Parashas Vayeshev: November 26-27, 2010
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YISE Shabbos Shorts
Shabbos, November 26-27, 2010
Parshas Vayeshev 20 Kislev 5771
Light Candles 4:29pm
Friday Mincha – Arcola & University 4:30pm
Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 4:30pm
Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at the 8AM and 8:45AM Minyanim.
The Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard Minyan is sponsored by "The Group."
The 8:45AM Minyan Kidush is sponsored by "The Haimish Group."
Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 2:30pm
Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 4:10pm
Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 4:25pm
Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 4:25pm
Shabbos Ends 5:31pm
Between Mincha & Maariv at Arcola,
Rabbi Rosenbaum will review the Halachos of Chanukah
Anne & Scott Schlesinger on the birth of their new granddaughter, born to their children Sarah & Yitzi Sandberg. Mazal Tov also to Uncle Joe.
Tzivia & Rabbi Samuel Bramson on the birth of a great-grandson to their grandchildren Yael & Shlomo Emanuel.
Rosalyn & Arnold Bramson on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Nachi Bramson, son of Tzvia and Rabbi Michael Bramson of Beit Shemesh, Israel.
Susan & Rabbi Saul Koss on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Levi Guttman, in Milwaukee – on his zaydie`s (Saul`s) 57th Bar mitzvah anniversary. Mazal Tov also to great-grandmother Bertha Blumenthal.
Chagit & Avi West on the birth of a granddaughter, Avery Lark {Ateret} to their children Liron and Justin Silbert.
Monday, Nov. 29 – (2nd of 3)"Cooking on Shabbos"- Rabbi Rosenbaum, 8pm
Monday, Nov. 29 – Becker Disposables, 4:30 – 8:30pm, downstairs lobby, The Man with the Truck, 5pm-8:30pm, Arcola Social Hall
Saturday, Dec. 4 – Chanukah Family Game Night, 7 – 8:30pm, Arcola Social Hall
Friday, Dec. 10 – Community Friday Night Dinner. Details at bottom of this page.
The Installation Committee thanks everyone for the overwhelming response to the Melave Malka. We regret that some names were not included on the certificate due to a delay in receiving payment. Due to this error we will update the listing of names on the certificate and welcome additional sponsors. If you would like to be included please email: or call Barbara Price at (301) 649-6562 by Wednesday, December 8th. We thank you for your continued support and response.
Community Friday Night Dinner – Join the YISE Social Committee and friends on Dec. 10 for a great post-Chanukah event. Buffet meal with guest speaker. Adults $14, kids (3-8) $7, Sponsors $36 (includes 2 adult meals). Drop-off or mail checks to Allison Lazar, 1213 Arcola Ave. See flyer in the shul for more details; for questions contact
Youth Groups will meet this Shabbos at 10am. 1st – 4th grade girls meet upstairs in the small Beis Medrash; 1st – 4th grade boys at the Yeshiva (meet in the YISE downstairs lobby at 10am to walk across); 2-5 year olds meet in the large Youth room behind the women`s balcony. Pick up the 2-5 year olds in the large Youth room and the 1st-4th graders in the small Youth room.
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Shiur for 6th-8th grade boys meets 1 hour before Shabbos Mincha.
Chanukah Family Game Night! Parents and children in grades 3-6 are invited to a fun evening of exciting games, cool prizes, and delicious treats. Join us for lots of fun in the Arcola Social Hall on Motzei Shabbos Chanukah, December 4, 7:00-8:30pm.
The cost is $3 per child. For more information, email
Talmud Yoma – Shiur starting Monday, Nov. 29, small Beis Medrash, 11am-12 Noon.
Beis Medrash Zichron Gedaliah Community Tuesday Night Learning for Men – in the YISE small Social Hall. Learning 8pm-9pm, followed by Maariv and light refreshments. Five shiurim & chavrusas. Contact Rabbi Eli Reingold, 301-996-5910.
Rabbi Zev Katz`s Wednesday morning Chumash class, previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, meets at 11am in the small Beis Medrash at Arcola.
Rabbi Moshe Arzouan`s Wednesday evening Advanced Men`s Gemara shiur, previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, meets at 7:30pm, after Maariv at University Bl.
Rabbi Rosenbaum has begun a new Gemara shiur for men, Tuesday and Friday mornings, Arcola Social Hall, 6:00-6:45am. The shiur will cover Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos with a look at practical halachic conclusions drawn from the sugyos. For more information contact Aaron Branda at or Rabbi Rosenbaum.
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Sunday night shiur for men in Mishna Brurah meets at his home. For more information contact
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Wednesday night Women`s shiur meets at 8pm in the Arcola Small Beis Medrash.
The Greater Washington Community Kollel Linas Hatzedek program presented in conjunction with the YISE Adult Education Committee on Sunday mornings, 9:30am, following the 8:45am Shacharis. This program will not take place on Sunday, Dec. 5, and will resume on Dec. 12.
Shiurim Online – Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Tuesday/Friday morning Gemara shiur, Rabbi Moshe Arzouan`s Wednesday evening Gemara shiur and Rabbi Rosenbaum`s shiur "Cooking on Shabbos" are available online at:
R` Pinchas Werner – 8:15am Shiur in the youth room behind the balcony. Men & women welcome.
Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.
Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Musaf.
Rabbi William Millen – Gemara Shiur, will take place this Shabbos 1 hour before Mincha.
Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Alshich on the Parsha 45 minutes before Sephardi Mincha.
Rabbi Amram Hes – Parsha shiur 30 minutes before Mincha at Arcola.
Rabbi Rosenbaum- Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at Arcola.
Rabbi Eliyahu Fink – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at University Blvd.
Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – 9am Shiur, upstairs behind the women`s balcony.
Found: A young child`s hat on the way home from Shul last Shabbos afternoon. Contact Rabbi Rosenbaum if you think it belongs to you (or your child).
Women`s Daytime Tehillim Group – 2pm-3pm, Tuesdays. Contact Arleeta, 301-649-0552.
The Women`s Group studying "Practical Applications of the Chafetz Chaim & Insights of the Parsha through the Eyes of Rav Pam" will not meet this Shabbos.
3rd Grade Girls Shabbos Group will meet this Shabbos at the home of Naomi Rosenbaum, 907 Brentwood Lane, from 4:25 to 6pm (pick up after Shabbos).
The Greater Washington Community Kollel`s Fall Semester is in progress. New programs include: Mishna Enrichment for 5-6 boys, Mondays 7:45 – 8:30pm; Philosophy of Mitzvahs for 7-9 boys Thursdays, 8:30 – 9:00pm; Megilla Gems for Women with Mrs. Sara Malka Winter Tuesday, 8:00pm. Located at 10900 Lockwood Dr. For info contact
Announcing Job Search Club – The Kemp Mill Employment Assistance Initiative now runs a weekly forum for jobseekers to give support in all aspects of the jobhunt — practicing interview skills, support for the long search process, and accessing experts for needs identified by Club participants. The Club meets Thursdays, 7:30 pm, at YISE (upstairs beit midrash). For more information contact 301-525-9737, or Cheryl Jacobson, 301- 649-5549, cvjacobs@comcast.
Chanukah Mesiba -Monday, Dec. 6, the 6th night of Chanukah, 7:15 p.m., The Greater Washington Community Kollel will host a community-wide Chanukah Mesiba for men, women, and children. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., there will be words of inspiration by Rabbi Steven Baars for adults and Chanukah magic for children. Enjoy delicious hot food, live music and dancing! Location: The Greater Washington Community Kollel, 10900 Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring.
