Parashas Pinchas – July 15-16, 2011

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YISE Shabbos Shorts

The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored by Marion Krakow and family on the yahrzeit of Bernard Krakow, Berel ben Yitzchak Moshe, z"l, beloved husband, father and grandfather.

Shabbos, July 15-16, 2011

Parashas Pinchas 14 Tammuz, 5771

Earliest Candle Lighting 7:02pm Light Candles by 8:15pm

Friday Mincha (Plag) – Arcola 6:50pm

Friday Mincha – Nusach Sefard & Sephardi 7:00pm

Friday Mincha – University 7:15pm

Friday Mincha 2 – Arcola Social Hall 7:30pm

Friday Mincha – Arcola 8:15pm

Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at the Sephardi Minyan.

Rabbi Ethan Eisen will speak at the 8:00AM Minyan.

R' Pinchas Werner will speak at the 8:45AM Main Minyan.

The Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard Kiddush is sponsored by "The Group."

The 8AM Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Charles Karlin and Melanie & Sandy Karlin and family in commemoration of the second yahrtzeit of their wife, mother and grandmother, Katie Littman Karlin z"l (Kayla Gittel bat Shimon Ber)

The 8:45AM Main Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by "The Haimish Kiddush Group."

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 5:00pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 7:55pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 8:10pm

Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 8:10pm

Shabbos Ends 9:20pm

Tuesday, July 19 – 17th of Tammuz Fast Begins: 4:19am Fast Ends: 9:18pm


Shoshana & Barak Tanzer on the birth of a daughter. Mazal Tov also to siblings Shira, Tova, Yaffa and Zahava and to grandmother, Elisa Schachnes.

Mindy & Shmuel Tolchinsky on the birth of a granddaughter, Tehila Golda, to their children Batsheva & Motti Tolchinsky of Passaic, NJ. Mazal Tov also to big brother Eliyahu, great-grandmother Janet Rottenberg, grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Kalman Winter, and all the aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Rosalyn & Arnold Bramson on the the birth of a granddaughter, Miriam Devorah Tovah, to their children Tzvia & Rabbi Michael Bramson of Beit Shemesh, Israel.

Yvette Epstein on the birth of a granddaughter to her children Stepanie & Dadi Greenspan. Mazal Tov also to brother Gabi & grandparents Bella Epstein & Bob Epstein.

Holiday seat time again – High Holiday seat forms were mailed this week. Please check your mail and send your requests in soon.

Rabbi Rosenbaum will be away July 20 to July 30 (just before the Nine Days). Rabbi Hyatt and Rabbi Reingold have kindly agreed to answer shaalos during that time. Anyone needing to contact Rabbi Rosenbaum for an urgent matter may call Alan Zimmerman, 301-593-4465, ext. 401, who will contact Rabbi Rosenbaum.

The family of Abe Sperling, z"l, thanks the entire YISE community for its heartfelt support and generosity since his passing. We will be grateful forever for your kindness.


Bais Medrash Zichron Gedaliah is on summer break.

Rabbi Zev Katz's Wednesday morning Chumash shiur is on summer break.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Wednesday evening Advanced Men's Gemara shiur for men meets one hour before Mincha at University Blvd.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara shiur for men will resume in August.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Sunday night shiur for men in Mishna Brurah meets at his home. For more information contact

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Wednesday night Women's shiur will resume in August.

Linas Hatzedek – The Greater Washington Community Kollel – Due to the upcoming Three Weeks, Linas Hatzedek will continue the topic of "Gossip and Slander – Hold Your Tongue." The program is presented jointly with the YISE Adult Education Committee, Sunday mornings 9:30am, following the 8:45 Shacharis.

Gemara Basics – The Greater Washington Community Kollel's weekly Yesodei Hatorah shiur for men meets on Thursdays, 8:35pm, in the Arcola Social Hall.


R' Pinchas Werner – 8:15am Shiur, youth room behind the balcony. All are welcome.

Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Musaf.

Rabbi William Millen – Gemara Shiur 1 hour before Mincha.

Rabbi Amram Hes -Parsha shiur meets ½ hour before Mincha.

Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur between Mincha and Maariv at Arcola.

R' Matt Welik – Shiur between Mincha and Maariv at University Blvd.

Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur 9am, upstairs behind the women's balcony.


Kashrut Alert – According to the Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin, Trader Joes Pita Chips with Sea Salt are Kosher but were mislabeled Pas Yisrael.

Let there be Light – A number of members have pointed out that the front most ceiling light in the Belonofsky Sanctuary, up in the left corner, has been switching on and off for weeks. We finally obtained a ladder that could reach the light and changed the bulb only to bring to light another problem, requiring an electrician. It will be two weeks before it is fixed. There will be no bulb in that socket. We appreciate your patience.

Reminder- Announcements are listed as space is available, at the discretion of the YISE staff. Listings for non-Shul events may appear one time if space is needed for Shul events, or may appear more often if space permits. Submissions are subject to editing for space or stylistic requirements.

Time to Clean Out Lost & Found and the Coat Racks! The Shul has clothing and toys left behind in the building. If you are missing something, check the boxes in the corner of the downstairs coatroom. Also, if you have left coats hanging up either upstairs or downstairs, please take them home. They will be given away to charity if not claimed by Monday, July 18.


Women's Daytime Tehillim Group – 2pm-3pm, Tuesdays. For information contact Arleeta Lerner, 301-649-0552.

The Women's Group meeting at the home of Mrs. Klavan, 1106 Arcola Avenue, will have an open discussion this Shabbos at 5:30pm.

