Parashas Shemini/Parah – March 25-26, 2011

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YISE Shabbos Shorts

Shabbos, March 25-26, 2011

Parashas Shemini/Parah 20 Adar 2, 5771 Light Candles 7:06pm

Friday Mincha – Arcola & University 7:10pm

Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 7:00pm

Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at the 8AM Minyan and the 8:45AM Main Minyan.

The Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard Kiddush is sponsored by Chaim Neustadter on the occasion of the Yahrzeit of his father, Israel Nuestadter, z"l, and by Evelyn & Joel Davis in memory of Joel's grandmother, Mary Davis, z"l, and in memory of Joel's grandfather, Nathan Bitterman, z"l and in memory of Evelyn's brother, Stan Sanders, z"l.

The 8AM Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Michal & Justin Pozmanter in honor of their new daughter.

The 8:45AM Main Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the Haimish Kiddush Group.

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 2:30pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 6:50pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 7:05pm

Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 7:05pm

The Shabbos Ends 8:05pm


Nancy & Avi Karkowsky on the engagement of their daughter Shuli to Avi Rabinowitz, son of Fran & Jay Rabinowitz of Woodmere, NY. Mazal Tov also to Shuli's sibs Chavi, Josh, and Matan Yosef, Menachem, Malke & Jaime, Zev and Rafi.

Michal & Justin Pozmanter on the birth of a daughter.


Pre-Pesach Q&A with Rabbi Rosenbaum, Tuesday, March 29 – Pesach is just around the corner!! Join us in the Belonofsky Sanctuary, 8pm -9pm. Bring all your Pesach questions! Men and women are encouraged to attend. (The Q&A is being organized by YISE Sisterhood. Stay tuned for details about a boutique to be held after Pesach.)

Thank you to the YISE Sisterhood for sponsoring and providing mishloach manot to the children at the YISE Purim Family Celebration.

New YISE Cholim List – We are now using a new cholim list. Names must be given to Esther Edeson, 301-593-4465, ext. 402, or, even if they are on the list already. The list will be renewed on the first and fifteenth of the month. Names that should remain on the list must be re-submitted before then.

Pre-Pesach Chometz Food Drive – Starting March 22 and running through April 14, the Pesach Chometz food drive collects donations for the Capital Area Food Bank, which distributes food to needy individuals and families. YISE and a number of other shuls, day schools, community centers and apartment complexes are taking part. Your donations are vital and appreciated. Collection box in downstairs lobby at Arcola.

Trivia Night – The YISE Social Committee invites you to a fun night of general knowledge trivia in the Arcola Social Hall, Motzei Shabbos, March 26. Bring a team of 4-6 people to compete for great prizes and the title of "YISE Trivia Master." $5 per person. Contact Allison Lazar for questions

If you are in need of Pesach Hospitality, or you can host a family for a meal, please call Sharon Augenbaum, 301-593-2336 or e-mail by April 7.

Kashrut Alert – Due to worm infestation, the Star-K does not recommend whole sardines from Portugal, Norway, Scotland and Poland, even when bearing kosher certification. The skinless, boneless variety have not been found to have worms and are acceptable with reliable kosher certification. Whole sardines from Morocco and Philippines do not have an infestation problem.


Talmud Yoma – Shiur Monday through Thursday, small Beis Medrash, 11am-12 Noon. Beis Medrash Zichron Gedaliah Community Tuesday Night Learning for Men – in the YISE small Social Hall. Learning 8pm-9pm, followed by Maariv and light refreshments. Five shiurim & chavrusas. Contact Rabbi Reingold, 301-996-5910.

Rabbi Zev Katz's Wednesday morning Chumash class, previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, will not meet March 30.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Wednesday evening Advanced Men's Gemara shiur, previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, 7:30pm, after Maariv at University Blvd.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara shiur for men, Tuesday and Friday mornings, Arcola Social Hall, 6:00-6:45am.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Sunday night shiur for men in Mishna Brurah meets at his home. For more information contact

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Wednesday night Women's shiur 8pm, Small Beis Medrash.

