Parashas Noach – November 4-5, 2016

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Young Israel Shomrai Emunah – Shabbos Shorts

November 4-5, 2016 – 4 Cheshvan 5777 – Parshas Noach

Light Candles by 5:45 – Havdalah 6:44

The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored this week by Vivian Kirshenbaum with Weichert Realtors – Office: 301-681-0560 Cell: 301-318-1313

Mazal Tov

* Faygah & Jed Linfield on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Nechama. Mazal Tov to grandfather Jack Mehlman; to siblings Mordechai, Moshe, Tzivia, Avrumi, Shoshana, and Gavriella; and to all of the aunts, uncles, and cousins

Shabbos Schedule

Friday Night:

* Light Candles by 5:45

* Mincha:

Arcola: 5:45 University: 5:45 Sephardi: 5:40 Nusach Sefard: 5:45

Shabbos Day:

* Shacharis:

Arcola: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45, 9:15 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00

The 9:15 Minyan will meet in the Boys' Yeshiva.

* Mincha:

Arcola: 2:30, 5:40 University: 5:40 Sephardi: 5:20 Nusach Sefard: 5:40

* Maariv/Havdalah: 6:44

* Remember to change your clocks – "Fall Back" one hour.

Divrei Torah:

* 8:45 Main Minyan Rabbi Rosenbaum

* 8:00 and 9:15 Minyanim Rabbi Silver

Kiddush Sponsors:

* Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard – Josh Rokach in gratitude to the Kehila for the honor of Chasan Torah, and Margie & Michael Hourwitz to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Rabbi David Hyatt's parents, Rabbi Julius Hyatt Z"L and Mrs. Ida Hyatt Z"L; Rabbi Hyatt's Refuah and return to Shul; in memory of Michael's mother Florence Hourwitz and his grandparents Sara Rogoff Z"L and Abraham Rogoff Z"L; and a Siyum to celebrate Rabbi Hyatt's shiur completing Gemara Shabbos.

* Sephardi Minyan – Chaim Tor in memory of his brother Naftali Ben Yosef Hanolad MiRivkah.

* 8:45 Main Minyan – "The Haimish Kiddush Group"

* 9:15 Minyan – The Bolts/Battat family in honor of Violet passing her architecture exams.

Shabbos Shiurim:

* Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur at 9:00 AM, behind the balcony.

* Rabbi David Hyatt – Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan, Lower Lobby.

* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Shacharit.

* Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Shiur at 4:35 PM, Large Beis Medrash.

* Rabbi William Millen – Shiur at 4:40 PM.

* Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman – Shiur after Mincha at Arcola.

* Rabbi Barry Greengart – Shiur after Mincha at University

Weekday Shiurim

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mussar Study Group for Women (spiritual self-improvement), Sundays at 9:30 AM, in the room behind the Balcony.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara Shiur for Men, Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:00 AM – 6:45 AM, in the room behind the Balcony.

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Halacha Chabura for Men, Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM, in the Social Hall. For more details, please contact

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Nach Shiur, Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, in the Small Beis Medrash

* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Chumash Shiur for Women, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM, in the room behind the Balcony – will not meet this week.

* Rabbi Silver's Parsha Shiur for Men and Women, a mix of Halacha and Aggada. Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM. For more details, please contact

* GWCK Sunday Kollel Brunch and Learn for Men – Sunday mornings. Bagel brunch at 9:30 AM followed by classes from 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM. Choose from classes:

* Timeless Talmud with Rabbi Menachem Winter

* Parsha Discourses with Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman

* Unraveling the Navi with Rabbi Hillel Shaps

* Before we Begin with Rabbi Yonatan Zakem

* Rabbi Levy's Amud Yomi Shiur, Sunday 6:25 AM- 7:25 AM and Monday through Friday 6:25 AM – 7:10 AM in the Beis Medrash.

* The Golden Network Presents:

* Torah Hour with breakfast and learning, Tuesday mornings following the 8:30 Shacharis, in the Arcola Social Hall. Open to men and women.

* NEW SHIUR: Rabbi Raphael Malka's Mishnah Class for Men, Tuesday mornings, 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM.