The Torah School of Greater Washington`s 16th Annual Gala Banquet will take place Sunday, Dec. 26, 5:45pm, at Beth Sholom Congregation in Potomac. Honorees will be Rabbi Raphael and Julie Malka, for over a quarter century of contributions to our children and community, and Mrs. Perel Kreiser for a decade of dedication to her students and to the Torah School. For more information, contact the School Office, 301-962-8003.
Do you know individuals or families who can`t afford to buy food for Shabbos or Yom Tov? The Yehuda Mond Foundation will arrange confidential local food deliveries. Contact Rabbi Moshe Arzouan if you know anyone who could benefit from this service. For more information on the Foundation, and how to provide much-needed taxdeductible support to this project, visit
A helping hand – As winter approaches, some people in our neighborhood will have a hard time getting out. Many could use visitors or even a phone call. Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington invites you to learn about visitation opportunities Tuesday evening , Nov. 30, 8 – 9pm, at the Friedman home, 903 Holborn Street. RSVP to Bikur Cholim at 202-331-4481. If you can`t make the meeting but want more information, leave a message.
On Tuesday, Nov. 30, anti-Israel activists plan to demonstrate and call for boycotts of stores that sell Israeli products, including Costco and Trader Joe`s. StandWithUs and the America-Israel Chambers of Commerce call on schools, college campuses, synagogues, community organizations, and individuals to designate Tuesday, Nov. 30, as the day to actively Buy Israeli Goods. Go to your local stores and request Israeli products. Whenever a boycott is called, respond by purchasing the very Israeli goods that are being targeted and let store managers know they should keep them well-stocked on the shelves. Visit this website: which includes a locator so that you can find stores in your area that carry Israeli products
If you wish to have a conversation of more than a few words during davening, please step outside.
On Monday, November 29, the Israeli Chief Rabbinate is calling for a day of fasting and prayer as a merit for rain in Israel. Special prayers are available at
The families of Marc S. Katz and Karen Fierst would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the outpouring of support from the YISE community during the time of our recent bereavement.
The Haimish Kiddush Group was created in 2010 to ensure that there will always be a kiddush following the 8:45 Shabbos Minyan. Thanks to the efforts of the Haimish Kiddush Group, this happened! The Group is looking for members for 2011, at $100 each, to continue this success. Contact Raph Ginsburg,, for details.
Davening Times Week of Nov. 28- Dec. 4, 2010
MORNING SERVICES (Nov. 28 – Dec. 4)
Univ. Arcola Sephardi (korbanot)
Sunday 8:00am 6:30/7:30/8:45am 7:30am "
Monday 6:15am 6:45am/7:35am 6:05am "
Tues./Wed. 6:30am 6:55am/7:35am 6:15am "
(Chanukah) 6:15am 6:45am/7:35am ** 6:05am "
Shabbos 8:45am 7:00/7:00*/8:00/8:45am 8:15am "
*Nusach Sefard Minyan ** Belonofsky Sanctuary
AFTERNOON SERVICES Mincha-Maariv (Nov. 28 – Dec. 2)
Sunday – Arcola & University – 4:35pm;
Arcola Monday – Thursday – 4:35pm
University – Maariv only Monday – Thursday 7:15pm
HALACHIC TIMES (Nov. 28 – Dec. 4)
Talis & Tefillin 6:14am
Krias Sh`ma 9:30am
Mincha (Earliest) 12:29pm
Next Shabbos, Dec. 3-4, 2010
Parshas Miketz, Shabbos Chanukah 27 Kislev 5771
Light Candles 4:27pm
Early Friday Mincha – Arcola 3:00pm
Friday Mincha – Arcola & University 4:30pm
Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 4:30pm
Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 2:30pm
Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 4:10pm
Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 4:25pm
Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 4:25pm
Shabbos Ends 5:30pm
Begin saying V`tein Tal u-Matar at Maariv
Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 12 Noon.
Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to
Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330
Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail: Web Site:
Office Hours: Open Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 9am – 1pm
Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, z"l Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum
David Mazel – President Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director