Parashas Vaera – January 11-12, 2013

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Young Israel Shomrai Emunah – Shabbos Shorts

January 11-12, 2013 – 1 Shevat 5773 – Parshas Vaera – Rosh Chodesh

Light Candles by 4:48 – Havdalah 5:51

Shabbos Schedule

Friday Night:

* Light Candles by 4:48

* Mincha 4:45 (Sephardi), 4:50 (Arcola & Univ.)

Shabbos Day:

* Shacharis 7:00, 7:00 (Nusach Sefard), 8:00, 8:15 (Sephardi), 8:30 (Univ.), 8:45

* Mincha 2:30, 4:30 (Sephardi), 4:45

* Maariv/Havdalah 5:51

Divrei Torah:

* 8:45 Minyan Rabbi Rosenbaum

* 8:00 Minyan Rabbi Ethan Eisen

Kiddush Sponsors:

* Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard – Bergman family in memory of the first Yahrtzeit of Ronnie's brother, Mordechai Ben Eliezer Asher.

* 8 AM Minyan – "The Chevra"

* 8:45 Main Minyan – Danny & Valerie Kugler and family in honor of Zachary's recovery and thanking the community for their support.

* University Blvd. – "Rosh Chodesh Group"

Shabbos Shiurim:

* R' Pinchas Werner – Shiur at 8:15 AM.

* Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur at 9:00 AM.

* Rabbi David Hyatt – Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.

* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Shacharit.

* Rabbi William Millen – Shiur at 3:45 PM.

* Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Shiur at 3:45 PM.

* Rabbi Amram Hes – Parsha Shiur at 4:15 PM.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur after Mincha at Arcola.

Weekday Shiurim

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mussar Study Group for Women (spiritual self-improvement), Sundays at 9:30 AM in the youth room behind the Women's Balcony.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mishna Brurah Shiur for Men, Mondays at 8:30 PM, at his home, 11403 Cloverhill Drive. Currently learning the fifth Chalek.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara Shiur for Men, Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:00 AM-6:45 AM, Arcola Social Hall.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Tehillim Shiur, Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, in the small Beis Medrash.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Chumash Shiur for Women, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM, in the small Beis Medrash.

* Zichron Gedaliah Bais Medrash for Men, Tuesdays at 8:00 PM in the YISE Social Hall.

* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Advanced Gemara Shiur for Men, Wednesdays after the 7:15 PM Maariv minyan at University.

* Greater Washington Community Kollel:

* Linas Hatzedek – Business Ethics – Join us as we continue the exciting topic of "Lifnei Ivar: Causing Others Harm or to Sin." Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

* Yesodei Hatorah, a skills-building program designed to foster independent Gemara proficiency. Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM.

Rabbi Rosenbaum is available by phone (no meetings are scheduled) from 10 AM until 11 AM, Monday through Friday, barring extenuating circumstances. Of course people can call at any time and either speak to him or leave a message. His office number is 301-593-4465, ext. 405.

Mazal Tov

* Shevi & Scott Miller on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Aviva. Mazal Tov to her siblings and the extended family.

* Amy & Reuven Mizrahi on the marriage of their son Mordechai to Leah Fastow, daughter of Simcha & Gershon Fastow of Brooklyn, NY. Mazal Tov to Mordechai's siblings Hanna and Raphael.

* Marion & Bernie Muller on the birth of a grandson, Avraham Yaakov. Mazal Tov to the parents, Devorah & Reuven Muller of Hillside, NJ and to the extended Muller and Frenkel families.


* Donna Rosenbloom on the passing of her mother, Helen Sandler. The funeral was this past week in Olney. Shiva will continue through Sunday morning, with Shacharis at 8:00 AM, at their home, 806 Kersey Road.

YISE Programs and Listings

Are you interested in learning about the life and times of one of history's most infamous rulers? If so, please join us this Friday night, January 11, 8:00 PM at the Schmerlings (1215 Arcola) to learn about Pharaoh! Refreshments provided by the host family.

