Parashas Shemini – March 29 – 30, 2019
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Young Israel Shomrai Emunah – Shabbos Shorts
March 29 – 30, 2019 – 23 Adar II 5779 – Parshas Shemini/Parah/Mevorchim Hachodesh
Light Candles by 7:10 – Havdalah 8:10
The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored this week anonymously with HaKarat HaTov to six people who work tirelessly for the shul, with gratitude: Josh Breitstein, Bev Morris, Jules Meisler, Manasseh Katz, Seth Katz and Barbara Price.
Mazal Tov
* Florence Avigan on the Bar Mitzvah of her great-grandson, Emanuel Shulman, son of Sara & Yisroel Shulman of Yerushalayim. Mazal Tov also to great-aunt and uncle Karen & Howie Schulman and to the entire family.
* Elaine & Alan Breitler on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Dahlia Wolkoff, daughter of Ruth Ann Breitler & Rabbi Robert Wolkoff. Mazal Tov to Dahlia's brothers Eitan and Yosef, and to all of Dahlia's aunts, uncles, and cousins.
* Adina & Fred Friedman on the birth of a granddaughter, Ruchama Tova, to their children, Rena & Eliezer Snow of Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel.
* Rena & Chaim Fruchter on the birth of a granddaughter, Beatrice Ruth (Bayla Rut), to their children, Leah Koenig & Yoshie Fruchter.
* Susan & Rabbi Saul Koss on the marriage of their grandson, Akiva Meir, son of Miri & R' Reuven Koss of Netivot, to Chani Herman of Yerushalayim.
* Ted Goodman on the passing of his mother, Phyllis Goodman. The funeral took place on Sunday in Milwaukee.
* Nancy Mehlman on the passing of her father, Menache Israel. The funeral took place in Seattle on Friday. Nancy will return to Kemp Mill to observe Shiva at 925 Grays Lane from Sunday afternoon through Thursday morning.
Shabbos Schedule
Friday Night:
* Light Candles by 7:10
* Mincha:
Ashkenazi: 7:10 Sephardi: 7:00 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
Shabbos Day:
* Shacharis:
Ashkenazi: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45, 9:15 Youth: 9:15 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
* Mincha:
Ashkenazi: 2:30, 5:00, 7:00 Sephardi: 6:50 Nusach Sefard: 7:05
* Shabbos Ends: 8:10
Divrei Torah:
* 8:45 Main Minyan Rabbi Rosenbaum
* 8:00, 9:15 Rabbi Silver
Kiddush Sponsors:
* Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard – Chaim Neustadter on the Yahrtzeit of his father, Yisroel Reuven ben Alexander Sender, Z"L, (Israel Neustadter) and by the Broder family in honor of Alan's birthday.
* Sephardi Minyan – "Sephardic Group"
* 8:45 Main Minyan – Friends of Howie Schulman to celebrate his retirement.
* 9:15 Minyan – Bari & Hillel Goldschein in honor of their first wedding anniversary.
Shabbos Shiurim:
* Rabbi Tuvia Grauman – Rabbi Hyatt's Gemara Shiur, after Hashkamah Minyan, lower lobby
* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Shacharit.
* Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur 9:00 AM, will resume April 6.
* Rabbi Levy – Shiur at 6:05 PM, Large Beis Medrash.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur after Mincha
Weekday Shiurim
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mussar Study Group for Women (spiritual selfimprovement), Sundays at 9:30 AM, in the Small Beis Medrash.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara Shiur for Men, Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:00 AM – 6:45 AM, in the room behind the Balcony.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Halacha Chabura for Men, Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM, in the Small Beis Medrash, will resume April 30.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Nach Shiur, Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, in the Small Beis Medrash, will resume May 1.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Chumash Shiur for Women, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM, in the room behind the balcony, will resume May 15.
* Rabbi Silver's Parsha Shiur for men & women, a mix of Halacha and Aggada. Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. For more details, contact
* GWCK Sunday Kollel Brunch and Learn for Men – Sunday mornings. Bagel brunch at 9:30 AM followed by classes from 9:45 AM – 10:30 AM, in the Large Social Hall. Choose from classes:
* On the Same Page with Rabbi Menachem Winter
* Parsha Discourses with Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman
* Unraveling the Navi with Rabbi Hillel Shaps
* Sage Wisdom with Rabbi Moshe Sadwin
* Rabbi Yonatan Zakem's Shiur for men & women, Pearls of Prayer, exploring the depth and meaning of our daily prayers. Sundays at 8:00 PM in the Social Hall.
