Parshat Naso: May 21, 2010
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YISE Shabbos Shorts
This issue of the Shabbos Shorts is sponsored by Alan, Micah, Shoshana and Lily in honor of Holly`s receiving her Master of Library Science degree from the University of Maryland, and by Alan, Holly, Shoshana and Lily in honor of Micah`s graduating from the University of Southern California School of Law.
Shabbos May 21-22 2010
Parshat Naso 9 Sivan 5770
Light Candles 8:01pm Earliest Candle lighting 6:49pm
Early Friday Mincha – Arcola 7:00pm
Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 7:00pm
Friday Mincha – University 7:15pm
Early Friday Mincha 2 – Arcola Social Hall 7:30pm
Friday Mincha – Arcola 8:05pm
Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at the 8:45AM Main Minyan.
Rabbi Barry Greengart will speak at the 8:00AM Minyan.
The Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard Kiddush is sponsored by "The Group."
The 8:45AM Main Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Judy & Moshe Mehlman in honor of Herschel`s Bar Mitzvah, and by Yehudah, Yehoshua and Tova Mehlman in honor of their brother`s Bar Mitzvah.
Early Mincha – Arcola 5:00pm
Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 7:45pm
Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 8:00pm
Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 8:00pm
Shabbos Ends 9:07pm
Mazal Tov to:
Ali & Seth Jacobson on the birth of a daughter, Sivan Ruth, born on Friday. Mazal tov also to big brother Tuvyah and to grandparents Hedy & Bruce Jacobson.
Judy & Moshe Mehlman on the bar mitzvah of their son Herschel, and to Yehudah, Yehoshua and Tova on the bar mitzvah of their brother. Mazal Tov also to grandfather, Jack Mehlman and to all the aunts, uncles and cousins.
Drs. Stuart & Laurie Cohen on the recent marriage of Justin Cohen to Adena Friedman of Baltimore, daughter of Rabbi Yitzchok and Debra Friedman. Mazal tov also to Justin`s siblings, Jonathan and Allison, and to Arlene and Robert Galkin.
Condolences to:
Vivian Kirshenbaum and family on the passing of her father, Avraham Binyamin Morgenstern. Shiva was observed in New York.
Shabbos, May 22 – Bar Mitzvah of Herschel Mehlman, 8:45AM Main Minyan
Sunday, May 23 – Shloshim for Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, z"l, 3pm, Belonofsky Sanctuary
Monday, May 24 – The Man With the Truck/Becker Disposables, 4:30pm – 8:30pm, Arcola
Monday, May 24 – YISE Board of Directors, 8:45pm, Small Beis Medrash. This meeting will be conducted mostly in Executive Session which is only open to Board members
Wednesday, May 26 – YISE Annual Meeting – 7:30pm, Belonofsky Sanctuary
Shabbos, June 5 – Rabbi David Fohrman, Scholar-in-Residence
Remembering Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, z"l: There will be a Shloshim for our Rav, z"l, Sunday May 23, 3:00pm at YISE Arcola. A web page in memory of the Rav is located at
YISE Annual Banquet, Monday, May 31
There are a few seats available because we reconfigured the room!
Call for your ticket – 301-593-5254
Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum, celebrating five years with YISE
Michael and Sharon Shimoff, Young Leadership Award
Youth Honorees: Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman, Adam Paisley & Jeremy Rosenthal
The Youth Minyan will start at 9:15am in the small side of the Social Hall.
Groups will meet this Shabbos from 10am until 11:15am. 1st – 4th grade girls meet upstairs in the small Beis Medrash; 1st – 4th grade boys at the Yeshiva (meet in the YISE downstairs lobby at 10am to walk across); 2 – 5 year olds meet in the large Youth room behind the balcony. Pick up the 2-5 year olds in the large Youth room and the 1st-4th graders in the small Youth room.
