werner – 8:15am Shiur, youth room behind the balcony. All are welcome.

Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Musaf.

Rabbi William Millen – Gemara Shiur, resumes this Shabbos 1 hour before Mincha.

Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Shiur on Halacha 1 hour before Sephardi Mincha.

Rabbi Tzvi Klugerman -Shiur between Mincha/Maariv at Arcola

Rabbi Amram Hes – Parsha shiur will not meet this week.

Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur 9am, upstairs behind the women's balcony.

Save the Date, May 14 for a Women's Seudah Shlishit – Join in a Seudah Shlishit honoring all women Shabbos afternoon, May 14, 4- 6pm in the YISE Arcola Social Hall. Attendees will enjoy a "make-your-own wrap" bar and a variety of chocolate desserts while socializing with other women from the community. In the spirit of Mother's Day (May 8), bring and share your favorite Mother's Day memories as we together explore the silly and serious sides of being a daughter, a sister, a mother, and/or a grandmother. More details to follow! All women are welcome and encouraged to attend! (But we request no children under 12). Sponsorships are welcome at $18 (or more). Checks should be made out to "YISE Sisterhood," and sent, preferably in advance of the seudah so we are able to formally thank you at the event, to Hedy Bauman (Treasurer), 1131 University Blvd. W. #610, Silver Spring, MD, 20902. For more information, contact Aliza Chlewicki at


Looking for a job? Come join the Job Club, Thursday nights at 7:30 pm in YISE's small Social Hall. Benefit from networking with fellow participants, practice your "elevator speech," and more. For information, contact Richard Dine,, or Cheryl Jacobson,

Online Computer Classes – Quickbooks for Beginners starts May 2; Dreamweaver for Beginners starts May 9. For more info and to register, visit

Chazzan Cantor Motzen and choir – A unique and special Shabbos davening program at KMS April 29 &30, led by by world renowned Chazzan Cantor Yaakov Motzen and choir.

Israel Turns 63! Torah Mitzion Kollel, Bnot Sherut and Bnei Akiva proudly present Israel Turns 63! Come and celebrate Israel's 63rd birthday! Yom Hazikaron Tekes and Yom Ha'atzmaut ceremony. Yom Ha'Atzmaut Chagiga.

Live music and Israeli food. Monday, May 9, 2011 ~ 5 Iyar 5771. 7:00 pm – Mincha ~ 7:15 – Main Ceremony. Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy, Sylvia S. Ely Auditorium, 13300 Arctic Avenue, Rockville, MD. Sponsored in loving memory of Mordechai and Feiga Leah Berkovic and family and Berle Weinberger and family by Malka Weinberger.

Federal Jobs workshop – A workshop presented by Joe O'Hare, Montgomery College, on Thursday, May 12, 7:30-9pm, at KMS. Sponsored by the Kemp Mill Employment Assistance Initiative. To reserve a seat and a copy of the handout, contact For other job-related assistance, contact Avi Zemelman at

The Greater Washington Community Kollel wishes everyone a Chag Kosher V'sameach. The Linas Hatzedek & Yesodei Hatorah programs will resume after Pesach.

Free jobsearch bootcamps – Kickstart your jobsearch at these popular, monthly, sold-out bootcamps, run by JSSA. Learn about about the hidden job market, networking, effective resumes, and interviewing. Limited openings, so pre-registration required, 301/610-8380. Next sessions available are in : May 4-5 (Fairfax,VA) and June 1-2 (Rockville), from 9 am – 4 pm.

MJBHA Save the Date! Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy's 67th Anniversary Celebration, Thursday, June 2, 2011, 29 Iyar 5771, 6:30 pm, Beth Sholom Congregation, Potomac, MD. Honoring: Michele and David Klein – Community Service Award, Marcelle Chalom – MJBHA Staff Award. Debbie & Sam Charnoff and Janet & Mark Zuckerman – Dinner Chairs. Deborah and Josh Wilbur – Journal Chairs. To place a reservation or an ad, visit For more information, contact Jennifer Zukerman at or 301-962-9400, x5183.