* GWCK presents CLAS (Community Learning at Shomrai) – 8:15 PM – 9:15 PM at YISE. For more information, please contact Rabbi Hillel Shaps,, 347-869-9361.
* For Men:
* Mondays: Rabbi Shaps – On The Same Page
* Wednesdays: Rabbi Grossman – Reading Responsa
* Wednesdays: Shivti led by Rabbi Sussman. Rabbi Grossman will be presenting weekly lectures on the weekly topic.
* Thursdays: Rabbi Sussman – Yesodei Hatorah
* For Women:
* Mondays: Mrs. Sara Malka Winter – Tehillim: An in-depth analysis.
* Rabbi Levy's Amud Yomi Shiur, Sunday 6:25 AM-7:25 AM & Monday through Friday 6:25 AM – 7:10 AM in the room behind the Balcony.
* The Golden Network Presents: Rabbi Barry Greengart's Shiur on Daily Halachos for men & women, Tuesdays 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM.
* Rabbi Yitzchak Scher's Shiur for Men and Women: 613? Appreciating Every One of Them! Tuesdays, 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM, in the Small Beis Medrash.
* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Advanced Gemara Shiur for Men, learning Maseches Kesubos, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM in the Social Hall.
Save the Date: Sunday, May 12th, 2019
YISE Annual Banquet
Honoring: Susan and Abe Zwany
Young Leadership Award: Elise and Ken Saks
Youth Award: Dovy Brodkin
HaKarat HaTov Award to Yvette Epstein
Special Tribute to: Officer Eli Dunham and Officer Justin Haire
YISE Youth Announcements
The Youth Minyan will meet this Shabbos at 9:15 AM sharp in the Small Beis Medrash, followed by a Kiddush sponsored by the Youth Minyan.
Please join us this week for groups:
2-5 year-olds 9:30 AM – end of 8:45 minyan in the youth room behind the Balcony.
1st-4th grade 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM at the Yeshiva. Walking group leaves at 10:00 AM. Girls meet in the main lobby. Boys meet outside the Social Hall.
Please pick up child(ren) promptly.
Youth Family Ice Skating – Sunday, April 7, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM, Wheaton Ice Arena, 1171 Orebaugh Ave., $10 per person including skates.
Community Learning in Memory of Rabbi Anemer
In commemoration of his ninth Yahrzeit, Rabbi Rosenbaum and the YISE Adult Education Committee invite the community to learn L'zecher Nishmas Rav Anemer, ZT"L. All are welcome to participate in the Shul's new seven week learning program that will culminate in the Seudah Shlishit in memory of Rav Anemer, ZT"L on Shabbos Acharei Mos, May 4.
Over seven weeks, we will learn a Perek (chapter) a week of Hilchos Talmud Torah of the Rambam's Mishnah Torah. In addition to independent learning, each Sunday the Shul will send out an article from Rabbi Rosenbaum or Rabbi Silver on a topic discussed in that week's Perek. Links to the weekly learning and articles are available at:
Please feel free to contact Bob Levi at with any questions.
YISE Programs and Listings
Toddler Room Renovation – The toddler room is being renovated thanks to a generous donor. Due to the work in process, the room is not currently available for use. The renovations are expected to be completed before Pesach.
The Young Israel Edition of the Koren Haggadah with commentary by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is available in the Shul office for those who ordered through NCYI. A limited number of additional copies are available, one per member, upon request.
Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington and the YISE Chesed Committee – Rabbi Koss will be speaking on a topic in Jewish History on Monday, April 1, from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM at 1111 University Blvd. W. in the Penthouse. Light refreshments will be served. For more info, contact Miriam Friedman at 301-754-1517 or
Pre-Pesach Shiur – Rabbi Eli Reingold will speak on "Selflessness and Geulah: The Role of Bein Adam L'Chaveiro in Geulas Mitzrayim and Other Geulos" Tuesday, April 2, 8:00 PM in the Social Hall. Bais Medrash Zichron Gedaliah community Shiur for men and women. For more information contact Rabbi Reingold at 301-996-5910.
Senior Lunch – Wednesday, April 3, 12 Noon, Social Hall. Dr. Alan Breitler, "Amazing Statistics", part 2.
Nominations Sought – The YISE Nominating Committee has been appointed and will be preparing a slate of officers and directors to be voted on at the shul's annual election meeting in May. Nominations and self-nominations may be submitted to through April 11. For more information, call Stuart at 301-980-9557.
