Pesach – April 22-30, 2016
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Young Israel Shomrai Emunah – Pesach Program
April 22-30, 2016 – 15-22 Nissan 5776 – Pesach
The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored this week by Joey Franco – Mortgage Banker – 301-529-5387.
Mazal Tov
* Shirlee & Steven Franco on the engagement of their son, Nathan, to Batya Sadek of Teaneck, daughter of Etty Cymet and David Sadek. Mabrouk to grandparents, Dottie & Nathan Franco, siblings Luna & Yaakov, Paulette and Darielle, and nieces Eliana and Shirlee.
* Ellen & Larry Korb on the birth of a grandson, David Dylan (David Doron), born to Courtney & Joel Korb.
* Linda & Ed Zurndorfer on the birth of a granddaughter, Tzofiya Esther, to their children Shira & Sruli Stein of Ma'ale Adumim. Mazal Tov to big sister, Hodaya Chana, and to the extended family.
* Arnold Schwartz and Don Schwartz on the passing of their mother, Nora Schwartz. The funeral took place on Wednesday in New York. Shiva was completed before Pesach.
Pesach Schedule
Erev Pesach, Friday, April 22:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 6:15, 6:40, 7:35 Sephardi: 6:15, 7:15
(Each Minyan will be followed by a Siyum)
* Finish eating Chometz by 10:22 AM
* Recite Kol Chamira by 11:45 AM
* Light Candles by 7:34
* Mincha:
Arcola: 7:35 University: 7:35 Sephardi: 7:35 Nusach Sefard: 7:35
* Begin Seder after 8:35
First Day Pesach, Shabbos, April 23:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 7:00, 8:45 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 8:15 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
The 8:00 and 9:15 Minyanim will not meet.
* Divrei Torah:
* 8:45 Main Minyan – Rabbi Rosenbaum
* University – Rabbi Barry Greengart
* Mincha/Maariv:
Arcola: 2:30, 5:00, 7:30 University: 7:30 Sephardi: 7:30 Nusach Sefard: 7:30
* Light Candles and begin Seder after 8:37
(No preparations may be done before this time.)
Second Day Pesach, Sunday, April 24:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 7:00, 8:45 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 8:15 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
The 8:00 and 9:15 Minyanim will not meet.
* Dvar Torah:
* Sephardi – Rabbi Rosenbaum
* Mincha:
Arcola: 7:35 University: 7:35 Sephardi: 7:35 Nusach Sefard: 7:35
* Shiur:
* Univesity – Rabbi Rosenbaum
* Arcola – Rabbi Dovid Katzenstein
* Maariv/Havdalah: 8:38
Chol Hamoed Pesach, Mon. -Wed., April 25-27:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 6:10, 6:30, 7:35, 8:45 Sephardi: 7:15
* Mincha/Maariv: 7:45
Chol Hamoed Pesach, Thursday, April 28:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 6:10, 6:30, 7:35, 8:45 Sephardi: 7:15
* Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin.
* Light Candles by 7:40, and not before 6:33
* Mincha:
Arcola: 6:40, 7:40 University: 7:15 Sephardi: 7:00 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
Seventh Day Pesach, Friday, April 29:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 8:15 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
The 9:15 Minyan will not meet.
* Divrei Torah:
* 8:00 and Youth – Rabbi Rosenbaum
* 8:45 Main Minyan – Rabbi Amram Hes
* Light Candles by 7:41, and not before 6:33
* Mincha:
Arcola: 6:45, 7:45 University: 7:15 Sephardi: 7:00 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
Eighth Day Pesach, Shabbos, April 30:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 6:45, 8:00, 8:45 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 8:15 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
The 9:15 Minyan will not meet.
* Yizkor – not before 10:30
* Dvar Torah:
* 8:45 Main Minyan – Rabbi Rosenbaum
* 8:00 – Rabbi Yehuda Shinensky
* University – Rabbi Barry Greengart
* Mincha:
Arcola: 2:30, 5:00, 7:40 University: 7:40 Sephardi: 7:40 Nusach Sefard: 7:40
* Shiur:
* Arcola – Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg
* University – Rabbi Barry Greengart
* Maariv/Havdalah: 8:44
* Chometz which was sold for Pesach may be used after 9:45.
YISE Programs and Listings
"Have Faith!" Easier Said Than Done – The YISE Meaningful Tefilah Project presents a Shabbaton on Emunah with Rabbi Motty Berger from Aish HaTorah on May 6 and 7 (the Shabbos after Pesach). Inspirational Davening, Drashot and discussion. Spiritual Shalosh Seudos (by reservation; $8/person). For details or to volunteer, contact or 301-980-9557. To sponsor or to reserve places for Seudah, send check payable to YISE (marked "Shabbaton sponsor" and/or "Seudah") to Shul office.
Annual Yom HaShoah V'Hagvurah Program – Mr. Manny Mandel will recount the story of his traumatic escape from wartime Hungary with his mother. Monday, May 9 at 7:45 PM at KMS. Mincha will precede the program at 7:20 PM. Children grades 5 and above are encouraged to attend the program with their parents. Sign language interpreter will be available upon request.
Become a Better Ba'al Tefilah – Learn to lead Yom Tov Shacharis and Mussaf with Rabbi Ozzie Burnham, Wednesday, May 11, 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM., in the Belonofsky Sanctuary. Part of the YISE Meaningful Tefilah Project. For more info, contact
The Sixth Annual Siyum Tanach in Memory of Rav Anemer ZT"L – The Siyum will be held at a Shalosh Seudos on Shabbos, May 14, Parshas Kedoshim. Nearly all of the sections have been claimed – there are three weeks to go. To register for one of the last sections visit or contact Bob Levi at 301-593-2399. Please help defray the cost of this community-wide event by being a sponsor. (Suggested contribution $36.) To sponsor: contact the YISE office at 301-593-4465 ext. 403 or
Tefilah: Your Personal Stairway to Heaven – A new class from the YISE Meaningful Tefilah Project, developed and taught by Mrs. Sharon Freundel, based on Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs. Enhance your path toward Hashem through deeper knowledge of prayer and human psychology. Tuesdays, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, starting May 17, at the Rosenthal home, 1220 Arcola Avenue. Please bring a Siddur. Free. Open to men and women. RSVP requested, but not required, to: or 301-980-9557.
Shomrim Program for YISE Security – The YISE Security Committee continues to review possible threats and guidance and to issue security recommendations to the board. YISE recently hired an off-duty police officer to be present on Shabbos morning and to make periodic patrols on Friday nights and during Shabbos mincha. In order to stay vigilant in the current global security environment, YISE will be implementing a Shomrim program on Friday night, Shabbos morning and holidays in order to augment our hired police presence. YISE is seeking committed volunteers to become Shomrim members and team leaders. Please contact if you are interested in volunteering. To volunteer visit
The YISE Shomrai Nursery School is looking for prizes for our Annual PTA Lag B'Omer Raffle! Our raffle raises money for school improvements, teacher appreciation, and school activities. Please consider having your business donate a service or product. Your business will get advertising on our announcements. Or feel free to donate in honor of or in memory of someone. Items we are looking for: gift certificates, baby gear, electronics, outings/kid activities, gift certificates to restaurants, toys, kitchen gadgets, etc. Please contact Emily at
Follow-Up Meeting with the US Post Office – Congressman Van Hollen's office will be hosting a follow-up community meeting with the U.S. Postal Service on Wednesday, May 18 from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM in the YISE Social Hall. For questions, please contact Melissa Joseph at or at (202) 594-6502.
Shomrai Nursery Registration for 2016-2017 is now OPEN! Our Torah based preschool program is open from 7:30 AM until 6:00 PM. Program lengths vary according to parents' and child's needs. Tours of the school are by appointment only. Call 301-593-7365 or email for inquiries.
Camp Shomrai is back! Camp Shomrai is back for another great summer for ages 2-5! For inquiries, please contact Sarah Dollman at
The Rachel Bassan Horwitz Fund is used for medical needs in our area, elsewhere in the US, and in Israel. Thousands of dollars have been distributed to individuals requiring assistance. Our funds are depleting and in order to continue this much needed medical fund your financial help is needed! Tax deductible contributions may be made payable to: YISE Charity SPECIAL Fund, c/o Norma Burdett, 11720 Lovejoy St., Silver Spring, MD 20902. Earmark: Bassan Fund. For more information: Norma Burdett, 301-593-5964 or Pearl Bassan, 301-649-3137.
Shiurim from Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, ZT"L, are available at
YISE Youth Announcements
The Youth Minyan will meet all the Yom Tov days of Pesach at 9:15 AM sharp. On the first two days of Pesach, the Youth Minyan will meet in the Large Social Hall. On the last two days of Pesach, will meet in the Small Social Hall.
Groups will NOT meet on the 1st and 2nd days of Pesach. Please join us on the 7th and 8th days of Pesach for groups: 2-5 year-olds meet in the youth room behind the balcony; Girls 1st-4th grade gather in the main lobby and Boys 1st-4th grade gather outside the Social Hall and walk to the Yeshiva. Early care for 2-5 year-olds runs from 9:30-10:00. Groups for all ages run 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM. On the 8th day of Pesach, groups will run until 11:30 AM (for Yizkor). Please pick up child(ren) promptly.
Second Annual Lag B'Omer Event at the Adventure Park at Sandy Spring – Join YISE Youth on Thursday, May 26 from 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM. Whether you went last year and want to do it again, or if this is your first time, don't miss out on this opportunity to register for a great experience! Cost is $36 per person. Children 5-6 years old are free with a paying adult (1:1). DEADLINE EXTENDED! All checks must be submitted to the Shul office by Monday, May 2. For more information, contact
Weekday Shiurim
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mussar Study Group for Women (spiritual selfimprovement), Sundays at 9:30 AM, in the room behind the Balcony – will resume May 8.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara Shiur for Men, Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:00 AM – 6:45 AM, in the room behind the Balcony – will resume May 3.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Halacha Chabura for Men, Tuesday evenings. For more details, please contact – will resume May 3.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Nach Shiur, Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, in the small Beis Medrash – will resume May 4.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Chumash Shiur for Women, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM, in the small Beis Medrash – will resume May 18.
* Rabbi Silver's Parsha Shiur for Men and Women. A mix of Halacha and Aggada. Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM. For moredetails, please contact – will resume May 10.
* GWCK Sunday Kollel Brunch and Learn for Men – Sunday mornings. Bagel brunch at 9:30 AM followed by classes from 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM – program will resume May 8.
* Rabbi Levy's Amud Yomi Shiur, Sunday 6:25 AM- 7:25 AM and Monday through Friday 6:25 AM – 7:10 AM in the Beis Medrash.
* The Golden Network's Torah Hour with breakfast and learning, Tuesday mornings following the 8:30 Shacharis, in the Arcola Social Hall. Open to men and women. For more information 301-732-1773 or – will resume May 3.
* Bais Medrash Zichron Gedaliah – Tuesdays at 8:00 PM in the Social Hall; Maariv to follow – will resume after Pesach.
* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Advanced Gemara Shiur for Men, Wednesdays at University – will resume after Pesach.
* GWCK Yesodei Hatorah, a skills-building program designed to foster Gemara proficiency, Thursdays following Mincha/Maariv in the small Social Hall – will resume May 5.
Community Programs and Listings
Daf Yomi meets in the Yeshiva Beis Medrash – Sunday at 6:30 AM, Monday through Thursday at 9:00 PM, and Shabbos 1-1/2 hours before regular Mincha.
Dirshu Daf Yomi B'Halacha on Hilchos Tefillah, learn Mishna Brurah with Rabbi Eli Reingold, Monday – Thursday, 8:00 PM – 8:45 PM at YGW. For information contact him at 301-996-5910 or
Tehillim – Wednesday mornings – will resume after Pesach.
Kemp Mill Pirchei – will resume the Shabbos after Pesach.
