Parashas Shoftim – August 21-22, 2015

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Young Israel Shomrai Emunah – Shabbos Shorts

August 21-22, 2015 – 7 Elul 5775 – Parshas Shoftim

Light Candles by 7:37 (and not before 6:31) – Havdalah 8:36

The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored this week by Joey Franco – Mortgage Banker – 301-529-5387.

Shabbos Schedule

Friday Night:

* Light Candles by 7:37, and not before 6:31

* Mincha:

Arcola: 6:15, 6:40, 7:40 University: N/A Sephardi: 7:00 Nusach Sefard: 7:00

Shabbos Day:

* Shacharis:

Arcola: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00

* Mincha:

Arcola: 2:30, 5:00, 7:35 University: N/A Sephardi: 7:15 Nusach Sefard: 7:35

* Maariv/Havdalah: 8:36

Divrei Torah:

* 8:45 Main Minyan Rabbi Rosenbaum

* 8:00 Minyan Rabbi Silver

Kiddush Sponsors:

* Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard – "The Group"

* 8:00 Minyan – Simi & Sammy Franco in honor of their 33rd wedding anniversary.

* Sephardi Minyan – Anonymous

* 8:45 Main Minyan – Alan & Elaine Breitler with thanks to Hashem for their 50th wedding anniversary and this wonderful community, and by Leah & Aaron Cypess in honor of the birth of their daughter, Tikva Golda.

Shabbos Shiurim:

* Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur at 9:00 AM, behind balcony.

* Rabbi David Hyatt – Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan, Beis Medrash.

* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Shacharit.

* Rabbi William Millen – Shiur at 6:15 PM.

* Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Shiur at 6:45 PM, Large Beis Medrash.

* Rabbi Amram Hes – Shiur will not meet this week.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur after Mincha at Arcola.

Mazal Tov

* Barbara & Michael Blaustein on the birth of a granddaughter, Ora Nechama, born to Adina & Ezra Blaustein of Beachwood, OH. Mazal Tov also to the new uncle, Josh Blaustein.

* Leah & Aaron Cypess on the birth of a daughter, Tikva Golda. Mazal Tov to the older siblings Shoshana, Hadassah, and David, grandparents Sandra & Raymond Cypess of Arlington, VA, and Esther & Yakov Suslovich of Brooklyn NY.

* Susan & Rabbi Saul Koss on the birth of a great-granddaughter born to Aidel Sarah & Natan Lindell of Queens, and to aunt & uncle Esther & Yosef Lindell.

* Lee & Craig Oppenheim on the birth of a grandson, Amiel Akiva, born to Naomi & Rabbi Nathan Fein. Mazal Tov to big brother Naftali Moshe Fein, and Dod Ari Oppenheim.

* Nechama & Rabbi Yonatan Zakem on the birth of a baby girl. Mazal tov to big brothers Aryeh Leib and Tzvi.


* Ronnie Sterling on the passing of his father, Kenneth Sterling, and to Shani Malka on the passing of her grandfather. The funeral took place on Monday in Baltimore. Shiva will be observed through Sunday morning at 1000 Kersey Road. The Minyan schedule is as follows: Shacharis: Sunday: 8:00.

YISE Programs and Listings

YISE Social Committee Annual End of Summer BBQ – Sunday, August 23, 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM at the Yeshiva Boys' Campus. Good times and good food. Games for all ages. $10 (adult), $5 (ages 2-8). For more details and to RSVP/prepay go to For more information or to volunteer, contact In case of rain, the event will be held at YISE.

Yom HaDin: The Three Dimensions of the Judgement – Elul Zman Shiur for men and women by Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky. Tuesday, August 25 at 8:00 PM at YISE. Presented by the Bais Medrash Zichron Gedaliah of YISE and the Kollel Zichron Amram of YGW.

Machzor Review – Get inspired for the Yomin Noraim with two classes with Rabbi Rosenbaum. Study the Rosh Hashana Musaf, Monday, August 24, at 8:15 PM., and the Yom Kippur Viduy (confession), Monday, August 31, at 8:00 PM, both in the small Social Hall. Bring your favorite Machzor. For more information, contact Part of the YISE Meaningful Tefilah Project.