Torah, Tefillah, and Tofutti is back! All families are invited to join us in the Arcola Social Hall on Shabbos, Parshas Beha`aloscha, May 29, 4 to 5 pm, for family chevrusah-style learning, inspiring discussions, and parve ice cream, followed by early Mincha. To sponsor this event, please contact
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Shiur for 6th – 8th grade boys meets this Shabbos 1 hour before Mincha.
The Wednesday morning class previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, is now conducted by Rabbi Zev Katz at 11am in the small Beis Medrash.
The Wednesday evening Advanced Men`s Gemara shiur previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, is now conducted by Rabbi Moshe Arzouan, following maariv at University Blvd.
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Sunday night shiur for men in Mishna Brurah meets at his home. For more information contact
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Wednesday night shiur for Women meets at 8pm in the small Social Hall.
Community Beis Medrash in the small Social Hall – YISE & Yeshiva of Greater Washington Tuesday night for men. Mincha at 7:45pm; learning 8-9pm, followed by Maariv and light refreshments. Five shiurim & chavrusas. Contact Rabbi Eli Reingold, 301-996-5910, or R` Moshe Haim Blate, 404-273-3392 for info.
R` Pinchas Werner – 8:15am Shabbos morning shiur in the small youth room behind the balcony will be on "Did Moshe get a salary? Accepting payment to perform mitzvos." Men of all backgrounds are welcome.
Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.
Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Musaf.
Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Gemara shiur, Mesechet Taanit, 1 hr before Sephardi Mincha.
Rabbi William Millen – Gemara shiur, Mesechet Chagigah, 1 hour before Mincha.
Rabbi Amram Hes – Arcola Parsha shiur meets this Shabbos 30 minutes before Mincha.
Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at Arcola.
R` Matt Welik – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at University
Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur meets 9am in the small room behind the balcony.
All-New website! Check it out! We`ve relaunched with an all-new look, easy to use navigation, online donation features, and more!
Women`s Daytime Tehillim Group – 2pm-3pm, Tuesdays. For information contact Arleeta Lerner, 301-649-0552.
The Women`s Group studying "Practical Applications of the Chafetz Chaim & Insights of the Parsha through the Eyes of Rav Pam" will meet this Shabbos at the home of Rebbetzin Myrna Klavan, 1106 Arcola Avenue, 5:00 pm. All women welcome!
This week`s First Grade Girl`s Shabbos Group is at the home of Jill & Jonathan Katz, 3:45pm.
Never Eat Alone—How Real World Networking Can Improve Your Job Search and Your Life. Presented by Dave Weinberg, founder of Wednesday, May 26, 7:30pm KMS To reserve a spot, contact David Marwick, For other jobrelated assistance, contact Avi Zemelman at Sponsor: Kemp Mill Employment Assistance Initiative.
Blood Drive – MJBHA has teamed up with INOVA Blood Services to facilitate a blood drive, Tuesday, June 1, 2:30 pm – 7:30 pm at MJBHA. For more info or to schedule an appointment visit, click on Blood Drive, or contact Rabbi Jeffrey Frances, or 301-962-9400 x5586.
Financial First Aid- Jewish Social Service Agency`s June 2 free workshop is for people experiencing financial hardship due to the difficult economy. You will gain tools to deal with immediate to long-term financial needs –mortgage options, creditors and credit rating, downsizing, and budgeting. Call to register at 301-610-8330.
Women`s Basketball every Wednesday night at 8:30pm at the Yeshiva Girls Gym. Contact Shuli Taragin, 301-641-6132, if interested.
Do you know individuals or families who can`t afford to buy food for Shabbos or Yom Tov? The Yehuda Mond Foundation will arrange local food deliveries in a confidential manner. Contact Rabbi Moshe Arzouan. For more information on the Foundation, and how to provide much-needed tax-deductible support to this project, visit
Helpline for addictions – Do you or someone you love, have a problem with any type of addiction? If so call 866-zehayom for confidential help geared towards the frum community. For more information go to, which is sponsored by the Yehuda Mond Foundation.