Chesed opportunity commemorating MLK Day cosponsored by YISE, KMS, & MJBHA. Clean up the Kemp Mill Shopping Center Park/Sligo Park on January 21, 2013 anytime between 1:30PM-3:30PM. Gloves and bags will be distributed near the steps. Upper School students can receive community service hours. All ages may volunteer. For more info and to RSVP (optional), email Miriam Friedman at

Job Assist Events:

* PowerPoint for Beginners. Online training from the OU. Monday, Jan 14. Info and register (required) at

* Branding as a Networking Strategy. Learn how to use existing connections and find new relationships to help build your network. Tuesday, Jan 15, 7:00 PM-8:30 PM, Washington DC Jewish Community Center. Info and register at

* LinkedIn I–Beginner Users. An introduction to creating a profile and basic use of the tool for those who have not created a profile. Wednesday, Jan 16, 1:00 PM-2:30 PM, 200 Wood Hill Road, Rockville. Info and register at

Lost and Found:

* An earring was found at the YISE Social Hall last Shabbos. If you lost an earring, please contact Michael Shimoff at 301-592-1606 or

Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill – YISE's Chesed Committee has started a new program to help members undergoing serious medical crises. If you or someone you know needs help with meals, carpools, childcare, etc., or to volunteer, please contact: Melanie Karlin, 301-681-4740, or Miriam Friedman, 301-754-1517, or pick up a form in the lobby.

Youth and Nursery Announcements

The Youth Minyan will meet this Shabbos at 9:15 AM sharp, followed by a Kiddush sponsored by Shevi & Scott Miller in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Aviva.

Please join us this week for groups: 2-5 year-olds meet in the youth room behind the balcony; Girls 1st-4th grade meet in the Small Beis Medrash; Boys 1st-4th grade gather outside the Social Hall and walk to the Yeshiva. Groups run 10 AM-11:15 AM. Please pick up child(ren) promptly.

YISE Nursery Presents – Camp Shomrai Winter 2013 – Ages 2 through 3rd grade. Dates and times: Tuesday, January 22, through Friday January 25th, $40 per day – 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Extended AM – 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM $8.50 per day.Extended PM (Tuesday through Thursday only) 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM $8.50 per hour per day. Contact Lianne Heller for more information (301)593-7365 or

YISE Nursery Registration for 2013 – 1014 is now open. Early bird registration fee deadline is February 15th. Contact Lianne Heller at (301)593-7365 or to make an appointment to tour the school – spaces are limited.

YISE Nursery Presents Torah for Tots for 16 months and up and their parents or care givers, with Morah Elise Schloss. Join us for: puppets and Parsha stories, singing and circle time, Shabbos party, socialization, arts and crafts. Friday mornings from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM. Starting on January 4th. 10 Fridays for $80. Register

Yise Youth presents Laser Tag for Girls, 7th grade and up. Saturday night, February 2, 8:00 PM-10:00 PM. Leaving Shomrai Promptly at 8:00 PM. Cost:$13 Includes Two Adventures. Space is limited. RSVP to or call: 347-613-6367. Volunteer drivers are needed.

YISE Youth presents Super Bowl Sunday At Shomrai! Sunday February 3, Kick off 6:30 p.m. All are welcome. Hot dogs and wings provided at a nominal fee. Contact Avi Litwack for more info at

Community Programs and Listings

Bnei Akiva Snif this week is from 3:20 until mincha (4:40) at KMS. Walking groups will leave YISE at 2:50.

1st Grade Girls' Shabbos Group will meet on January 12 at the home of Batsheva Melamed, 11504 Rockbridge Rd, from 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM.

Avos Ubonim (Father Son Learning) – Motzei Shabbos, 7:00 PM-8:00 PM at the YGW Boys Campus. Learning will be followed by pizza, raffles & prizes. Sponsored by the Mond families, L'ilui Nishmas Yehudah Aryeh ben Yehoshua Yakir.