High Holiday Planning:

* Seat forms and information were mailed to all members. The seating forms and information are available in the boxes outside the Sanctuary and the Beis Medrash, and are also available on the Shul web site. The form can be completed on-line. It can then be mailed or dropped off with payment at the Shul or via e-mail, or call the Shul bookkeeper with credit card numbers.

* RH and YK Babysitting for childen ages 2-9 years old for $10 per child. Please see the flyer in the social hall lobby or contact for more information.

Refuah Shlema to Rebbetzin Yocheved Anemer, Yocheved Bas Gittel. She is presently at her daughter's, Ottie Kahana, in Baltimore (410) 764-1307.

HaKarat HaTov to Tova Kwiat for all the hours she spent in the last few weeks volunteering in the office!

Help Make a Minyan – For the past 2 years you have been successfully helping University Blvd. Shul make a Minyan over Shabbos. However we need to refresh our rotation list with additional volunteers. As a volunteer you will be asked to attend Friday night and/or Shabbos services at University Blvd. only 4 times a year, if we anticipate a shortfall. Please contact Melvin Sassoon at to be part of this Mitzvah of helping to preserve a Minyan.

YISE Dedication Opportunities – Please take a moment to check out the YISE website to see exciting new naming opportunities available. Leaves, bricks, business card ads, and dedications are just some of the newly added content. Keep checking back as much more is planned in the very near future to enhance your experience at YISE.

Shiurim from Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, ZT"L, are available at

Weekday Shiurim

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mussar Study Group for Women (spiritual self-improvement), Sundays at 9:30 AM, in the room behind the Balcony – will resume on August 23.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara Shiur for Men, Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:00 AM – 6:45 AM, in the room behind the Balcony – will resume on September 1.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Halacha Chabura for Men, Tuesday evenings. For more details, please contact

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Nach Shiur, Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, in the small Beis Medrash – now learning Sefer Yonah.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Chumash Shiur for Women, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM, in the small Beis Medrash – will resume September 9.

* Rabbi Silver's Parsha Shiur for Men and Women. A mix of Halacha and Aggada. Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM at the Magendzo home, 11617 Yeatman Terrace. Refreshments provided by the hosts.

* GWCK Sunday Kollel Brunch and Learn for Men – Sunday mornings. Bagel brunch at 9:30 AM followed by classes from 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM. Choose from classes:

* Timeless Talmud with Rabbi Menachem Winter

* Parsha Discourses with Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman

* Unraveling the Navi with Rabbi Hillel Shaps

* Jewish Philosophy with Rabbi Yonatan Zakem

* Rabbi Levy's Amud Yomi Shiur, Sunday 6:25 AM- 7:25 AM and Monday through Friday 6:25 AM – 7:10 AM in the Beis Medrash.

* The Golden Network's Torah Hour with breakfast and learning, Tuesday mornings following the 8:30 Shacharis, in the Arcola Social Hall. Open to men and women. For more information 301-338-4810 or

* Bais Medrash Zichron Gedaliah – Tuesdays at 8:00 PM in the Social Hall; Maariv to follow – Shiur with Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky.

* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Advanced Gemara Shiur for Men – Shiur is on summer break and will resume later in August.

* GWCK Yesodei Hatorah, a skills-building program designed to foster Gemara proficiency, Thursdays at 8:15 PM in the small Social Hall.

YISE Youth Announcements

The Youth Minyan will meet this Shabbos at 9:15 AM sharp, followed by a Kiddush sponsored by the Youth Minyan.

There are NO groups this week, but next week we are back to full schedule.

Community Programs and Listings

Condolences to the family of former member, Rev. Ernie / Yehuda Friedman. The funeral took place on Wednesday in Israel. His children, Rivka (Adele) Bader, Rabbi Nosson Friedman and Subby Milikowsky, will be sitting Shiva through Tuesday morning at 6910 Fieldcrest Road, Baltimore.

Mazal Tov – Valerie & Danny Kugler invite the community to the Vort of Melanie Kugler and Shlomo Fishman, Sunday, August 23. 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM, 11602 Fillmore Drive (between Horton & Kersey).

Daf Yomi meets in the Yeshiva Beis Medrash – Sunday at 6:30 AM, Monday through Thursday at 9:00 PM, and Shabbos 1-1/2 hours before regular Mincha.

