Parashas Mishpatim: January 28-29, 2011
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YISE Shabbos Shorts
Shabbos, Jan. 28 -29, 2011
Parashas Mishpatim 24 Shevat 5771 Light Candles 5:06pm
Friday Mincha – Arcola & University 5:10pm
Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 5:10pm
Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak at the 8AM and 8:45AM Minyanim.
The Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard Kiddush is co-sponsored by Lew Sosnowik on the occasion of his father`s yahrzeit and Arnold & Vivian Kirshenbaum on the occasion of his father`s yahrzeit, and by Elaine & Jerry Taragin on the yahzreits of both their parents.
The 8 am Chevra Kiddush is jointly sponsored by the Chevra and by Wrap2Go, provider of cholent and kugel for this and future 8AM Chevra kiddushes.
Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 2:30pm
Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 4:50pm
Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 5:05pm
Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 5:05pm
Shabbos Ends 6:08pm
Judy & Louis Morris on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Aharon Morris.
Parents are Shelly & Michael Morris of Baltimore.And another Mazal Tov to Judy & Louis on the birth of a grandson. Parents are Rebecca & Yitzchak Lefkowitz of North Miami Beach.
Arleeta & Rabbi Dr. Ivan Lerner on their granddaughter, Rena Atara, daughter of Alyson & Rabbi Dr. Daniel Lerner of Baltimore, becoming a Bas Mitzvah. Mazal Tov also to Grandparents Joan & Dr. Jonathan Pincus of Wash. DC., and Great-Grandmother Dena Lerner Gerber of Baltimore.
Joelle & Bill Zimbalist on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Aviva Zimbalist. Parents are Sara & Simmy Zimbalist of Bet Shemesh, Israel.
We welcome the following new members, voted in at the recent Board of Directors meeting:
Esther & Rabbi Benny Hutman, Shifra & Yaakov Beren, Ilana & Levi Kahn, Elana & Benyamin Wise, Judith & Rabbi Marvin Goldman, Miriam & Jeffrey Zuckerman.
*** Make your plans now ***
YISE Annual Banquet Sunday, February 13, 2011
Our honorees are Susan & Bob Levi
The Young Leadership Award will be presented to Yoninah & Adam Segal
Youth Honorees
Devorah Bresler, Shmuel Gabai, Lev Heller, Ariel Isser, Melanie Kugler, Jonathan Levi, Hanna Mizrahi, Esther Shmunis
Go to for more details including journal advertising forms.
Please remember that the Eruv is Down!
Friday, Feb 4 – Ruach Minyan – Arcola Social Hall, 5:15pm
Marion Baras and family on the passing in Israel of her brother, Rabbi Moshe Schloss. The funeral was in Israel.
YISE Nursery Teacher Beth Singer and family on passing of her mother, Ruth Cohen, z"l, Friday morning. The service will take place Sunday morning , 9:30am, graveside at Judean Gardens. Beth will sit Shiva through Tuesday morning at her brother`s residence, 2407 Pondside Terrace, Wheaton. She will sit Shiva at her home, 106 Claybrook, Wednesday morning through Friday afternoon. Beth may be reached at 240-893-1594 after 1pm Sunday.
Talmud Yoma – Shiur Monday thru Thursday, small Beis Medrash, 11am-12 Noon.
Beis Medrash Zichron Gedaliah Community Tuesday Night Learning for Men – in the YISE small Social Hall. Learning 8pm-9pm, followed by Maariv and light refreshments. Five shiurim & chavrusas. Contact Rabbi Reingold, 301-996-5910.
Rabbi Zev Katz`s Wednesday morning Chumash class, previously taught by
Rabbi Anemer, z"l, meets Wednesdays, 11am in the small Beis Medrash at Arcola.
Rabbi Moshe Arzouan`s Wednesday evening Advanced Men`s Gemara shiur, previously taught by Rabbi Anemer, z"l, 7:30pm, after Maariv at University Blvd.
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Gemara shiur for men, Tuesday and Friday mornings, Arcola Social Hall, 6:00-6:45am.
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Sunday night shiur for men in Mishna Brurah meets at his home. For more information contact
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Wednesday night Women`s shiur meets 8pm, Small Beis Medrash.
The Greater Washington Community Kollel Linas Hatzedek program is presented in conjunction with the YISE Adult Education Committee on Sunday mornings, 9:30am, following the 8:45am Shacharis.
"Opening Our Homes and Hearts" – Sunday morning, Feb. 6, 9:30am in conjunction with YISE Adult Education Committee, The Greater Washington Community Kollel presents an inspiring lecture on Hachnasas Orchim given by Rabbi Yitzchak Charner, Headmaster of The Torah School of Greater Washington. The lecture will be at YISE. The program is open to men and women.
R` Pinchas Werner – 8:15am Shiur in the youth room behind the balcony. All are welcome.
Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan.
Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Musaf.
Rabbi William Millen – Gemara Shiur, takes place Shabbos 1 hour before Mincha.
Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Alshich on the Parsha 45 minutes before Sephardi Mincha.
Rabbi Amram Hes – Parsha shiur meets ½ hour before Mincha.
Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at Arcola.
Rabbi Reuven Kasierer – Shiur between Mincha & Maariv at University Blvd.
Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur 9am, upstairs behind the women`s balcony.
Women`s Daytime Tehillim Group – 2pm-3pm, Tuesdays. Contact Arleeta, 301-649-0552.