Shmurah Matzah – Regular or Whole Wheat $24/lb., Spelt or Oat $27/lb. Order deadline Friday, April 5, 11:00 AM. Pickup at YISE, Wednesday, April 10 & Thursday, April 11 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM. Order online at or contact the YISE office.
Global Good Deeds Day Park Cleanup – Sunday, April 7, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Meet at the steps near CVS in the Kemp Mill Shopping Center. Bags, gloves and t-shirts will be distributed. Upper School students can receive community service hours. Great for all ages! Produced in partnership with The Jewish Federation's Jconnect. Park cleanup organized by YISE, KMS, Berman Hebrew Academy, Berman PTO, NCSY, Chabad of Silver Spring, and Ben Yehuda Pizza with Montgomery Parks. For more info, contact: Miriam Friedman at All volunteers will receive 10% off at Ben Yehuda Pizza on April 7.
Rabbi Rosenbaum's Pre-Pesach Halacha Review Shiur – Tuesday, April 9, 8:30 PM in the Belonofsky Sanctuary.
Ruach Minyan – Hold the date for the Shabbos Hagadol Pre-Pesach Ruach Minyan on Friday April 12 at 7:00 PM sharp in the Social Hall. While there is no formal children's program, all Daveners are warmly invited and encouraged to join us. So bring the family and invite your friends. It's going to be Gevaldic! For more information contact:
Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill is a part of YISE's Chesed Committee. The program is a service to help members undergoing serious medical crises. We are always looking for volunteers to help. By signing up, you are not committing to help with anything specific. To be a part of this program by helping with meals, visitation, shopping, childcare, etc., contact: Melanie Karlin, 301-681-4740, or Miriam Friedman, 301-754-1517,
The Rachel Bassan Horwitz Fund is used for medical needs in our area, elsewhere in the US, and in Israel. Thousands of dollars have been distributed to individuals requiring assistance. Our funds are depleting and in order to continue this much needed medical fund your financial help is needed! Tax deductible contributions may be made payable to: YISE Charity SPECIAL Fund, c/o Norma Burdett, 11720 Lovejoy St., Silver Spring, MD 20902. Earmark: Bassan Fund. For more information: Norma Burdett, 301-593-5964 or Pearl Bassan, 301-649-3137.
Shiurim from Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, ZT"L, are available at
Community Programs and Listings
Condolences to the family of former YISE member Shlomo Reutlinger. The funeral and Shiva took place in Israel.
Rabbi Marvin Goldman¡¦s Shiur at University Towers – Shabbos, March 30, at 1121 University Blvd. West, Apt. 516, at 4:00 PM Tzurba M'Rabanan learning group meets this Shabbos, March 30, learning Halachos of the Seder night. Men¡¦s group at 3:00 PM at the home of Moshe and Rose Litwack, 11302 Monticello Ave. Women¡¦s group at 4:30 PM at the home of Josh and Mickie Breitstein, 1215 North Belgrade.
Bnei Akiva Snif – This Shabbos, March 30, 5:45 PM – 7:00 PM. 2nd – 5th graders at KMS. 6th grade at the Frenkel home, 914 Clintwood Drive. Walking groups leave YISE at 5:20 PM and return at 7:25 PM.
Join The Golden Network's Caregiver Support Group's first session on Sunday, March 31, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM at Kemp Mill Synagogue. This group is geared towards Jewish women whose spouses are living at home or are in a medical facility and are affected by a chronic illness or a cognitive condition. For more information or if you plan to attend please contact: Mrs. Hedy Peyser, MSW, Mrs. Esther Dziadek or Rabbi Shmuel Leigh 301-732-1773 /
Uncle Moishy¡¦s World Tour – Sunday, March 31, doors open 1:45 PM, concert 2:30 PM. Kol Torah, 2929 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore. Tickets and more information available online at or $18 at the door.
Lone Soldiers Program – Nefesh B¡¦Nefesh and the FIDF invites parents of current and future lone soldiers to an evening of sharing, bonding, and
information on Monday, April 1, at 7:30 PM in Rockville, MD. The program will be divided into 3 parts:
* Meet & Greet: a chance to meet parents of current and future chayalim
* Presentation: Rights and Benefits of Lone Soldiers and What to Expect as a Lone Soldier Parent
* Discussion: Future Chayalim_, the process, new vocabulary, and tips for and from parents
For more information and to RSVP, please contact Leo Loeffler at
Post High School Girls Shiur – Tuesday nights, 8:30 PM at the Pepper home, 1101 North Belgrade Road. On April 2, the Shiur will be given by Rabbi Zev Katz, Menahel, YGW Girls Division.
