Parashas Kedoshim – May 10 – 11, 2024
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MAY 10-11, 2024 | 3 IYAR 5784 | PARASHAS KEDOSHIM
Candle Lighting 7:52, not before 6:41 | Havdalah 8:56
Sponsored by the Franco Family to commemorate the upcoming 1st Yahrzeit of their beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Dottie Franco, Devorah Rut bat Sarah. May her Neshama have an Aliyah!
YISE Supports Israel
Our thoughts and prayers are focused on Israel. Please see the back of this sheet for various things you can do to support Israel.
Mazal Tov
Vivian & Arnie Kirshenbaum on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Aliza Chava, born to their grandchildren Bailey & Yaakov Maler of Chicago. Mazal Tov to the Garfinkel and Bokor Families.
Arleeta & Rabbi Dr. Ivan Lerner on the engagement of their granddaughter, Rivkah Lerner, daughter of Devorah & Rabbi Ezra Lerner of Sanhedria Merchevet to Lazar Gordon, son of DD (Devorah Shechter) & Rabbi Binyomin Gordon of Ramat Shlomo. Mazal Tov to grandmother Dina Rosenbaum.
Judy & Louis Morris on the birth of a great-grandson, Avraham Yitzchak born to Aharon & Esther Leah Morris of Lakewood.
Rabbi Sanford H. Shudnow on one of his original artworks being selected for inclusion by the Bender JCC of Greater Washington for exhibit at their: "A Lifetime of Perspective: Art by Older Adults" exhibit through May 22.
Kitty Wertheimer on the birth of a great-grandson, David Rafael, to parents Iris & Rafi Cohen. Mazal Tov also to his sisters, grandparents Irene & Barry Wertheimer and Yvonne & David Cohen.
Ken Jacobson on the passing of his father Norman Jacobson. The funeral and Shiva took place in Israel.
Kiddush Sponsors
Hashkamah Kiddush is sponsored by the Hashkamah Minyan Kiddush Group.
Shul Kiddush is sponsored by the Shul Kiddush Group.
Sephardic Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Shula & Popi Eloul in memory of Shula's brother and Shula's father.
Shabbos and Weekday Shiurim Sponsors
Hashkamah Minyan Shiur is sponsored by David Jaray in appreciation of Rabbi Grossman and all those who attend his shiur, and in memory of all those who have lost their lives in Israel. May Hashem bless Israel with complete and speedy victory and Brachos for the Israeli soldiers, hostages, students, and all of Israel.
Rabbi Hyatt's Gemara Shiur was sponsored by David Jaray in appreciation of Rabbi Grauman and all those who attend his shiur, and in memory of Rabbi Hyatt, A"H and to all of those who have lost their lives in Israel. May their Neshamas have an Aliyah. Refuah Shlema to all those that are wounded and ill, and to all of those that have been traumatized in Israel during these times.
8:45 Minyan Drasha is sponsored by Susan & Bob Levi to commemorate the 9th Yahrzeit of Bob's mom, Leah bas Mordechai (Lorraine Levi), on 7 Iyar.
Shabbos Schedule
Minyan Locations:
B – Belonofsky Sanctuary, S – Social Hall, LBM – Large Beis Medrash, SBM – Small Beis Medrash, H – The House
Mincha/Maariv: 6:25 (Plag, S) 7:00 (B), 7:55 (S), 7:15 (Sephardi, LBM)
Shacharis: 7:00 (B), 8:45 (B), 9:15 (S), 8:00 (Sephardi, LBM), 9:15 (Teen, H)
Mincha: 2:30 (B), 5:00 (B), 7:35 (B), 7:45 (Sephardi, LBM)
Shalosh Seudos: 8:00 (S)
Maariv: 8:56 (B)
8:45 Main Minyan – Rabbi Yonatan Gorin
9:15 Minyan – Rabbi Postelnek
Hashkamah Minyan Gemara Shiur: (SBM) Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman
Ohr HaChaim Chabura: 8:55 (S) Rabbi Postelnek
Parsha Shiur before Mincha: 6:35 (B) Rabbi Postelnek
Youth Announcements
Teen Minyan – 9:15 AM in The House, followed by Kiddush
Shabbos Groups – 10 AM until shul ends
Toddler Group, under 2 with parent, Toddler Room
Kinder Group, 2-5, upstairs behind the balcony
Boys 6-9 & Girls 6-9 and 5th-6th Grade Girls, meet in lower lobby and walk to YGW
High School Girls Israel event – Monday, May 13 at 8 PM.
Israel Fair for Elementary School Children – Sunday, May 19.
High School Boys Trivia Night – Saturday, June 8.
More info coming for the 5th/6th grade girls Shabbaton, Youth Shavuos Learning & Preschool Playdate.