* For more information 301-732-1773 or

* Rabbi Yitzchak Scher's Shiur for Men and Women: 613? We Can Appreciate Every One of Them! Tuesdays, 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM, in the Small Beis Medrash.

* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Advanced Gemara Shiur for Men, Wednesdays at 7:30 PM at University.

* GWCK presents CLAS (Community Learning at Shomrai) – 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM at YISE. For more information, please contact Rabbi Yonatan Zakem at or 513-313-4899.

* Men (classes located in the YISE Beis Medrash):

* Monday: 613 with Rabbi Hillel Shaps.

* Tuesday: In The Beginning with Rabbi Zacharia Schwartz.

* Wednesday: Torah Topics with Rabbi Menachem Winter.

* Thursday: Yesodei Hatorah with Rabbi Avraham Sussman.

* Thursday: Inspired Avodah with Rabbi Yitzchak Scher, Kollel Zichron Amram and Rebbe, YGW

* Monday – Thursday: Shivti led by Rabbi Yonatan Zakem, under the guidance of Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman.

* Women (class located in the Small Social Hall):

* Monday: Women of Valor with Mrs. Sara Malka Winter.

YISE Programs and Listings

YISE Social Committee presents: Trivia Night 2016 – Motzei Shabbos, November 5. Doors open: 8:45 PM, Trivia starts: 9:00 PM. Snacks, prizes and fun! $8 at the door. $54 to sponsor, includes 2 tickets. YISE Social Hall. RSVP to

Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington and the YISE Chesed Committee – Rabbi Koss will be speaking on a topic in Jewish History on Monday, November 7 from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM at 1111 University Blvd. W., apt. 215. Light refreshments will be served. For information, please contact Miriam Friedman at 301-754-1517 or

Late Maariv Minyanim – There will be two Maariv Minyanin in the Large Beis Medrash at 7:30 PM and at 9:00 PM, Monday through Thursday evenings starting Monday, November 7.

Kristallnacht Program – Please join the Holocaust Committee of KMS and YISE for a special commemoration of Kristallnacht on Wednesday, November 9, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, with selections from the award–winning documentary film "Killing Kasztner" in the KMS Youth Beit Midrash. Manny Mandel, who was saved on the Kasztner train, will lead a discussion after the film. The program is dedicated by Allen Mansfield in memory of his father Aaron Mansfield and all the other prisoners of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

Tech Cafe at YISE – Sunday, November 13, 12:00 noon – 2:00 PM. FREE! Register at: For Seniors: Learn from local teens how to use technology, including smartphones, iPad, tablet, Facebook, email, and more. Bring your charged device and charger with you. For Teens: Volunteer for Tech Cafe. Free Pizza lunch for our Teen Techsperts! Co-sponsored by YISE and KMS in conjunction with Tech Cafe. Community Service Hours available. Questions? Contact Miriam Friedman, YISE/KMS – or Stacey Relkin Winkler, Tech Cafe,

Ruach Minyan – Hold the date for the next Ruach Minyan at YISE, Friday, November 18, 4:35 PM in the Arcola Social Hall. In addition, during part of the Davening, a special children's program will be going on! So, join us, bring the family and tell your friends. It's going to be Gevaldig. For more information, contact

Shiurim from Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, ZT"L, are available at

Come join Dor l'Dor: The Family Chevrusah-style Learning in a fun environment!

Dor L'dor starts on Motzei Shabbos, November 19 at 6:45 PM in the YISE Social Hall!

Please consider being the first sponsor of the year – contact Michael Shimoff at

For single parents who would like their child to participate in Dor L'Dor but are not available to learn with them, we will try to match your child with an available volunteer adult, upon advance request (usually by 10:00 AM on the preceding Friday). However, parents accepting this offer are responsible for getting their child to and from the program. For further information, please contact Michael Shimoff at

The program will be held at the YISE Arcola Social Hall and is open to the entire community!

Delicious Pizza! Interactive Discussions! Raffle of Exciting Prizes!

Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill – YISE's Chesed Committee has a program to help members undergoing serious medical crises. If you or someone you know needs help with meals, carpools, childcare, etc., or to volunteer, please contact: Melanie Karlin, 301-681-4740, or Miriam Friedman, 301-754-1517, If you are unable to cook a meal or help out, but would like to make a donation to Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill, please contact Simi Franco in the office.

