11th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Anemer
Please join YISE as we mark the 11th Yahrzeit of Morenu Harav Gedaliah Anemer, ZT"L, on the second day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Tuesday, April 13, at 1:00pm on Zoom.
Mishnayos will be learnt and brief words of memory shared. Click here for Mishnayos pages with translation.
Those interested in sponsoring can contact Simi Franco at office@yise.org.
Zoom details:
Direct link:
Meeting ID: 416 963 9000
Passcode: 492019
Phone: 301-715-8592
Young Israel Shomrai Emunah of Greater Washington
Commemoration of the Tenth Yahrzeit of
Rav Gedaliah Anemer zt"l
Sunday April 26, 2020
11:00 AM
Reflections on the impact of Rav Anemer on our community and our lives
David Hornestay
Barbara Price
Debbie Katz
Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg
Moderated by Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum