Parshas Vayikra/Zachor – March 11 – 12, 2022

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Young Israel Shomrai Emunah – Shabbos Shorts

March 11 – 12, 2022 – 9 Adar II 5782 – Vayikra/Zachor

Light Candles by 5:53 – Havdalah 6:52

The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored this week by Delia Weiss & family and Miriam & Steve Friedman & family on the publication of Matan Friedman's newest sefer, Ish Matan on Leil Haseder, Chelek Aleph. To purchase and for more information, contact Miriam Friedman at 301-754-1517 or

Mazal Tov

* Arleeta & Rabbi Dr Ivan Lerner on the birth of a great-granddaughter to their grandchildren, Gabi & Yosef Miller. Mazal Tov to grandparents D'vorah & Rabbi Shmuel Miller, Janet & Dr. Joe Bernstein and to great grandmother Ilene Miller.

* Chana Sara & Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman on the birth of a daughter. Mazal Tov to big brother Simha Bentzion


* Esther Bender on the passing of her mother, Frances Grunberger. Shiva is being observed at 1138 Kersey Road through Monday morning. Visiting hours: Motzei Shabbos, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM – 12 Noon, 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. The family requests that only fully vaccinated people visit and that all visitors wear masks.

* Sara Hyatt on the passing of her husband, Rabbi David Hyatt, and Arona Hes on the passing of her father. Shiva will be observed on Sunday at 3204 Fallstaff Road in Baltimore. Shiva will be observed at 607 Hillsboro Drive from Monday morning through Tuesday morning. Shacharis Monday/Tuesday 7:30 AM. MIncha/Maariv Monday 6:55 PM. The family requests no visitors between 12 Noon and 2:00 PM or after 9:30 PM.

* David Marwick on the passing of his mother, Claire S. Marwick. Shiva will be observed at 618 Hyde Road. David will accept visitors through Wednesday afternoon. Minyan schedule: Shacharis – Sunday 7:30 AM, Monday 6:45 AM, Tuesday 7:00 AM, Wednesday 6:30 AM., Mincha/Maariv: Sunday – Tuesday 6:55 PM, Mincha – Wednesday 6:35 PM. No Minyanim for Maariv, Megillah or Shacharis on Purim. The family requests no visitors between 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM, between 12 Noon and 1:30 PM, between 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM or after 9:30 PM. All visitors should please be fully vaccinated and wear masks.

* Lois Meyers on the passing of her sister, Roslyn Slovic. Shiva is being observed at 1121 University Boulevard West, Apt. 405, through Tuesday morning. Visiting hours: Sunday and Monday 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM 9:00 PM. The family requests that only fully vaccinated people visit.

Shabbos Schedule

Minyan locations are listed as B = Belonofsky Sanctuary,

S = Social Hall. LBM = Large Beis Medrash, SBM = Small Beis Medrash

Friday Night:

* Light Candles by 5:53

* Mincha: 5:55 (B), 5:45 (Sephardi, LBM)

Shabbos Day:

* Shacharis: 7:00 (B), 8:45 (B), 9:15 (S), 8:00 (Sephardi, LBM), 9:15 (Teen Minyan, SBM)

* Mincha: 2:30 (B), 5:30 (B), 5:25 (Sephardi, LBM)

* Shabbos ends/Maariv: 6:52

Divrei Torah:

* 8:45 Main Minyan Rabbi Rosenbaum

* 9:15 Rabbi Postelnek

Kiddush Sponsors:

* Hashkamah Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Leah & Yoni Bresler in honor of all the members of the Hashkamah Minyan and our ability t gather together in person.

* 8:45/9:15/Sephardic Minyan/Teen Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Eva & Isaac Moses and Ben Yehuda in honor of all those who celebrated their Bar & Bat Mitzvah during the COVID-19 pandemic,
and by Sam & Raquel, Steve & Susu and the entire crew with love and in honor of Seth & Masha and wishing them a Happy 25th Anniversary and noting how their lives exemplify Torah Middos and Chesed and wishing Hakadosh Baruch Hu give them continued health, strength and Bracha for many, many more years together. Shalosh Seudos: After the 5:30 PM Mincha, all are invited to join the Daf Yomi group for a Siyum on Maseches Chagiga and Seder Moed.

Weekday Shiurim

Options for remote learning are listed below. For the latest list and times, go to:

* Rabbi Rosenbaum – Daily – one chapter of Tehillim followed by a 15-minute Shiur on the Parsha. Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM, Zoom A, will not meet on Thursday, March 17.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum – Daily – one chapter of Tehillim, followed by a 15-minute Halacha Shiur. Sunday through Thursday, 6:30 PM (note new time), Zoom A, will not meet on Wednesday, March 16 or Thursday, March 17.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mussar Study Group for Women (spiritual self-improvement), Sundays at 9:30 AM, Zoom A, will resume on Sunday, March 20.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara Shiur for Men, Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:00 AM, Zoom A.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Nach Shiur, Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, now learning Mishlei, Zoom A.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Women's Navi Shiur, now learning Sefer Shmuel, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM, Zoom A.

* GWCK Sunday Kollel Brunch and Learn for Men – Sunday mornings, 9:30 AM, Zoom F.

* Rabbi Hillel Shaps – Unraveling the Navi: Melachim Aleph

* Rabbi Tuvia Grauman – Rabbi Hyatt's Gemara Shiur, Sundays at 10:00 AM, Zoom C.

* GWCK presents CLAS (Community Learning at Shomrai) – 8:15 PM – 9:15 PM. For more info., contact Rabbi Hillel Shaps, 347-869-9361.

* For Men:

* Mondays: Rabbi Hillel Shaps – On the Same Page Gemara – in person (Social Hall) and on Zoom F.

* Wednesdays: Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman – Reading Responsa – Zoom D.

* Thursdays: Rabbi Avraham Sussman – Yesodei Hatorah Gemara Skills Building – Zoom H.

* For Women – Zoom I

* Mondays: Mrs. Sara Malka Winter – Parsha Journeys

* Tuesdays: Mrs. Sara Malka Winter – Sefer Bereishis

* SCP (Semichat Chaver Program) – Tuesdays at 8:45 PM. A new semester began on October 19. Join the fastest growing Halacha learning program in the world! Now back in person at YISE. Register at

* Rabbi Yehoshua Levy's Gemara Shiur, Masechet Chulin, Sunday through Friday, 6:35 AM – 7:20 AM, in the Franco Beit Midrash.

* The Golden Network Presents: Rabbi Barry Greengart's Shiurim for men & women, Mondays at 9:00 AM, studying Parashas Hashavua, Zoom B.

* Rabbi Yitzchak Scher's Shiur for Men and Women, Tuesdays, 1:30 PM, "A Second Look – Stories in the Torah from a Deeper Perspective", Zoom E.

* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Advanced Gemara Shiur for Men, learning Maseches Bava Kama 7th Perek Merubah. Wednesday evenings, 8:00 PM, Zoom G, will resume after Purim.

Connection Details: Go to and enter the meeting ID, or call 301-715-8592 and enter the meeting ID & password:

Zoom A: ID: 416 963 9000, password 492019
Zoom B: ID: 970 1398 4837, password 613
Zoom C: ID: 978 8156 7874, password RabbiHyatt
Zoom D: ID: 746 455 2195, password Learn
Zoom E: ID: 713 7408 5130, password 045079
Zoom F: ID: 349 754 2180, password Learn
Zoom G: ID: 539 496 3506, password ygwarz
Zoom H: ID: 803 356 4156, password Learn
Zoom I: ID: 601 853 4021, password Winter

YISE Programs and Listings

Ruach Minyan – The next Kabbalos Shabbos Ruach Minyan will take place in the Social Hall this Shabbos, March 11. IY"H, our Baal Tefilah will be Yosef Lindell! Mincha is at 5:55 PM in the Belonofsky Sanctuary, and following Mincha, those who are interested in the Ruach Minyan will go to the Social Hall for Kabbalos Shabbos. Bring your family and invite your friends. It's going to be Gevaldic! For more information, contact

Pre-9:15 Minyan Chabura – A weekly Chabura in the Nesivos Shalom on the Parsha. Delve into the deeper dimensions of the Parsha and Holidays by learning the Nesivos Shalom's weekly insights. Begins at 8:55 AM Shabbos mornings in the Social Hall. This week's Shiur will be given by Rabbi Postelnek.

Daf Yomi Siyum on Seder Moed – All are cordially invited to join the local Daf Yomi group to celebrate the Siyum of Maseches Chagiga and Seder Moed. Shabbos Parashas Zachor, March 12. Mincha at 5:30 PM, followed by a festive Shalosh Seudos in the Social Hall.

Seeing the Hand of Hashem…In Nature – A lecture series presented by the YISE Meaningful Tefilah Project. Second lecture, "In Human Biology and Physiology," Dr. Aaron Cypess from NIH will speak about "The Science Behind Asher Yatzar, the Most Frequently Recited Bracha," Sunday, March 27, 8:00 PM on Zoom. See flyer for details. Previous lectures are posted on

Come Join Rabbi Koss's Monthly Jewish History class on Zoom! Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington and the YISE Chesed Committee: Rabbi Koss will be speaking on a topic in Jewish history, Monday,April 4, from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM on Zoom A. For more information, contact Miriam Friedman at

Kashrus in the Kitchen – Learn the background and practical laws of Kashrus. Tuesdays, 8:15 PM – 9:00 PM, at the home of David & Tamara Goodman: 11611 Kemp Mill Road. Masks optional. Given by Rabbi Postelnek. For questions or to join the WhatsApp group, contact Rabbi Postelnek at 571-340-0227 or Recordings available at

Anti-Semitism and Hate Crimes – A briefing and interactive discussion with John McCarthy, Montgomery County State's Attorney, and Captain Stacey Flynn, Director, Community Engagement Division, MCPD. Sunday, March 13, 8:00 PM on Zoom, Meeting ID: 863 0551 8383, Passcode: 410077. Questions? Contact Yosefi Seltzer: See flyer for details.

Coping with Memory Loss – Please reserve Sunday, March 27, 11:00 AM, for a virtual panel discussion: Diagnosing, Treating, and Providing Care at Different Stages. Dr. Lynn Deutsch (geriatric psychiatrist); Mary Ann Buckley (care manager); Karen Miller (recreation activities specialist); a caregiver; and YISE's Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum. This is part of Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington's Healthy Communities Initiative. See flyer for details.

Save the date! GWCK Shabbaton at YISE! Shabbos Parshas Tazria, April 1-2. Community Friday Night Seudah and Oneg Shabbos! Inspiring Divrei Torah and Lectures! Uplifting Tefillos! Stay tuned for more details.

Volunteers Are Needed Weekly to help with Kiddushes. If you can help, please contact Simi Franco at or 301-593-4465 x403.

Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill is a part of YISE's Chesed Committee. The program helps members undergoing serious medical crises. We are always looking for volunteers to help. To be a part of this program by helping with meals, visitation, shopping, childcare, etc., contact: Melanie Karlin, 301-681-4740, or Miriam Friedman, 301-754-1517,

Shiurim from Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, ZT"L, are available at

Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary!

Looking for a way to celebrate someone's upcoming birthday or anniversary? For an $18 donation, you can include the name (birthday) or names (anniversary) in this section of the Shabbos Shorts. Please send the following information to Sponsor name, birthday or anniversary date, name (birthday) or names (anniversary). The birthday or anniversary will be listed in the Shabbos Shorts based on the date of the event.

Dvar Torah Dedications/Sponsor a Shiur

During this difficult time, we pray to Hashem that the day that we can all come together again in Tefillah and Torah study in good health arrives speedily. Until that point, YISE continues to offer a number of different remote learning options. These options are now available for sponsorship on an individual Shiur or a daily basis.

Sponsoring a Shiur or other Torah learning is a meaningful way to commemorate a Yahrzeit or honor a loved one. Sponsorships are also a great way to celebrate a Simcha or any other milestone, while helping YISE at a time when many of the Shul's other sources of revenue are not available.

1. The following individual Shiurim are available for sponsorship at $18 (per day):
* Daily Morning (Monday through Friday) Tehillim and Parsha Shiur
* Daily Evening (Sunday through Thursday) Tehillim and Halacha Shiur
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Sunday Morning Mussar Study Group for Women
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Tuesday or Friday Morning Gemara Shiur for Men
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Wednesday Morning Nach Shiur
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Wednesday Night Navi Shiur for Women
* Rabbi Grauman – Rabbi Hyatt's Gemara Shiur, Sunday Morning

2. Sponsorship of the Morning and Evening Tehillim and Parsha/Halacha Shiurim together is available for $25.

3. The 8:45 and 9:15 Shabbos Drashas are both available for sponsorship at $54 each.

Please email to sponsor. Thank you for your support.

Thank you to the Shiurim Sponsors for this Past Week:

Rabbi Hyatt's Gemara Shiur

* David Jaray in memory of Rabbi Hyatt, Z"L, and in honor of Rabbi Grauman and all those who attend his Shiur.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Tehillim/Parsha/Halacha Shiur

* Rochelle Dimont & Family in memory of Chayim Dimont, Chayim Ben HaRav Avraham Mordechai and Rochelle Dimont's mother, Chaya

Feiga Bas HaRav Chaim HaLevi, whose Yahrzeit is the 7th of Adar 2.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Shabbos Morning Drasha

* Rabbi and Mrs. Hirsh Chinn in memory of Rabbi Yitzchok Eizik Ben Avrohom Zalman Chinn on the occasion of his 14th Yahrzeit on Taanis Esther.
* Aliza & Gil Chlewicki in memory of Aliza's father, Robert Sacknovitz, Reuvain Ben Shaul Zissel, on the occasion of his 8th Yahrzeit on 13 Adar II.

Remember to change your clocks – "Spring Forward" one hour on Motzei Shabbos.

YISE Youth Announcements

Shabbos Groups this Shabbos, March 12, from 10:00 AM until Shul ends. Age 18-36 months (Mommy & me) in the toddler room off the Lower Lobby. Ages 2-5 years (drop off) in the room behind the balcony. Ages 6-9 years will meet at Shomrai and walk over to the Yeshiva. For more information, contact Talya Miller, YISE Youth groups coordinator, at

Purim – YISE and Beyond

Purim Schedule at YISE:

Taanis Esther – Wednesday, March 16:
* Fast Begins – 5:58
* Shacharis – 6:15 (S), 6:30 (B), 8:45 (B), 7:30 (Sephardi, LBM)
* Mincha – 2:00 (B), 6:35 (B), 6:50 (Sephardi, LBM)
* Maariv/Megillah – 7:45 (B, S)
* Fast Ends – 7:56
* Megillah Only – 9:30 (Sephardi, LBM), 10:00 (B)

Purim – Thursday, March 17:
* Shacharis – 6:15 (S), 6:45 (B), 7:30 (S), 8:30 (B), 7:05 (Sephardi, LBM)
* Mincha – 2:00 (B), 5:30 (B), 2:00 (Sephardi, LBM)
* Maariv – 8:15 (B), 9:30 (B), 9:30 (Sephardi, LBM)

Get Ready for Purim with a 2-Part Mini Series by Rabbi Postelnek on Zoom A:

* The Fragrance of Purim – How our sense of smell and the Ketores relate to Purim – Monday, March 14, 8:15 PM

Pre-Purim Celebration – Sunday, March 13, 11:00 AM, in the Social Hall. Exciting Mega Magic Show with Crickett the Entertainer! Come in Costume for a special Costume Parade. Ages 2-11, accompanied by an adult. Stay Tuned for even MORE exciting Purim FUN with YISE YOUTH! Sponsorships Available: $36, $50, $100, $360 – Please contact to sponsor at any level. See flyer for details.

Matanos Laevyonim – Those wishing to make donations for Matanos Laevyonim to be distributed by Rabbi Rosenbaum on Purim day can drop them off at the office (please do not send donations through mail or online) or give them to Rabbi Rosenbaum through the Purim night Megillah readings. Checks can be made out to YISE Charity Fund.

Purim Night at YISE! Family Friendly Megillah Reading, 7:45 PM in the Social Hall, followed by a dairy Break-Fast Meal (RSVP requested but not required), and then a Purim Mesiba with Photo Booth, Bounce House, Snacks & Cocktails, and Pumping Music! Sponsorships available. Please contact the office at to RSVP for the Break-Fast or to sponsor any of the events. See flyer for details.

21st Annual Purim Yahrzeit Shiur in memory of Jane Axelrod (Raizel Bas Simcha) – Thursday, March 17. Can join via Zoom at 9:50 AM for Shiur at 10:00 AM SHARP! Meeting ID: 684 682 8415, Passcode: 613613. Direct link: The shiur will end no later than 10:30.

Purim Food Drive – Please donate Purim foods to the Capital Kosher Pantry. All items should be factory sealed, well within the use-by date, and certified kosher. Suggested items include flour, sugar, oil, Pareve chocolate, canned fillings, vanilla, yeast, individual sized snack bags and juice boxes. Drop off at Shalom Kosher Market, Moti's Market, KMS, YISE and the Capital Kosher Pantry, 1910 University Blvd. West.

Purim is coming and AMIT is selling beautiful Purim Cards at $3 each or 10 for $25, Please call Esther Edeson at 301-593-1468 or 301-593- 4465 ext. 402 to order.

GWCK Purim Learning – This Purim, bring your sons to continue the legacy of Yeshivas Mordechai Hatzadik! Purim morning following the 8:15 AM Shacharis (approx. 10:00 AM) at SEHC, 10900 Lockwood Drive. For boys age 5 and up: Learn with your father or a Kollel Rabbi. For men: Purim Shiur presented by Rabbi Hillel Shaps: If I Forget Thee, Yerushalayim, It Must Be Purim!

The Franco Foundation Matanot L'Evyonim – The Franco Foundation helps Jewish individuals and families in our neighborhoods meet basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter. The need has soared because of COVID-19. Your entire donation for Matanot L'Evyonim goes directly to financial assistance for our local Jewish communities and will be distributed on Purim. Send your generous tax-deductible contributions (earmarked Purim) to: The Franco Foundation, c/o Allan Franco, 613 Bromley Street Silver Spring, MD 20902, or donate through Paypal to You can email Allan at the same address if you know of individuals or families that need assistance. Thank you for your support.

Yad Yehuda of Greater Washington Matanot L'Evyonim – Donations are being collected between now and Purim. 100% of the money collected will be distributed as Matanot L'Evyonim to local individuals and families in serious financial distress in the Greater Washington area. To donate, please visit Yad Yehuda is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Tizku L'mitzvot and a Freilichen Purim!

Send and Receive Mishloach Manot greetings and packages to your friends and neighbors throughout the area through Berman Hebrew Academy's Happy Purim program. For only $2.75 per name, you can share Purim greetings with up to anyone on our 2,000 family list. If you wish to be added to the database to allow others to send to you, and also to receive your personalized login code, please email

16th Annual Rose and Bernard Singer Megillah Reading Program – The purpose of the program is simply to ensure that no Jew in our community misses out on hearing a megillah reading because of illness, infirmity, or due to some other reason that prevents him or her from getting to shul on Purim. Volunteer readers are needed – please contact Saul Singer ASAP to sign up. If you need someone to read for you, or know of someone who might need a reading, please let Saul know ASAP. Email is preferred,, or call 301-593-1193.

COVID-19 Updates

* The YISE Board has mandated that everyone 16 and older who is medically eligible for an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in order to enter the Shul building.

* Masks are now optional for adults and children.

* There are no social distancing requirements in the YISE building.

* The Shul office is still open, but hours may vary.

Let us Daven to Hashem to keep all of us in good health and to return our lives to normal as soon as possible. In protecting each other as we navigate this unfolding situation, may we grow stronger as individuals and as a community.

Community Programs & Listings

The Men's Chevra Kadisha is comprised of volunteers with representation from all the Orthodox communities in Maryland and DC. In a typical year, we perform over 185 Taharot for Jewish families requesting one under the Halachic guidance of the Vaad of Greater Washington. With special pandemic protocols in place, we have provided this Chesed without a break in service, in spite of losing a number of volunteers to age, Aliyah, and at-risk volunteer health situations. Consequently, we need your help. Additional volunteers are needed to replenish the ranks of our team so that we can continue to provide effective Taharot to the DC, Maryland, and Virginia communities. To join the Men's Chevra please contact us at: and select the "Join the Chevra Kadisha" option or call 301-908-2645.