Dirshu Daf Yomi B'Halacha on Hilchos Tefillin, learn Mishna Brurah with Rabbi Eli Reingold, Monday – Thursday evenings, 35 minutes before Mincha at YISE Arcola. For information contact him at 301-996-5910 or

Tehillim – Wednesday mornings. Contact Arleeta Lerner for details 301-649-0552 – will resume on August 26.

A Month of Middos – Special Elul Shiurim with Rabbi Yitzchak Scher. In preparation for Rosh Hashana, we will discuss various Middos and how to improve our interpersonal relationships. 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM, Tuesdays in Rockville. August 25 and September 1 at Ezras Israel Congregation, and September 8 at JCCGW.

Toastmasters' Meeting – Wednesday, August 26, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM in the YISE small Social Hall. See what Toastmasters is all about and find out how you can become a more confident communicator and leader. Contact Scott Schlesinger at for more information.

Lifnei Iver – The Laws of Impacting Others – Kollel Zichron Amram of YGW-Tiferes Gedaliah invites the community to the Semi-Annual Yom Iyun for Men, a morning of Yeshiva learning Sunday, August 30, YGW Boys' Campus. To RSVP or for more information: contact Rabbi Moshe Haim Blate at 404-273-3392 or Sponsored L'iluy Nishmas Frances Carol (Taylor) Eizenstat by Jessica & Jay Eizenstat.

Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington Pre-Rosh Hashana Boutique – Sunday, September 6, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM, at the Berman home in Potomac,11705 Gainsborough Road. For more information, contact Rhonda Lehman: or 301-351-1725

Workplace Skills Workshops:

* Job Search for 50+ – Career Gateway offers 5 days of intensive trainin g and a long-term mentor. Next series starts on September 8. Info and register at

* Computer Training Online – Classes available in Access, Dreamweaver, Excel, HTML/JavaScript, PowerPoint, QuickBooks, and Word. Info and register at

The Yehuda Mond Foundation provides food assistance to a growing number of families in the Greater Washington area. Currently over 40 families, consisting of over 200 individuals, are being assisted.

* Tomchei Shabbos of Greater Washington assists over 40 families in the Greater Washington Area. Visit for information.

* The Capital Kosher Pantry is an authorized distributor for the Capital Area Food Bank and the only kosher pantry in the Greater Washington Area. Visit for information.

* The Simcha Food Gemach distributes donations of surplus food from events catered under the Vaad HaRabanim. Call 301-613-3351 for drop off instructions.

If you need assistance or know someone who could use it, for Tomchei Shabbos, please call Rabbi Moshe Arzouan at 301-905-2937. For the Food Gemach, please call Shonny Leiman at 240-274-7652.

The Week Ahead

Sunday, August 23 Monday, August 24 Tuesday, August 25 Wednesday, August 26 Thursday, August 27 Friday, August 28
Arcola 6:30, 7:30, 8:45 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30
Sephardi 7:30 5:15 (Selichos), 7:10 5:20 (Selichos), 7:15 5:20 (Selichos), 7:15 5:15 (Selichos), 7:10 5:20 (Selichos), 7:15

Mincha /Maariv
Arcola 7:35 7:35 7:35 7:35 7:35 See Shabbos schedule
Sephardi 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30

Halachic Times: Earliest Talis & Tefillin: 5:40 AM, Latest Krias Shma: 9:49 AM, Earliest Mincha: 1:44 PM

Next Shabbos

August 28-29, 2015 – 14 Elul 5775

Parshas Ki Seitzei

Light Candles by 7:27 – Havdalah 8:25

Friday Night:

* Light Candles by 7:27, and not before 6:22

* Mincha:

Arcola: 6:30, 7:30 University: 7:15 Sephardi: 7:00 Nusach Sefard: 7:00

Shabbos Day:

* Shacharis:

Arcola: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00

* Mincha:

Arcola: 2:30, 5:00, 7:25 University: 7:25 Sephardi: 7:05 Nusach Sefard: 7:25

* Maariv/Havdalah: 8:25

Upcoming Events

Sunday, August 23 YISE Social Committee BBQ

Tuesday, August 25 Yom HaDin: The Three Dimensions of the Judgement, 8:00 PM

Like YISE on Facebook:

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, August 26 at 12:00 Noon.

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to:

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail:


Office Hours:

Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Michael Shimoff – President

Rabbi Binyamin Silver – Asst. Rabbi Maurie Rosenberg – Executive Director