The Greater Washington Community Kollel Linas Hatzedek will resume this Sunday with the topic of Hachnasas Orchim. The program is presented jointly with the YISE Adult Education Committee Sunday mornings, 9:30am, following 8:45am Shacharis.

Gemara Basics – The Greater Washington Community Kollel's weekly Yesodei HaTorah shiur for men meets Thursdays, 8-9pm, in the Small Social Hall.


R' Pinchas Werner – 8:15am Shiur, youth room behind the balcony. All are welcome.

Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Musaf.

Rabbi William Millen – Gemara Shiur, resumes this Shabbos 1 hour before Mincha.

Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Shiur on Halacha 1 hour before Sephardi Mincha.

Rabbi Amram Hes – Parsha shiur meets ½ hour before Mincha.

Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at Arcola.

Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at University.

Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur 9am, upstairs behind the women's balcony.


The Youth Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the Youth Minyan Kiddush Group.

Youth Groups this Shabbos meet at 10am. 1st – 4th grade girls meet upstairs in the small Beis Medrash; 1st – 4th grade boys at the Yeshiva (meet in the YISE downstairs lobby at 10am); 2-5 year olds meet in the large Youth room behind the women's balcony. 11:15am – pick up 2-5 year olds in the large Youth room and 1st-4th graders in the small Youth room.

Youth Groups this Shabbos meet at 10am in all the regular places. Pick up the 2-5 year olds in the large Youth room and the 1st-4th graders in the small Youth room.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Shiur for 6th-8th grade boys will not meet this Shabbos.

Using YISE Bulletin Boards – We accept only 8.5 x 11 flyers for our bulletin boards. They must be submitted to the office. Flyers placed up without office approval will be removed. We do not post flyers for programs occurring on the same date as a YISE program.

Shatnez testing – The following testers are available to help Kemp Mill residents with testing new clothing: R. Shlomo Fantl in Kemp Mill (216-337-7568); Mrs. Lisette Young in White Oak (301-681-5891) and Rabbi Gedalia Walls in Potomac (


Shabbos Group for 2nd grade girls will meet this Shabbos at Miriam Zaghi's home, 1141 Kersey Rd. from 4-5pm. Please email if you'd like to be on the group email list or host the Shabbos group.

3rd Grade Girls' Shabbos Group will meet at the home of Dalya Namrow, 6 Fulham Ct, from 4:30 – 6:00 pm.

There will be a women's discussion group on Shabbos at 5pm, at the home of Mrs. Klavan, 1106 Arcola Ave. Please bring suggestions for books for the group to read and discuss.

Snif Bnei Akiva this week is at KMS at 5pm. A walking group will leave from YISE at 4:30pm. Hope to see you there!

Looking for a job? Come join the Job Club, Thursday nights at 7:30 pm in YISE's small Beis Medrash. Benefit from networking with fellow participants, practice your "elevator speech," and more. For information, contact Richard Dine,, or Cheryl Jacobson,

Dr. Dolittle, by C. Edward Wheaton – Sunday, March 27, 3pm, at MJBHA. Adults $5; students $3, Sylvia S. Ely Auditorium. Tickets are available at the MJBHA front desk or at the door. For more information email Presented by the MJBHA Middle School.

Headhunting 101 – JSSA will offer a free workshop on Tuesday, March 29, 7-8:30pm in Rockville. Online registration required. Go to; find your event; and follow the link to register.

Camp Ahava Early Registration Deadline – Register by 3/31 for up to $250 savings. Ages 5- 12 & 13-15 (CIT Program); Silver Spring Jewish Center. Flexible sessions. Extended hours available. Structured and exciting activities, programs & trips! New Director, Stephanie Frumkin:;; 301-649-4425.