The Kemp Mill Shabbos Afternoon Women's Shiur will take place this Shabbos, 5 pm, at the home of Aviva Roth 602 Lamberton Drive. Sari Mayer will speak on the topic: "Havdalah: What Difference Does it Make?"

Basic Tools for People in Transition – The OU will present a free web-based seminar by Alex Freund on Monday, July 18, 2011, at 5:30pm. Learn (1) who can really help you, (2) how to increase your chances for an interview, and (3) how to prepare for an interview. Registration required at or email

Being "Conservative": Saving Energy on Shabbos – Rabbi Gedalia Walls will discuss halachic concepts and practical tips to help save energy on Shabbos while maintaining the sanctity of the day. Monday, July 25, 8 pm at the Silver Spring Jewish Center. Free event sponsored by the Kayamut/Sustainability Circle.

How to Stay Inspired on a Daily Basis – Rebbetzin Nechama Karlinsky, noted teacher and lecturer from Israel, 8pm Monday, July 25, at Southeast Hebrew Congregation. $10 donation. For more information call Sorah Rivkah Goodman, 301-681-6347. Presented by The Mesorah Women's Learning Institute.

Never Stop Marketing Yourself – Jeremy Epstein will explain why resumes are becoming obsolete in today's labor market and how you can effectively market yourself. Wednesday, July 27, 8pm (please note time), KMS. Sponsored by the Kemp Mill Employment Assistance Initiative and Wrap2Go. To reserve a seat and a copy of the handout, email For other job-related assistance, email Avi Zemelman at

Summer Seminar – In conjunction with YISE, the Greater Washington Community Kollel invites men and women to a week of inspiration August 1-4. Enjoy 4 two-part lectures. Monday and Wednesday: 8:00-8:40pm – Temple of Glory: Appreciating our Treasure; Mourning our Loss. 8:50-9:30pm – Taryag Mitzvos: Why So Many? Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00-8:40pm – Tefillah: Words of Gems; Expressions of Power. 8:50-9:30pm – Eicha: A Book of Love? Mincha 7:45, Refreshments 8:40-8:50 in the YISE Social Hall.

How to stay focused in your jobsearch – Come join the Job Club Thursday nights at 7:30 pm. Learn how to better present yourself, expand your network, to land work. The Kemp Mill Employment Assistance Initiative has been helping people for years! Come see for yourself at YISE Arcola Small Social Hall. For more information, and to confirm the meeting is on for this week, contact Richard Dine,, or Cheryl Jacobsen,

Job Search Workshop for Recent College Grads – JSSA will present a free workshop on Wednesday, July 27, 3-4:30pm, at 200 Wood Hill Road, Rockville, MD. Learn how to clarify your career preferences, leverage your existing skills to improve your job search, and craft an effective on-line and real-time networking strategy. Registration required at For info, email

Job Search Boot Camp – JSSA will offer a free boot camp on August 3-4 (must attend both days), at 2850 Quebec Street, NW, DC. Learn how to uncover job opportunities, develop a resume and cover letter that will get you in the door, network your way to a new job, and interview with confidence. Registration required at For info, email


Saturday, July 23 – Special Kiddush in honor of Robin & Rabbi Dovid Niman after 8:45 Main Minyan. Any questions, please contact or 301-681-4750, or or 301-649-6562.


The Youth Minyan meets at 9:15am.

The Youth Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the Youth Minyan Kiddush Group.

Youth Groups this Shabbos meet from 10am to 11:15am for 2-5 year-olds ONLY in the large Youth room behind the women's balcony. Groups for 1st – 4th grade boys and girls will resume in the fall.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Shiur for 6th-8th grade boys meets 1 hour before Mincha on Shabbos.

It's your Shul- care for it like you would want your home cared for.

Davening Times Week of July 17 – July 23, 2011

MORNING SERVICES (July 17 – July 23)

Univ. Arcola Sephardi (korbanot)

Sunday 8:00am 6:30/7:30/8:45am 7:30am "

Monday/Thursday 6:15am 6:45/7:35/8:30am 6:05am "

Tuesday (Fast Day)* 6:10am 6:35/7:35/8:30am 6:00am "

Wednesday/Friday 6:30am 6:55/7:35/8:30am 6:15am "

Shabbos 8:45am 7:00/7:00/8:00/8:45am 8:15am

*17th of Tammuz Fast Begins: 4:19am Fast Ends: 9:18pm

AFTERNOON SERVICES Mincha-Maariv (July 17- July 21)

Sunday/Monday/Wednesday/Thursday – Arcola & University 8:15pm

Tuesday – Early Mincha Arcola (Beis Medrash) 2:00pm, Mincha – Arcola (Belonofsky

Sanctuary) & University 7:55pm, Maariv – Arcola & University 8:50pm

HALACHIC TIMES (July 17 – July 23)

Talis & Tefillin 4:59am

Krias Sh'ma 9:35am

Mincha (Earliest) 1:51pm

Beginning July 23, the University Blvd. Shabbos Shacharis minyan will start at 8:30am.


Next Shabbos, July 22-23, 2011

Parashas Matos 21 Tammuz, 5771

Earliest Candle Lighting 6:59pm Light Candles by 8:10pm

Friday Mincha (Plag) – Arcola 6:45pm

Friday Mincha – Nusach Sefard & Sephardi 7:00pm

Friday Mincha – University 7:15pm

Friday Mincha 2 – Arcola Social Hall 7:30pm

Friday Mincha – Arcola 8:10pm

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 5:00pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 7:50pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 8:05pm

Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 8:05pm

Shabbos Ends 9:14pm

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, July 20, at 12 Noon.

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail: Web Site:

Office Hours: Monday -Thursday, 9am-5pm, Friday 9am – 2pm

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, zt"l

David Mazel – President Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director