Click here to download a PDF of the following instructions.
- Since we are only allowed a limited number at each minyan, it is essential that all individuals who plan on davening at a weekday shacharis minyan from Sunday, September 13 through Sunday, September 27 be present from the beginning of the minyan, which will be selichos. If individuals daven selichos elsewhere and then come just for shacharis, it is very possible that there will not be a minyan for selichos.
- Due to the logistical challenge related above, we will not have a motzai shabbos selichos Saturday night, Sept. 12. Rather, all shacharis minyanim on Sunday the 13th will begin with selichos.
- Those attending a shacharis minyan during the selichos period should say the morning brachos and korbanos at home.
- We will have selichos available at each minyan. Each minyan will have its own set of selichos, and the selichos will not be taken from minyan to minyan. We have been advised that the full day between uses will not create a germ concern from one user to the next.
- Selichos will begin as normal through the first recital of the 13 Attributes of Mercy (Hashem, Hashem Kel…) and that which is said after, concluding with verav chesed lechol korecha. For example, if using the Rosenfeld selichos on the first day, one would begin on page 2 and proceed straight through to "verav chesed lechol korecha" on page 7.
- We will then skip the pesicha, going to the first elokainu vailokai avosenu prefaced tefillah, proceeding through verav chesed lechol korecha. Using the Rosenfeld selichos on the first day one would skip to the beginning of page 8 and proceed straight through to "verav chesed lechol korecha" on page 9.
- We will then skip to the pizmon (the section said stanza by stanza responsively) and proceed as normal for that day to the end of selichos. Using the Rosenfeld selichos on the first day one would skip to page 13 and
proceed with the rest of selichos normally. - Attendees should not daven pesukei dezimrah at home. We will daven an abridged pesukei dezimrah at this point. We will give people time to put on tallis and tefillin, and then the chazzan will lead in baruch she’amar, ashrai, the hallelukahs, and then proceed as normal with yishtabach.
- We will follow this format for selichos on the days before Rosh Hashanah as well as the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
- People may say the sections of selichos (see following notes for what should not be said when davening alone) and pesukei dezimrah on their own later in the day, but are not obligated to do so.
The 13 Attributes of Mercy (Hashem, Hashem, Kel…) are not said. The paragraphs of Kel Erech Apayim Atta and Kel Melech Yoshev are both introductions to the Attributes, and should be omitted as well.
The Aramaic sections near the end, Rachmana de’anai, Machai Umasai, and Maran Diy Veshmaya, should all be omitted.
Everything else should be said as normal.
Unfortunately, YISE is not in a position to lend out selichos booklets to those who want to recite them at home. The text of selichos may be accessed online at:
Avinu Malkenu is said shacharis and mincha during the Ten Days of Repentance and may also be said at home.