66th MJBHA Anniversary – The Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy invites the community to its 66th Anniversary Celebration, honoring Rabbi Yitzchok and Sally Breitowitz and Mindy Horowitz, Wednesday, June 9, 27 Sivan 5770, 6:30 pm, Beth Sholom Congregation, 11825 Seven Locks Road, Potomac. Senator Joseph & Hadassah Lieberman, Honorary Chairs. Carrie Gluck and Jodi Mazel, Chairs. To RSVP, visit
Free jobsearch bootcamps – These popular, monthly bootcamps, run by JSSA are "sold out" every month. Kickstart your jobsearch and learn about the hidden job market, networking, effective resumes, and interviewing. Limited openings, so pre-registration required, 301-610-8380. Next open sessions are on June 15 and 16, July 20 and 21, and August 17 and 18.
Camp Sababa! Fun-packed summer camp for girls ages 9-11. Including baking, awesome trips, art projects, and more! 4 individual weeks- the weeks of June 21, June 28, July 5, and July 12. 9:30am-2:30pm M-F. Contact Adina Wakschlag ( or Avital Gewirtz ( for more info, including a flyer and a detailed information page.
Lost: Black briefcase, on Sunday evening in the Belonofsky Sanctuary. If you found it, please contact David Marwick, 301-681-7132.
Community programs are listed as space is available, at the discretion of the YISE staff. There are no guarantees. Submissions are subject to editing for space or stylistic requirements. Items should be sent to
We welcome the young children of our members, but strollers should be left outside and on the side of the shul. Placing strollers in the lobbies (or near the doors) is a danger to members who walk through the lobbies and could cause injury to others.
YISE Sisterhood Games and Pizza Night! Enjoy board games, mingling with other women in the community, music, & plenty of good nosh. Sunday, May 30, at the home of Aliza Chlewicki, 11602 Monticello Ave. Event starts 7:45pm, games begin at 8:15 pm. RSVP required by Friday, May 28. Payment at the door: $8 Sisterhood members, $10 non-members. To reserve or for more info., contact Stephanie Frumkin at or Aliza Chlewicki at 301-593-1264. Lots of games available or bring your favorites. All women welcome! (Please, no kids under 12.)
Donate Your Car to YISE & get a tax deduction! Call Alan at YISE, 301-593-4465, ext. 401.
It`s your Shul – treat it like you would want your home treated!
Davening Times Week of May 23- May 29, 2010
MORNING SERVICES (May 23 – May 29)
Univ. Arcola Sephardi (korbanot)
Sunday 8:00am 6:30/7:30/8:45am 7:30am "
Monday/Thursday 6:15am 6:45am/7:35am 6:05am "
Tues./Wed./Friday 6:30am 6:55am/7:35am 6:15am "
Shabbos 8:45am 7:00/7:00*/8:00/8:45am 8:15am "
*Nusach Sefard Minyan
AFTERNOON SERVICES Mincha-Maariv (May 23 – May 27)
Arcola/University Sunday – Thursday 8:10pm
HALACHIC TIMES (May 23 – May 29)
Talis & Tefillin 4:47am
Krias Sh`ma 9:25am
Mincha (Earliest) 1:43pm
Next Shabbos May 28-29, 2010
Parshat Behaaloscha 16 Sivan 5770
Light Candles 8:07pm Earliest Candle lighting 6:54pm
Early Friday Mincha – Arcola 8:10pm
Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 7:00pm
Friday Mincha – University 7:15pm
Early Friday Mincha 2 – Arcola Social Hall 7:30pm
Friday Mincha – Arcola 8:05pm
Early Mincha – Arcola 5:00pm
Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 7: 50pm
Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 8:05pm
Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 8:05pm
Shabbos Ends 9:14pm
Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, May 26, at 12 Noon.
Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to
Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330
Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail: Web Site:
Office Hours: Monday- Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 9am – 1pm
Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, z"l Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum – Asst. Rabbi
David Mazel – President Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director