Shlock Rock concert – Lenny Solomon and Shlock Rock, with guest appearance by the Washington Jewish Boys Choir, Saturday night, Feb. 5, 8 pm, at MJBHA.
Sponsored by Bnei Akiva of Silver Spring and KMS. Tickets $10 advance, $12 at the door. For more information call KMS, 301-593-0996.
Rabbi Saul Koss, "Topics in Jewish History" – Feb. 7, 1:30pm -2:30pm at the home of Marvin Konick, 1111 University Blvd., #215. No Charge, light refreshments served. RSVP to Miriam Friedman 301-754-1517. Presented by Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington.
Yesodei HaTorah – The Greater Washington Community Kollel is planning a weekly shiur for men in Kemp Mill, using this proven method to equip beginners with the skills they need to study Gemara independently. Focus is on key Aramaic vocabulary and the structure of Talmudic discourse. Thursdays, 8pm, YISE. If interested, contact David Marwick, or Rabbi Menachem Winter, Rosh Kollel, or 301-213-6504.
Do a mitzvah, and help those in need. Donate your gently worn sheitels to the Wig Out Gemach! Contact Stephanie, 301-768-6801.
Tomchei Shabbos – Do you know individuals or families who can`t afford to buy food for Shabbos or Yom Tov? The Yehuda Mond Foundation will arrange for confidential local food deliveries. Contact Rabbi Moshe Arzouan if you know anyone who could benefit from this service. For more information on the Foundation, and how to provide much-needed tax-deductible support to this project, visit
Gemachs – Visit to find out about area gemachs, where you can donate or borrow items, ranging from bicycles and children equipment to simcha clothes. Looking for a job? Join the Job Club Thursday nights, 7:30pm, in YISE`s small Beis Medrash. Benefit from networking with fellow participants, practice your "elevator speech", and more. The Kemp Mill Employment Assistance Initiative has been helping people for years and has now expanded its offerings to include a Job Club. For more information contact Richard Dine,, or Cheryl Jacobson,
New Chesed Program launched – An exciting new Chesed program is providing new, much needed services to our community. In the newly renamed Shauli Mordehai Toras Chesed Program, otherwise known as the SMTCP, 60 Yeshiva Boys Division high school students together with 20 Yeshiva Gedolah students run the following chesed activities: helping Jewish adults with special needs, providing enrichment learning for local Jewish boys, creating interactive Torah activities for the local Jewish male special needs population, and visiting the elderly. Please see the flyer posted in the shul for more details. To contact the SMTCP, send an email to
It`s your Shul – Treat it like you would want your home to be treated
Youth Groups this Shabbos are cancelled. They should resume next Shabbos.
The Youth Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the Youth Minyan Kiddush Club Kiddush this week
Rabbi Rosenbaum`s Shiur for 6th-8th grade boys will meet this Shabbos.
Sushi-making postponed! The Sushi making program is postponed. When it has been rescheduled the time will be announced.
New Daily Minyan at YISE – The new weekday 8:30am Minyan will begin Tuesday, February 1, on a trial basis for the month of February. The Minyan will meet in the Shomrai Arcola Beis Medrash. We look forward to seeing you there!
New Kosher in the City & NoVA -Distrikt Bistro at the DC JCC and The Kosher Kitchen Catering Co. in Northern Virginia are both under the supervision of the VAAD. They are both owned by Michael Medina. They can be contacted at and
Ice & Snow Warning – Morning minyanim usually occur before the snow and ice around YISE have been treated. Please be very careful walking to and from the Shul.
Davening Times Week of Jan. 30 – Feb. 5, 2011
MORNING SERVICES (Jan. 30- Feb. 5)
Univ. Arcola Sephardi (korbanot)
Sunday 8:00am 6:30/7:30/8:45am 7:30am "
Monday 6:15am 6:45am/7:35am 6:05am "
Tuesday/Wednesday 6:30am 6:55am/7:35/8:30am 6:15am "
Thursday 6:15am 6:45am/7:35/8:30am 6:05am "
Friday(Rosh Chodesh) 6:30am 6:55am/7:35am**/8:30am 6:15am "
Shabbos 8:45am 7:00/7:00*/8:00/8:45am 8:15am "
*Nusach Sefard Minyan **Belonofsky Sanctuary
AFTERNOON SERVICES Mincha-Maariv (Jan. 30- Feb.3)
Sunday – Arcola & University – 5:15pm
Arcola Monday – Thursday – 5:15pm
University – Maariv only Monday – Thursday 7:15pm
HALACHIC TIMES (Jan. 30- Feb. 5)
Talis & Tefillin 6:22am
Krias Sh`ma 9:46am
Mincha (Earliest) 12:53pm
Next Shabbos, Feb. 4-5, 201
Parashas Terumah/Rosh Chodesh 1 Adar 1 5771 Light Candles 5:14pm
Friday Mincha – Arcola & University 5:15pm
Friday Mincha – Sephardi & Nusach Sefard 5:15pm
Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 2:30pm
Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 4:55pm
Shabbos Mincha – Arcola & University 5:10pm
Shabbos Mincha – Nusach Sefard 5:10pm
Shabbos Ends 6:15pm
Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 12 Noon.
Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to
Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330
Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail: Web Site:
Office Hours: Open Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 9am – 1pm
Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, z"l Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum
David Mazel – President Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director