Parshat Shelach: June 4, 2010

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YISE Shabbos Shorts

This week`s Shabbos Shorts is sponsored in honor of Yitz Taragin`s eighth birthday.

Shabbos June 4-5, 2010

Parshat Shelach Mevorchim HaChodesh 23 Sivan 5770

Light Candles 8:12pm Earliest Candle lighting 6:58pm

Early Friday Mincha – Arcola 7:00pm

Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 7:00pm

Friday Mincha – University 7:15pm

Early Friday Mincha 2 – Arcola Social Hall 7:30pm

Friday Mincha – Arcola 8:15pm

Rabbi Fohrman will speak at the 8:45AM Main Minyan.

Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at the 8AM Minyan.

The Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard Kiddush is sponsored by "The Group."

The 8AM Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by "The Chevra."

The 8:45 AM Main Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the YISE Adult Education Committee in honor of our guest scholar, Rabbi David Fohrman.

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 5:00pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 7: 55pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 8:10pm

Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 8:10pm

Shabbos Ends 9:19pm

Mazal Tov to:

Allison & Jay Marcus on the birth Wednesday of a son. Mazal Tov also to the grandparents, Barbara & Richard Marcus, Steven Goldman and Nancy Ducharme. The Shalom Zachor will be at 9pm at the Marcus home, 11209 Bybee Street.

Beth & Phil Weinberg on the birth of a grandson, Zev, to their children Shoshana & Jonathan Weinberg of Savannah, GA.

Marilyn & Judd Lifschitz on the birth of a grandson, Gabriel Alexander, born to Jen & Nachum of Englewood, NJ.

Marilyn & Jonathan Fine on the birth of a granddaughter to their children Rishona & Yaron Shaul of Jerusalem.

Rabbi Yehoshua Levy on his engagement to Yehudit Assaraf.


Shabbos, June 5 – Rabbi David Fohrman, Scholar-in-Residence (see schedule attached)

Shabbos, June 5 – Torah, Tefillah & Tofutti, 4pm, Arcola Social Hall

Monday, June 7 – Basic Colors, Women`s and Girls` clothing, 11am – 7:30pm, Arcola

Shabbos, June 12 – Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Ginsburg, 8:45AM Main Minyan, Belonofsky Sanctuary

Shabbos, June 19 – Aufruf, Aaron Payne, 8AM Minyan, Arcola Social Hall

Shabbos, June 19 – Women`s Seudah Shlishit. Sponsored by YISE Sisterhood. 5-7pm. Arcola Social Hall.

The YISE Graduates Kiddush will be held on Shabbos Chukat, June 19, following the 8:45AM Main Minyan. Don`t let your graduate be left out. Send his or her name to by Sunday, June 13.

To co-sponsor the Graduates Kiddush (sponsorships are $18 or $36 each) contact Esther Edeson in the Shul office, 301-593-4465, ext. 402.


The Youth Minyan will start at 9:15am in the small side of the Social Hall.

Groups will meet this Shabbos from 10am until 11:15am. 1st – 4th grade girls meet upstairs in the small Beis Medrash; 1st – 4th grade boys at the Yeshiva (meet in the YISE downstairs lobby at 10am to walk across); 2 – 5 year olds meet in the large Youth room behind the balcony. Pick up the 2-5 year olds in the large Youth room and the 1st-4th graders in the small Youth room.

Torah, Tefillah, and Tofutti- Please join us in the Arcola Social Hall, 4pm, for family-style chevrusah learning, inspiring discussions, and delicious (parve) ice cream, followed by early Mincha. Contact for more information.

Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Shiur for 6th – 8th grade boys will meet this Shabbos 1 hour before Mincha.


The Wednesday morning class previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, is now conducted by Rabbi Zev Katz at 11am in the small Beis Medrash.

The Wednesday evening Advanced Men`s Gemara shiur previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, is now conducted by Rabbi Moshe Arzouan, following maariv at University Blvd.

Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Sunday night shiur for men in Mishna Brurah meets at his home. For more information contact

Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Wednesday night shiur for Women meets at 8pm in the small Social Hall.

Community Beis Medrash in the small Social Hall – YISE & Yeshiva of Greater Washington Tuesday night for men. Mincha at 7:45pm; learning 8-9pm, followed by Maariv and light refreshments. Five shiurim & chavrusas. Contact Rabbi Eli Reingold, 301-996-5910, or R` Moshe Haim Blate, 404-273-3392 for info.


R` Pinchas Werner – 8:15am Shiur in the youth room behind the balcony. This week`s shiur will be on Davening at Kivrei Tzaddikim. All are welcome.

Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Musaf.

Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Gemara Shiur, Mesechet Taanit, 1 hr before Sephardi Mincha.

Rabbi William Millen – Gemara Shiur, Mesechet Chagigah, 1 hour before Mincha.

Rabbi Amram Hes – Arcola Parsha Shiur will not meet this Shabbos.

Rabbi David Fohrman – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at Arcola.

R` Moshe Haim Blate – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at University

Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur will resume June 12.

July-Nov. Intensive Job Search Training Classes – 50 or over, job hunting and a Montgomery County resident? The Career Gateway is here to help! Individual attention in small classes, a long-term mentor, 36 hours intensive training over 3 weeks, valuable take home materials and a choice of sessions. Only $75 thanks to support from Montgomery County Health & Human Services, the Cafritz Foundation and the Jewish Council on Aging. Space is limited; sign up at or call 301-255-4200.

Federal Jobs, presented by Joe O`Hare, Job Opportunity Coordinator, Montgomery College. Wednesday, June 16, 7:30pm, Silver Spring Jewish Center. To reserve a spot, contact David Marwick, For other job-related assistance, contact Avi Zemelman at


Women`s Daytime Tehillim Group – 2pm-3pm, Tuesdays. For information contact Arleeta Lerner, 301-649-0552.

The Women`s Group studying "Practical Applications of the Chafetz Chaim & Insights of the Parsha through the Eyes of Rav Pam" will meet this Shabbos at the home of Rebbetzin Myrna Klavan, 1106 Arcola Avenue, 5:00 pm. All women welcome!

Shabbos group for 1st grade girls will meet this Shabbos at Chava and David
Katzoff`s house, 1111 Arcola Ave., 3pm. The program is in honor of Tova`s birthday.

Rabbi Jacob Wiener will host a book sale/book signing of his new, autobiographical book, Time of Terror, Road to Revival, this Sunday, June 6, from 6pm to 8:15pm in the Small Beis Medrash at YISE.

Rabbi Shlomo Naiman of Congregation Adas will introduce the new topic of "Kabaid Es Ovicha vi`es Imecha-Honoring One`s Father and Mother" at the Greater Washington Community Kollel`s Linas Hatzedek Program Sunday, June 6. Shacharis: 8am; Continental Breakfast, 8:45am, Shiur, 9:15am followed by a learning session. Linas Hatzedek is a weekly program dedicated to studying the laws of interpersonal relationships. All men are encouraged to attend at GWCK, 10900 Lockwood Drive.

Rebbetzin Bayla Berger will give a talk on Shabbos, June 12, on Ahavas Yisrael, at the home of Rebbetzin Klavan, 1106 Arcola Ave, 6pm. Shalos seudas served. For info call 301-237-7306.

Free jobsearch bootcamps – These popular, monthly bootcamps run by JSSA are "sold out" every month. Kickstart your jobsearch and learn about about the hidden job market, networking, effective resumes, and interviewing. Limited openings, so preregistration required, 301-610-8380. Next open sessions are on June 15 and 16, July 20 and 21, and August 17 and 18.

Women`s Basketball every Wednesday night at 8:30pm at the Yeshiva Girls Gym. Contact Shuli Taragin, 301-641-6132, if interested.

Do you know individuals or families who can`t afford to buy food for Shabbos or Yom Tov? The Yehuda Mond Foundation will arrange local food deliveries in a confidential manner. Contact Rabbi Moshe Arzouan. For more information on the Foundation, and how to provide much-needed tax-deductible support to this project, visit

Helpline for addictions – Do you or someone you love, have a problem with any type of addiction? If so call 866-zehayom for confidential help geared towards the frum community. For more information go to, which is sponsored by the Yehuda Mond Foundation.

66th MJBHA Anniversary – The Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy invites the community to its 66th Anniversary Celebration, honoring Rabbi Yitzchok and Sally Breitowitz and Mindy Horowitz, Wednesday, June 9, 27 Sivan 5770, 6:30 pm, Beth Sholom Congregation, 11825 Seven Locks Road, Potomac. Senator Joseph & Hadassah Lieberman, Honorary Chairs. Carrie Gluck and Jodi Mazel, Chairs. To RSVP, visit

Community programs are listed as space is available, at the discretion of the YISE staff. There are no guarantees. Submissions are subject to editing for space or stylistic requirements. Items should be sent to


We welcome the young children of our members, but strollers should be left outside on the side of the shul. Placing strollers in the lobbies (or near the doors) is a danger to members who walk through the lobbies and could cause injury to others. Thank you for your cooperation.

Visit the all-New YISE website, today! Check out the all-new look, the easy to use navigation feature, online donation options and more!

Mazal tov to Mrs. Doris and Dr. Bruce Shnider on the birth of their first great-grandchild, Yuval Mordechai!

Buying a new car? Donate your old one to YISE and get a tax deduction from the IRS. Call Alan at the YISE office, 301-593-4465, ext. 401.

It`s your Shul – treat it like you would want your home treated!

Davening Times Week of June 6- June 12, 2010

MORNING SERVICES (June 6 – June 12)

Univ. Arcola Sephardi (korbanot)

Sunday 8:00am 6:30/7:30/8:45am 7:30am "

Monday/Thursday 6:15am 6:45am/7:35am 6:05am "

Tues./Wed./Friday 6:30am 6:55am/7:35am 6:15am "

Shabbos (Rosh Chodesh)8:45am 7:00/7:00*/8:00/8:45am 8:15am "

*Nusach Sefard Minyan

AFTERNOON SERVICES Mincha-Maariv (June 6- June 10)

Arcola/University Sunday – Thursday 8:20pm

HALACHIC TIMES (June 6 – June 12)

Talis & Tefillin 4:38am

Krias Sh`ma 9:24am

Mincha (Earliest) 1:46pm

Next Shabbos June 11-12, 2010

Parshat Korach Rosh Chodesh 30 Sivan 5770

Light Candles 8:16pm Earliest Candle lighting 7:02pm

Early Friday Mincha – Arcola 7:00pm

Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 7:00pm

Friday Mincha – University 7:15pm

Early Friday Mincha 2 – Cancelled This Shabbos-Resume June 18

Friday Mincha – Arcola 8:20pm

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 5:00pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 8: 00pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 8:15pm

Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 8:15pm

Shabbos Ends 9:23pm

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, June 9, at 12 Noon.

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail: Web Site:

Office Hours: Monday- Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 9am – 1pm

Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, z"l Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum – Asst. Rabbi

David Mazel – President Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director