Kemp Mill Toastmasters – Wednesday, April 3, 8:00 PM – 9:15 PM in the YISE Small Social Hall. See what Toastmasters is all about and find out how you can become a more confident communicator & leader. Contact Debbie Katz at for more info.
Pre-Pesach Boutique – Sunday, April 7, 10:00 AM ¡V 4:00 PM at KMS. Clothing, hats, makeup, cookware, bakeware, kitchen tools, serving accessories, jewelry and more! A percentage of all sales will benefit Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington. For more information, contact Rhonda Lehman at 301-351-1725 or
Linda Kahan, A"H, Memorial Lecture and Breakfast – Join Sulam on Sunday, April 7 at 10:00 AM in the Berman Hebrew Academy Cafeteria. Lecture topic will be "Translating the Bible", presented by Adele Berlin, Professor Emerita of Biblical Studies at the Univ. of MD. $36 couvert. Sponsorships available. RSVP: or email
The Q – Join Greater Washington NCSY Cheryl Stern Memorial Scholarship Fund on Sunday, April 7, 7:00 PM at B¡¦nai Israel Congregation, 6301 Montrose Rd., Rockville, MD, to celebrate and support the teens of Greater Washington NCSY! "The Q" is an interactive multimedia, team based trivia game. Please RSVP today at or by calling 410-358-6279 or by emailing
Kollel Dirshu Silver Spring is learning Maseches Nazir. Learn in the morning (5:45 AM – 6:30 AM) or in the evening (9:00 PM – 10:00 PM) at the Boys Yeshiva. For more info, please contact Rabbi Eli Reingold at 301-996-5910 or Ranon Cortell at 240-277-2730.
Daf Yomi Shiur meets in the Yeshiva Beis Medrash – Sunday at 6:30 AM, Monday through Thursday at 9:00 PM, and Shabbos 1-1/2 hours before the YISE late Mincha.
Learn Mishnah Brurah Hilchos Shabbos in 18 Months – Shiur for men with Rabbi Eli Reingold. Monday through Thursday, 8:00 – 8:45 PM at the Boys Yeshiva. Questions? Rabbi Reingold at 301-996-5910.
Daily Halacha Program from Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold – Receive one every day in your inbox. Visit and click "Sign Up."
Shmiras Halashon – Rabbi Levy¡¦s Shiur for men in Shmiras Halashon, weekday afternoons, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, 609 Hyde Rd.
Kemp Mill Village volunteers are now offering services to Village members, including rides for appointments, shopping, and visits to friends and family, help with household tasks, and prescription deliveries. Call the toll free number 1-833-KMV-20902 to request member services or to volunteer.
The Value of Modesty – Rabbi Levy¡¦s Shiur for women, based on text by Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus ZT"L. Alternate Sundays, 7:00 PM, 609 Hyde Rd.
Silver Spring Gemachim – For a complete list:
The Week Ahead
Sunday March 31 Monday April 1 Tuesday April 2 Wednesday April 3 Thursday April 4 Friday April 5
Ashkenazi 6:30, 7:30, 8:45 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30
Sephardi 7:30 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15
Ashkenazi 7:20 7:20 7:20 7:20 7:20 See Shabbos schedule
Sephardi 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15 7:15
Halachic Times: Earliest Talis and Tefillin: 6:02 AM, Latest Krias Shma: 9:58 AM, Earliest Mincha: 1:45 PM
Next Shabbos
April 5 – 6, 2019 – 1 Nissan 5779
Parshas Tazria/Rosh Chodesh/HaChodesh
Light Candles by 7:17 – Havdalah 8:18
Friday Night:
* Light Candles by 7:17
* Mincha:
Ashkenazi: 7:20 Sephardi: 7:00 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
Shabbos Day:
* Shacharis:
Ashkenazi: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45, 9:15 Youth: 9:15 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
* Mincha:
Ashkenazi: 2:30, 5:00, 7:15 Sephardi: 7:00 Nusach Sefard: 7:15
* Maariv/Havdalah: 8:18
Upcoming Events
Monday, April 1 The Man With The Truck, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Wednesday, April 3 Senior Lunch, 12 Noon, Social Hall
Sunday, April 7 Park Cleanup, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Tuesday, April 9 Pre-Pesach Shiur, 8:30 PM
Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, April 3 at 12:00 Noon
Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to:
Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330
Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail:
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Sammy Franco – President
Rabbi Binyamin Silver – Asst. Rabbi Simi Franco – Office Manager