Living and Thriving in Montgomery County – Nutrition and wellness programs are the focus of the next Bikur Cholim Eldercare program by nutritionist Melanie Polk and social worker/recreation therapist Shawn Brennan, managers at Montgomery County's Department of Health and Human Services. The speakers will discuss lowering disease risk, promoting general health, give tips for basics of "successful aging" and describe resources available to support your health and personal goals here in Montgomery County. Sunday, April 3, 9:30-11:30 am, at Silver Spring Jewish Center.

Let all who are hungry come and eat – Help local families and individuals, struggling to make ends meet, make Pesach with a generous donation to the Franco Foundation. Mark it Maos Chittim. Mail it to Allan Franco, 613 Bromley Street, Silver Spring, MD, 20902.

Rides and Volunteers for Seniors – The Senior Connection, a non-profit organization that serves lower Montgomery County, provides free escorted rides to scheduled medical appointments, helps with grocery shopping and pays friendly visits or makes phone calls to share companionship. To request assistance contact Volunteers are also needed, with trips typically scheduled during non-rush hours and less than 5 miles from home. For more information go to or contact Marcia Custer, 301-962-0820.

Reminder- Community programs are listed as space is available, at the discretion of the YISE staff. Listings for non-Shul events may appear one time if space is needed for Shul events, or may appear more often if space permits. There are no guarantees. Submissions are subject to editing for space or stylistic requirements.

It's your Shul- care for it like you would want your home cared for.


Motzei Shabbos, March 26 – YISE Trivia Night, Arcola Social Hall, see page 1 for details

Tuesday, March 29 – Pesach Q &A w/Rabbi Rosenbaum, 8-9pm, Belonofsky Sanctuary Sanctuary

Shabbos, April 1 – Kesher Alumni dinner with Rabbi Dr. Barry Freundel at YISE

Shabbos, April 2 -Rabbi Dr. Barry Freundel, Scholar-in-Residence

Monday, April 4, Basic Colors, Arcola Social Hall, 11am-6:30pm

The YISE Nominating Committee has been created and will begin meeting to form a slate of officers and board members. If you would like to be considered for a position or know someone who would be a good candidate to serve in a leadership capacity in the shul please contact Committee Chair Maury Litwack, 301-785-1421 or, Elaine Millen, Stuart Rosenthal, Howie Schulman, and Sarah Sicherman

Camp Shomrai Summer 2011 is open for registration now! Let your child enjoy a summer of exploration and adventure in the safe and nurturing environment of a camp for nursery aged children only. Call Lianne Heller for more information, 301-593-7365.

Davening Times Week of March 27 – April 2, 2011

MORNING SERVICES (March 27 – April 2)

Univ. Arcola Sephardi (korbanot)

Sunday 8:00am 6:30/7:30/8:45am 7:30am "

Monday/Thursday 6:15am 6:45/7:35/8:30am 6:05am "

Tues./Wed./Fri. 6:30am 6:55/7:35/8:30am 6:15am "

Shabbos 8:45am 7:00/7:00*/8:00/8:45am 8:15am "

*Nusach Sefard Minyan

AFTERNOON SERVICES Mincha-Maariv (March 27 – March 31)

Sunday – Thursday – Arcola & University 7:15pm

HALACHIC TIMES (March 27 – April 2)

Talis & Tefillin 6:09am

Krias Sh'ma 10:01am

Mincha (Earliest) 1:45pm

Next Shabbos, April 1-2, 2011

Parashas Tazria/HaChodesh 27 Adar 2, 5771 Light Candles 7:13pm

Friday Mincha – Arcola & University 7:15pm

Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 7:00pm

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 2:30pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 6:55pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 7:10pm

Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 7:10pm

The Shabbos Ends 8:13pm

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday March 30, at 12 Noon.

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail: Web Site:

Office Hours: Open Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 9am – 1pm

Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, z"l Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum

David Mazel – President Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director