YISE Supports Israel
YISE invites members with family on active IDF duty to share their profiles at
YISE maintains a community-wide Tehillim WhatsApp group. To join, visit To submit names of soldiers serving in the IDF for tefilot, please send the soldier's Hebrew name and his/her mother's Hebrew name to
We pray that our soldiers will return soon to their peacetime roles, and in the interim ask our members to daven and undertake other zechuyos on behalf of these and other IDF personnel defending Israel and our people.
Evening of Chizuk and Tefilla with Einav Danino – Recording available at
Tefilah We gather in the Belonofsky Sanctuary on Sunday evenings after Mincha/Maariv for 15 minutes of communal Tehillim. Additionally, Tehillim are recited at each daily and Shabbos minyan. Rabbi Rosenbaum leads a daily 15-minute Zoom of Tehillim recital and study of the Sefer Mesilas Yesharim Sunday through Friday at 12:30 PM on Zoom A.
Tzedaka A list of charitable organizations is available at:
As we engage our efforts through tefilah, tzedakah and political action, let us also beseech Hashem daily to bring safety to the citizens of Israel, success to its military, and clarity to its leadership.
Upcoming YISE Events
Yahrzeit of Rabbi Anemer, ZT"L – Recording of 14th Yahrzeit Tehillim, Mishnayos and reflections available at
Hear from a Chayal on Yom Ha'Zikaron – Join YISE this Yom Ha'Zikaron for a moving evening with IDF chayal, Ezra Postelnek in conversation with his brother, Rabbi Postelnek. Hear Ezra's story and IDF experiences as he bears witness to bravery, selfsacrifice, and loss. Sunday, May 12, 8:00 PM in the Social Hall. Mincha at 7:45 PM and Maariv to follow the program. see flyer
Shloshim and Siyum for Rabbi Haim Arzouan, A"H – Monday, May 13 in the Social Hall. Refreshments at 6:15 PM and Program at 6:45 PM. see flyer
Yom Haatzmaut – Tuesday, May 14: Special Shacharis Minyan for Yom Haatzmaut in the Belonofsky Sanctuary at 6:20 AM.
Important Online Security Briefing: Wednesday, May 15 at 8:45 PM. All shul members are invited to participate in this YISEspecific program. Register at and enter INSTITUTION NAME: Young Israel Shomrai Emunah (Silver Spring, MD) and WEBINAR CODE: 83602503402. ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. You will learn how to recognize suspicious activity and how to reduce and respond to threats. Please register at your earliest opportunity. For more information, contact
Scholar-In-Residence – Rabbi Avishai David at YISE – Shabbos, May 18. After Musaf, "Days of Sefiras HaOmer Determining Proper Atitudes Towards the Kedusha of Eretz Yisrael and Towards the State of Israel," at 6:45 PM," Warmth and Radiance of Gedolei Yisrael – Personal Encounters and Vignettes of Torah Giants," and between Mincha/Maariv, "Hakaras HaTov and the State of Israel." see flyer
Volunteers Needed to Help Plant Flowers – Help beautify the shul. Join us Sunday, May 19, at 1:00 PM. Contact Stuart Cohen via phone or text at 301 943 5153 if you plan to help. You only need to bring yourself. Stuart will have extra gloves and tools.
Annual Election Meeting – Tuesday, May 21 at 7:30 PM in the Social Hall. Details at 2.pdf
Jewish War Veterans Post 360 Dining Out Banquet – Sunday, June 2, 6:30 PM in the Social Hall. Guest speaker for the evening will be General Norton Schwartz, USAF (ret), former Chief of Staff of the US Air Force. General Schwartz's insights and experiences promise to make this event both informative and inspiring. Tickets for the banquet are priced at $100 each. For details and to purchase tickets: see flyer
Zoom Connection details in the SHMA and at Flyers are available at
The Week Ahead
Tuesday May 14 – Yom Haatzmaut
Halachic Times: Latest Alos Hashachar 4:24 AM, Earliest Talis and Tefilin: 4:58 AM, Latest Netz: 5:58 AM, Latest Krias Shema: 9:28 AM, Earliest Mincha: 1:41 PM, Earliest Shkia: 8:12 PM, Latest Tzeis Hacochavim 9:04 PM
Next Shabbos
May 17-18, 2024
10 Iyar 5784
Parashas Emor
Candle lighting 7:58 not before 6:46
Havdalah 9:04
Friday Night:
Mincha/Maariv: 6:30 (Plag, S), 7:00 (B), 8:00 (S) 7:15 (Sephardi, LBM)
Shabbos Day:
Shacharis: 7:00 (B), 8:45 (B), 9:15 (S), 8:00 (Sephardi, LBM), 9:15 (Teen, H)
Mincha: 2:30 (B), 5:00 (B), 7:55 (B), 7:45 (Sephardi, LBM)
Maariv: 9:04