Bridging Beit Shemesh: A secular woman and a Haredi woman use filmmaking to open dialogue between members of the Beit Shemesh communities that rarely interact and often clash. This event includes the screening of their film, which reflects the diverse meaning of Jewish life in Israel today. The producers will share reflections on the power of the camera to catalyze social change. Saturday night, January 12 at 8:00 PM at Woodside Synagogue, co-sponsored by The Jewish Federation.

Camp Gevaldig will be hosting a family bowling event at the College Park lanes on Wednesday, January 23 between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM. The price is $6 per person for two hours of bowling. This includes shoes and as much bowling as you can fit into 2 hours. Please reserve your spot by sending an email to Everyone is welcome.

Know someone who needs financial assistance? To help send a kid to camp, for assistance with college expenses, debt consolidation, or other financial needs, please call the Hebrew Free Loan Association at (301) 770-4836 for further information, or speak with Dean Grayson (301) 908-2645. You can also visit: This organization offers discreet, interest free loans to qualified applicants.

The Jewish Rockville Outreach Center offers Hebrew classes on different levels and topics: conversational (modern), prayerbook and reading courses. Starting this Sunday, our winter session will offer the following new classes: 1. Reading Alef to Tav – 8 Mondays, January 21 – March 11, 9:15 AM- 10:30 AM. Learn to decode in Hebrew. Gain a basic vocabulary of around 100 words. No prior experience needed. 2. Reading Class level 2 (for those who can read) – Thursdays, January 24 – March 14, 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM or Sundays, January 13 – February 17, 10:00 AM- 11:30 AM. Basic structure of eight common prayers. Increase fluency & comprehension. Gain appreciation of your prayers. Please visit our website for more details. All classes are taught by a master level teacher with over 20 years of experience in teaching Hebrew language as a second language.

Rides and Volunteers for Seniors in the Community – The Senior Connection, a non-profit organization that serves lower Montgomery County, has an urgent need for volunteers in Silver Spring to meet a great jump in demand for free escorted rides to scheduled medical appointments, help with grocery shopping and friendly visits or phone calls to share companionship. For more information: or contact Marcia Custer at 301-962-0820.

The Week Ahead

Sunday, January 13 Monday, January 14 Tuesday, January 15 Wednesday, January 16 Thursday, January 17 Friday, January 18


Arcola 6:30, 7:30, 8:45 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:55, 7:35, 8:30

University 8:00 6:15 6:30 6:30 6:15 6:30

Sephardi 7:30 6:05 6:15 6:15 6:05 6:15


Arcola 4:55 4:55 4:55 4:55 4:55 See Shabbos schedule

University 4:55 7:15 (Maariv) 7:15 (Maariv) 7:15 (Maariv) 7:15 (Maariv)

Halachic Times: Earliest Talis & Tefillin: 6:30 AM, Latest Krias Shma: 9:51 AM, Earliest Mincha: 12:50 PM

Next Shabbos

January 18-19, 2013 – 8 Shevat 5773

Parshas Bo

Light Candles by 4:55 – Havdalah 5:58

Friday Night:

* Light Candles by 4:55

* Mincha 4:50 (Sephardi), 4:55 (Arcola & Univ.)

Shabbos Day:

* Shacharis 7:00, 7:00 (Nusach Sefard), 8:00, 8:15 (Sephardi), 8:30 (Univ.), 8:45

* Mincha 2:30, 4:35 (Sephardi), 4:50

* Maariv/Havdalah 5:58

Upcoming Events

Wednesday Jan. 16 Senior Lunch Arcola 12:00 Noon

Friday, Jan. 18 Ruach Minyan, 4:55 PM

Motzei Shabbos, Jan. 19 Dor L'Dor, 7:00 PM, Arcola Social Hall

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 12 noon.

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to:

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail:


Office Hours:

Monday thru Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Dr. Marc Katz – President

Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director