The Rachel Bassan Horwitz Fund is used for medical needs in our area, elsewhere in the US, and in Israel. Thousands of dollars have been distributed to individuals requiring assistance. Our funds are depleting and in order to continue this much needed medical fund your financial help is needed! Tax deductible contributions may be made payable to: YISE Charity SPECIAL Fund, c/o Norma Burdett, 11720 Lovejoy St., Silver Spring, MD 20902. Earmark: Bassan Fund. For more information: Norma Burdett, 301-593-5964 or Pearl Bassan, 301-649-3137.

Remember to change your clocks: "Fall Back" one hour.

YISE Youth Announcements

The Youth Minyan will meet this Shabbos at 9:15 AM sharp, followed by a Kiddush sponsored by the Youth Minyan.

Parsha Shenanigans – Please join us this week for groups: 2-5 year-olds meet in the youth room behind the balcony; Girls 1st-4th grade gather in the main lobby and Boys 1st-4th grade gather outside the Social Hall and walk to the Yeshiva. Early care for 2-5 year-olds runs from 9:30-10:00. Groups for all ages run 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM. Please pick up child(ren) promptly.

A (K)night of Chess and Checkers! Children of all ages are invited to a kings battle on the chess and checkers boards. Adults can play too if they would like. Motzei Shabbos, November 12, 6:45 PM – 8:15 PM in the YISE Social Hall. Bring your own boards. The event is free. Pizza and bottled water will be available for purchase. Please RSVP to

Community Programs and Listings

Daf Yomi meets in the Yeshiva Beis Medrash – Sunday at 6:30 AM, Monday through Thursday at 9:00 PM, and Shabbos 1-1/2 hours before regular Mincha.

Dirshu Daf Yomi B'Halacha on Hilchos Seuda (Note new topic), learn Mishna Brurah with Rabbi Eli Reingold, Monday – Thursday, 8:00 PM – 8:40 PM at the Boys Yeshiva. For information contact him at 301-996-5910 or

Kollel Dirshu Silver Spring is learning Maseches Kesuvos. Learn in the morning (5:45 AM – 6:30 AM) or in the evening (9:00 PM – 10:00 PM) at the Boys Yeshiva. For more information, please contact Rabbi Eli Reingold at 301-996-5910 or Ranon Cortell at 240-277-2730.

Kemp Mill Pirchei – For boys, first through sixth grade in the Yeshiva classrooms, Shabbos afternoons, 4:00 PM – 4:55 PM. If you're interested in sponsoring, please contact,

Parshas Hashavua in Depth – New Shiur for men with Rabbi Eli Reingold, Rosh Kollel, YGW. Thursday evenings after the 10:00 PM Maariv at the YGW Boys Campus. For more information please contact Rabbi Reingold at 301-996-5910.

Bnei Akiva Oneg – Za"ch Oneg (all 7th and 8th graders). This Friday, November 4, 9:00 PM – 10:30 PM at 6 Saddlerock Court. Walking groups from YISE leaving at 8:40 PM.

Bethesda Mincha – Daily Minyan at 1:15 PM at 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 870. Contact to be placed on the daily e-mail group.

Tapping the Spiritual Richness and Avodah of Each Month in the Jewish Year – The Mesorah Women's Learning Institute is excited to present Rabbi Yitzchak Scher's new weekly Shiur for women and post seminary girls at the home of Mrs. Helene Goodman, 10711 Stoneyhill Dr. The first class will be Monday, November 7. For More information, contact Sorah Rivkah Goodman at 301-681-6347.

Toastmasters' Meeting – Wednesday, November 9, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM in the YISE Small Social Hall. See what Toastmasters is all about and find out how you can become a more confident communicator and leader. Contact Scott Schlesinger at for more information.

