Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Schedule
Minyan locations are listed as B = Belonofsky Sanctuary, S = Social Hall. All Sephardi Minyanim take place in the Beit Medrash.
Monday September 6
* Light Candles 7:12 PM
* Mincha (Sephardi) 7:10 PM
* Mincha (B, S) 7:15 PM
Tuesday September 7
* Shacharis (B, S) 7:30 AM
* Sephardi 7:45 AM
* Shofar – Ashkenazi 10:00 AM
* Mincha (B, S), followed by Tashlich 6:30 PM
* Mincha (Sephardi), followed by Tashlich and Maariv 6:40 PM
* Maariv (B, S) 8:00 PM
* Light Candles/Kiddush after 8:10 PM
Wednesday September 8
* Shacharis (B, S) 7:30 AM
* Sephardi 7:45 AM
* Shofar – Ashkenazi 10:00 AM
* Mincha (B, S, Sephardi) 7:05 PM
* Maariv/Yom Tov ends 8:08 PM
Shofar will be blown again on Tuesday & Wednesday in the Belonofsky Sanctuary at 4:45 PM.
Rosh Hashanah Drasha Sponsors
* Belonofsky Sanctuary sponsored by Simi & Sammy Franco in gratitude to Rafi Katz and Judah Lifschitz for their inspiring and beautiful Shacharis and Musaf Davening.
* Social Hall sponsored anonymously as a Zechus for a Refuah Sheleimah for Ephraim Avraham ben Rachel.
Kemp Mill Outdoor Shofar Blowing 5782
The shofar will be sounded at the following outdoor locations of each day of Rosh Hashanah, Tuesday, September 7 and Wednesday, September 8:
* Chabad of Silver Spring, 519 Lamberton Drive – 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00
* Kemp Mill Synagogue, 11910 Kemp Mill Road – 6:30
* Yeshiva of Greater Washington, 1216 Arcola Avenue – 4:00
* Cosgrave Court – 5:00
* Spring Mill MCPS Building, corner of Kemp Mill Road and Fulham Street – 5:30
* North Belgrade Court – 4:45
* University Towers (grass field by pool, Warwick side) – 5:00
As endorsed by area Rabbis, 30 shofar blasts will be sounded.
We will blow shofar in light rain but will cancel in case of dangerous weather (lightning, strong winds). Note that shofar blowing at the KMS and Chabad locations will be under cover.
As these sessions could result in a number of people congregating in a relatively small area, mask wearing is encouraged.