April 22

Light Candles 7:34 PM

Mincha Univ. Blvd . 7:15 PM

Mincha Nusach Sefard 7:00 PM

Mincha Sephardi 7:00 PM

Mincha Arcola 6:15 PM/7:00 PM/7:35 PM

April 23

Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard 7:00 AM

8:00am 8:00 AM

Sephardi 8:15 AM

Univ. Blvd. & Arcola Main Minyan 8:45 AM

Youth Minyan 9:15 AM

Early Shabbos Mincha 5:00 PM

Mincha Nusach Sefard 7:30 PM

Mincha Sephardi 7:15 PM

Mincha Univ. Blvd. & Arcola 7:30 PM

Shabbos Ends 8:36 PM

April 24 Shacharis Univ. Blvd. 8:00 AM

Shacharis Arcola 6:30 AM/7:30 AM/8:45 AM

Shacharit Sephardi 7:30 AM

Light Candles 7:36 PM

Mincha Univ. Blvd. 7:15 PM

Mincha Nusach Sefard 7:00 PM

Mincha Sephardi 7:00 PM

Mincha Arcola 6:15 PM/7:00 PM/7:40 PM

April 25

Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard 7:00 AM

8:00am 8:00 AM

Sephardi 8:15 AM

Univ. Blvd. & Arcola Main Minyan 8:45 AM

Youth Minyan 9:15 AM

Mincha 7:40 PM

Maariv 8:05 PM

Light Candles after 8:38 PM

April 26

Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard 7:00 AM

8:00am 8:00 AM

Sephardi 8:15 AM

Univ. Blvd. & Arcola Main Minyan 8:45 AM

Yizkor no earlier than 10:00 AM

Youth Minyan 9:15 AM

Mincha/Maariv 7:40 PM

Yom Tov Ends 8:39 PM

Chometz which was sold for Pesach may be used after 9:45pm


Sunday, May 1 – Annual YISE/KMS Yom HaShoah V'Hagvurah Commemoration, 7:30pm, YISE, featuring speaker David Bayer

Thursday, May 5 – The Hakamas Matzeivah for Rabbi Anemer, zt"l, will be in Eretz Yisrael Thursday, May 5, 11am, at Har Hamenuchos, Chelkas Harabbanim.

Shabbos, May 7 – Seudah Shlishis marking the culmination of the learning in memory of the Rav, zt"l.

Shabbos, May 14 – Mother's Day Seudah Shlishit honoring all women, sponsored by YISE Sisterhood, 4-6pm, Social Hall

Sunday, May 15, 2:00 pm – Commemorative Yahrzeit Event for Rabbi Anemer, zt"l,, co-sponsored by YISE and YGW in memory of the Rav, zt"l (to be held at YISE).

Davening Times Week of April 24 – April 30, 2011

MORNING SERVICES (April 24 – April 30)

Univ. Arcola Sephardi (korbanot)

Sunday – Tuesday – See Pesach Times insert

Wednesday/Friday 6:30am 6:557:35/8:30am 6:15am "

Thursday 6:15am 6:45/7:35/8:30am 6:05am "

Shabbos 8:45am 7:00/7:00*/8:00/8:45am 8:15am "

* Nusach Sefard Minyan

AFTERNOON SERVICES Mincha-Maariv (April 27-28)

Wednesday-Thursday – Arcola & University 7:45pm

HALACHIC TIMES (April 24 – April 30)

Talis & Tefillin 5:23am

Krias Sh'ma 9:38am

Mincha (Earliest) 1:41pm

Next Shabbos , April 29-30, 2011

Parashas Kedoshim 26 Nisan, 5771

Earliest Candle Lighting 6:33pm Light Candles 7:40pm

Friday Mincha (Plag) – Arcola 6:20pm

Friday Mincha 2 – Arcola Social Hall 7:00pm

Friday Mincha – University 7:15pm

Friday Mincha – Arcola 7:40pm

Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 7:00pm

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 5:00pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 7:20pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 7:35pm

Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 7:35pm

Shabbos Ends 8:43pm

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, April 27, at 12 Noon.

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail: Web Site:

Office Hours: Closed Monday, April 25- Tuesday, April 26 for Pesach

Open Wednesday-Thursday, 9am-5pm, Friday 9am – 2pm

Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, z"l Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum

David Mazel – President Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director