Kemp Mill Toastmasters – Wednesday, March 23, 8:00 PM – 9:15 PM. See what Toastmasters is all about and find out how you can become a more confident communicator. Contact Manasseh Katz at for more info. Zoom meeting ID: 986 546 841, password: 3671

Linda Silverman Kahan 10th Yahrzeit Memorial Lecture and Brunch – Featuring Guest Speaker Eliot Cohen, Starting with Shylock: How Shakespeare Teaches Empathy. Sunday, March 27, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. For more information and to register, visit

A Night of Unity and Song – The Torah School of Greater Washington invites all women and girls of the Greater Washington and Baltimore communities to join us for a for an evening of music and inspiration, Sunday, March 27, 7:00 PM, at Berman Hebrew Academy. Renowned music stars Shaindy Plotzker and Aliza Loeb will perform, along with the Shiras Hayam Girls Choir. For tickets and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:

Women's Online Shiur with Rabbi Yehoshua Levy- Free 1-hour shiur on Zoom on the first and third Sundays of each month at 8:00 PM (NEW TIME). Topic: Eishet Hayil, with principles from Mesilat Yesharim and weekly Sidra. In English. All levels of ability are welcome. You needn't attend every Shiur, but RSVPs are requested. Contact Shiur Coordinator at for details.

YGW Kollel Zichron Amram Machshava – Probing Jewish Thought Through the Works of Rav Yitzchak Hutner, ZT"L, with Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel, Sundays at 8:00 PM on Zoom, Meeting ID: 825 0731 6850, Passcode: 1216613. For more information, contact Rabbi Moshe Chaim Blate at 404-273-3392.

Dirshu- Please join Dirshu as it began Bava Metzia on December 20. Shiur options at YGW: Monday – Friday, 5:45 AM (R. Reingold) or Monday – Thursday, 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (R. Cortell/R. Werner). About 2.5 Daf covered each week.

Parsha Explorations with Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman – Presented by the Greater Washington Community Kollel and Kemp Mill Synagogue, Sunday evenings, 7:30 PM at KMS and on Zoom, Meeting ID: 655 813 1022, Passcode: 365636. For men and women.

TGN Program: Siddur Class – In-Depth Analysis of the Birkat Hamazon with Mrs. Esther Dziadek, Wednesday mornings, 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM, on Zoom B. For more information call 301-732-1773 or email

Help our Senior Neighbors – What if you had to give up your car keys and depend on someone else to get you where you needed to go? This is happening to more and more of our senior neighbors. Consider volunteering with the Senior Connection to drive seniors to medical appointments, shopping, etc. Training and liability coverage are provided, and you can set your own volunteering schedule. COVID-19 precautions are followed for the health of drivers and riders. Contact, call 301-962-0820 or visit for more info.

Newly married? Growing family? Just need a budget check-up? IZUN is a community resource that provides free and confidential coaching to help you examine your budget and achieve financial stability. Go to or email us at

Daf Yomi Shiur currently meets online weekdays via a WebEx video conference. There is still room for a few more participants. Anyone interested may email Judd Lifschitz at to be added to the invite list. Sunday 8:30 AM, Monday – Thursday 9:00 PM. Shabbos in-person at 7:30 AM in the YISE Social Hall.

Daily Halacha Program from Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold – Receive one every day in your inbox. Visit and click "Sign Up."

Silver Spring Gemachim – For a complete list:

The Week Ahead

Wednesday, March 16 – Taanis Esther
Thursday, March 17 – Purim
Friday, March 18 – Shushan Purim

Halachic Times: Latest Alos Hashachar 6:03 AM, Earliest Talis and Tefilin: 6:31 AM, Latest Netz: 7:23 AM, Latest Krias Shema: 10:14 AM, Earliest Mincha: 1:48 PM, Earliest Shkia: 7:13 PM, Latest Tzeis Hacochavim: 7:59 PM

Next Shabbos

March 18 – 19, 2022 – 16 Adar II 5782

Parshas Tzav

Friday Night:

* Light Candles by 7:00

* Mincha: 7:00 (B), 6:50 (Sephardi, LBM)

Shabbos Day:

* Shacharis: 7:00 (B), 8:45 (B), 9:15 (S), 8:00 (Sephardi, LBM)

* Mincha: 2:30 (B), 5:00 (B), 6:55 (B), 6:50 (Sephardi, LBM)

* Shabbos ends/Maariv: 7:59

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, March 16 at 12 Noon

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to:

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail:


Office Hours:

Monday – Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Thursday: Closed

Friday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Yale Ginsburg – President

Rabbi Yosef Postelnek – Asst. Rabbi Simi Franco – Office Manager