YGW Annual Challah Bake and Lail Iyun of Nosai Be'ol Im Chavairo – Open to women and girls (grade 6 and up) of the community. November 10, 8:00 PM at the YGW Girls Campus. The event will also serve as a zechus for cholim. Sign Up NOW! Space is limited and will be available on a first come-first served basis which we anticipate will fill up quickly. Please make your reservation to Please include your name and the names of all attendees in your party, a contact email for your group, the level of sponsorship (if you so choose), and name of any Cholim to be added to the list. We look forward to seeing you for this uplifting, joyous, and meaningful evening. Details at the YGW website

Tefillah: The Ultimate Connection – 14th Annual Rachel Imeinu Yahrzeit Video sponsored by The Mesorah Women's Learning Institute. A video with awesome stories of Yeshuos through Tefillah, to be shown at SEHC, Motzei Shabbos, November 12, 8:15 PM. With an intro by HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Shlita, featured speakers are Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller and Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger. For women and girls only. Suggested donation is $10. All proceeds go to Aniyei Eretz Yisroel (the poor and needy of Eretz Yisroel). For more info please contact Sorah Rivkah Goodman 301-681-6347.

Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington Annual Gala – Honoring Fran Kritz (Founder's Award) and Judy & Jerry Frank (Community Service Award) will take place on Sunday, November 20 at B'nai Israel Congregation, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Reserve online at For more information contact 202 331-4481 or

Talk Israel – Teens from across Greater Washington are invited to participate in the popular one-day conference. High school students (grades 9 – 12). Sunday, November 20, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, Abraham S. & Minnie Kay Conference Center, 6101 Executive Blvd. Cost $15 – includes kosher lunch and all materials for the day. Questions: contact Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath at or 301-230-7283.

"Ma rabu Ma'asecha …" Celebrating the Wonder of Hashem's Creations – A new season of science lectures beginning Sunday, November 20. "Kol Demama Daka: Listening to Gravitational Waves" by Dr. Jeremy Schnittman, Astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Torah Insights by HaRav Ahron Lopiansky, Rosh HaYeshiva of YGW Tiferes Gedaliah. Sunday, November 20, 12:30 PM – Mincha following. YGW Boys Campus. For more information: Rabbi Scott Hillman 301-962-5111 ext 1553.

Workplace Skills Workshop:

* 50+ Job Seekers – The next 5-day session of JCA's Career Gateway starts November 7. For info, contact

Like YISE on Facebook:

The Week Ahead

Sunday, November 6 Monday, November 7 Tuesday, November 8 Wednesday, November 9 Thursday, November 10 Friday, November 11
Arcola 6:30, 7:30, 8:45 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30
Sephardi 7:30 6:10, 7:10 6:15, 7:15 6:15, 7:15 6:10, 7:10 6:15, 7:15

Mincha /Maariv
Arcola 4:45 4:45 / 7:30, 9:00 4:45 / 7:30, 9:00 4:45 / 7:30, 9:00 4:45 / 7:30, 9:00 See Shabbos schedule
Sephardi 4:40 4:40 4:40 4:40 4:40

Halachic Times: Earliest Talis & Tefillin: 5:54 AM, Latest Krias Shma: 9:16 AM, Earliest Mincha: 12:23 PM

Next Shabbos

November 11-12, 2016 – 11 Cheshvan 5777

Parshas Lech Lecha

Light Candles by 4:38 – Havdalah 5:38

Friday Night:

* Light Candles by 4:38

* Mincha:

Arcola: 4:40 University: 4:40 Sephardi: 4:35 Nusach Sefard: 4:40

Shabbos Day:

* Shacharis:

Arcola: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45, 9:15 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00

* Mincha:

Arcola: 2:30, 4:35 University: 4:35 Sephardi: 4:15 Nusach Sefard: 4:35

* Maariv/Havdalah: 5:38

Upcoming Events

Saturday, November 5 Social Committee Trivia Night, 8:45 PM, Reservations required

Wednesday, November 9 Kristallnacht Program, 7:00 PM, at KMS

Motzei Shabbos, Nov.12 A (K)night of Chess and Checkers! 6:45 PM – 8:15 PM, YISE Social Hall

Sunday, November 13 Tech Cafe, 12:00 noon

Friday, November 18, Ruach Minyan, 4:35 PM, YISE Social Hall

Motzei Shabbos, Nov. 19 The First Dor L'dor, 6:45 PM YISE Social Hall

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, November 9 at 12:00 Noon.

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to:

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail:


Office Hours:

Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Rabbi Binyamin Silver – Asst. Rabbi

Michael Shimoff – President