Chol Hamoed Pesach Learning – Join YGW – Tiferes Gedaliah each morning. Shacharis daily at 7:30 AM, breakfast (non-Gebrokts) in cafeteria 9:00 AM. Learning in the Foxman Bais Medrash: Chavrusa learning until 10:30 AM; Shiur until 11:00 AM. Monday – Rabbi Pinchos Katzenstein; Tuesday – Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky; Wednesday – Rabbi Akiva Leiman; Thursday – Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold. Program at YGW Boys Campus. The Bais Medrash is open all day for learning. Come and bring your Chavrusa! Mincha 1:50 PM and Maariv at 10:00 PM. Questions? Contact Rabbi Hes at 240-475-9581. This is a special community program sponsored by YGW.
Toastmasters' Meeting – Will meet next on Wednesday, May 4, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM in the YISE Small Social Hall. See what Toastmasters is all about and find out how you can become a more confident communicator and leader. Contact Scott Schlesinger at for more information.
Jewish Business Ethics: Exploring the Laws of the Jewish Workplace – Introducing a weekly five-part text based series. Presented by GWCK in partnership with Aish of Greater Washington. This men's programming series will elucidate five separate relevant workplace topics, Wednesday evenings 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM, May 11 – June 8 at Aish 11418 Old Georgetown Road. No cost. Please register at For more information, contact
Post Pesach Pointers – YISE and Beyond
Chometz may be purchased from the following stores immediately after Pesach 2016:
* All Capitol K establishments and caterers.
* National stores: B.J.'s, Costco, CVS, Food Lion, Kmart, Mars, Petco, PetSmart, Royal Farms, Rite Aid, Sam's Club, Save-A-Lot, Shoppers Food and Pharmacy, Trader Joe's, Walgreens, Walmart, Wegmans, Winn-Dixie
* Stores in our community: Aldi's, H Mart, Harris Teeter, MOM's Organic Market, ShopRite of White Oak, Whole Foods Market
Chometz MAY NOT be purchased from Snider's until four weeks after Pesach.
Due to possible Chometz distributed by a Jewish company, if one has an option of purchasing Chometz from other stores, it is commendable not to purchase Chometz from Giant, Safeway, and Target until four weeks after Pesach.
Sometimes I'm tempted to drink from Eliyahu's cup of wine at the Seder…
But then I remember what happened to me when I sat in his chair in the Synagogue.
The Week After
Sunday, May 1 Monday, May 2 Tuesday, May 3 Wednesday, May 4 Thursday, May 5 Friday, May 6
Arcola 6:30, 7:30, 8:45 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30
Sephardi 7:30 6:10, 7:10 6:15, 7:15 6:15, 7:15 6:10, 7:10 6:15, 7:15
Arcola 7:50 7:50 7:50 7:50 7:50 See Shabbos schedule
Sephardi 7:45 7:45 7:45 7:45 7:45
Halachic Times (week of Pesach): Earliest Talis & Tefillin: 5:22 AM, Latest Krias Shma: 9:38 AM, Earliest Mincha: 1:41 PM
Halachic Times (the week after): Earliest Talis & Tefillin: 5:12 AM, Latest Krias Shma: 9:33 AM, Earliest Mincha: 1:41 PM
Next Shabbos (after Pesach)
May 6-7, 2016 – 29 Nissan 5776
Parshas Acharei Mos – Mevorchim HaChodesh
Light Candles by 7:48 – Havdalah 8:52
Friday Night:
* Light Candles by 7:48, and not before 6:38
* Mincha:
Arcola: 6:20, 6:50, 7:50 University: 7:15 Sephardi: 7:00 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
Shabbos Day:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45, 9:15 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
* Mincha:
Arcola: 2:30, 5:00, 7:45 University: 7:45 Sephardi: 7:25 Nusach Sefard: 7:45
* Maariv/Havdalah: 8:52
Upcoming Events
Shabbos, May 6-7 "Have Faith!" Easier Said Than Done
Monday, May 9 Annual Yom HaShoah V'Hagvurah Program 7:45 PM at KMS
Shabbos, May 14 The Sixth Annual Siyum Tanach in Memory of Rav Anemer ZT"L
Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, May 4 at 12 Noon.
Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to:
Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330
Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail:
The office will be closed for Chol Hamoed Pesach.
Office staff expects to check e-mail and phone messages for urgent issues.
Office Hours (week after Pesach):
Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Michael Shimoff – President
Rabbi Binyamin Silver – Asst. Rabbi Maurie Rosenberg – Executive Director