Parashas Eikev- August 23 – 24, 2024
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AUGUST 23-24, 2024 | 20 AV 5784 | PARASHAS EIKEV
Candle Lighting 7:33, not before 6:27 | Havdalah 8:32
The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored by Nancy & Bruce James in honor of their 42nd Wedding Anniversary & Simi & Sammy Franco’s 42nd Wedding Anniversary and
by Vivian & Arnie Kirshenbaum in honor of their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
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YISE Supports Israel
Our thoughts and prayers are focused on Israel. Please see the back of this sheet for various things you can do to support Israel.
Mazal Tovs
Shalva Branda on her Bat Mitzvah! Mazal Tov to parents Ilana & Aaron Branda, siblings Adira and Ra'anan, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends that have joined from near and far to celebrate.
Jonathan Cottrell on his upcoming marriage to Rivka Barth. Mazal Tov to parents Adina & David Barth of Detroit, MI and Peggy & Art Cottrell of Teaneck, NJ, and to the extended Barth and Cottrell families.
Karen & Howie Schulman on the birth of a great-granddaughter. The parents are Kayla & Eli Waxman. Proud grandparents are Miri & Rabbi Daniel Kramer and Larisa & Rob Waxman. Mazal Tov to great-great grandmother Florence Binstock Avigan, great-grandparents Marcia Meth, Faina Kimelfeld and Martin Waxman and to all the siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Judi Flax on the passing of her mother and Judy Stern on the passing of her mother-in-law, Sue Stern. Judi Flax is observing Shiva in Albany, NY through Wednesday morning. She may be reached at
Kiddush Sponsors
Hashkamah Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the Zeltser Family tocommemorate the 12th Yahrzeit of Mel Zeltser, Elimelech Yehuda HaKohen Ben Shmuel Zvi, A”H, beloved husband, father and grandfather.
Shul Kiddush is sponsored by the Ilana & Aaron Branda in honor of theBat Mitzvah of their daughter Shalva and by Peggy & Art Cottrell in honor of their son Jonathan's aufruf and upcoming marriage to Rivka Barth.
Sephardic Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Oded & Esther Tapiro in memory of Oded’s grandfather, Yehezkel Tzavhon Ben Georgia.
Shabbos & Weekday Shiurim Sponsors
Hashkamah Minyan Shiur is sponsored by David Jaray in appreciation of Rabbi Grossman and all those who attend his shiur, and in memory of all those who have lost their lives in Israel. May Hashem bless Israel with complete and speedy victory and Brachos for the Israeli soldiers, hostages, students, and all of Israel
Rabbi Hyatt’s Gemara Shiur was sponsored by David Jaray in appreciation of Rabbi Grauman and all those who attend his shiur, and in memory of Rabbi Hyatt, A”H and to all those who have lost their lives in Israel. May their Neshamas have an Aliyah. Refuah Shlema to all those that are wounded and ill, and to all those that have been traumatized in Israel during these times.
The September SHMA will be published next week – Submit community events and shiurim updates for August by Monday, August 26 at NOON to:
Shabbos Schedule
Minyan Locations: B – Belonofsky Sanctuary, S – Social Hall, LBM – Large Beis Medrash, SBM – Small Beis Medrash, H – The House
Mincha/Maariv: 6:10 (Plag, S), 7:00 (B), 7:35 (S) 7:15 (Sephardi, LBM)
Shacharis: 7:00 (B), 8:45 (B), 9:15 (S), 8:00 (Sephardi, LBM)
Mincha: 2:30 (B), 5:00 (B), 7:30 (B), 7:25 (Sephardi, LBM)
Maariv: 8:32 (B)
8:45 Minyan: (B) Rabbi Postelnek
9:15 Minyan: (S) Rabbi Rosenbaum
Hashkamah Minyan Gemara Shiur: (SBM) Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman
Ohr HaChaim Chabura: 8:55 (S) Rabbi Rosenbaum
Parsha Shiur before Mincha: 6:30 (B) Rabbi Postelnek
Shiur Between Mincha/Maariv: Rabbi Rosenbaum
Youth Announcements
Teen Minyan – will resume at the end of the summer
Shabbos Groups – 10 AM until shul ends
Toddler Group, under 2 with parent, Toddler Room
Kinder Group, 2-PreK, upstairs behind the balcony
Boys K-4th & Girls K-4th, 5th and 6th meet in lower lobby and walk to The House.
Final Popsicles in the Park of the season – Shabbos afternoon, August 31st at 4:30 PM at the Kemp Mill Elementary School Park.
Babysitting Information for the High Holidays has been sent out, email for more information.
YISE Supports Israel
YISE invites members with family on active IDF duty to share their profiles at
YISE maintains a community-wide Tehillim WhatsApp group. To join, visit To submit names of soldiers serving in the IDF for tefilot, please send the soldier's Hebrew name and his/her mother's Hebrew name to
We pray that our soldiers will return soon to their peacetime roles, and in the interim ask our members to daven and undertake other zechuyos on behalf of these and other IDF personnel defending Israel and our people.
An Evening of Inspiration with Varda and Eitan Morell – recording available at
Tefilah We gather in the Belonofsky Sanctuary on Sunday evenings after Mincha/Maariv for 15 minutes of communal Tehillim. Additionally, Tehillim are recited at each daily and Shabbos minyan.
Shiur for Israel Rabbi Rosenbaum leads a daily 15-minute Zoom of Tehillim recital and study of Pirkei Avos with Rabenu Yonah, Sunday through Friday at 12:30 PM on Zoom A.
Tzedaka A list of charitable organizations is available at:
As we engage our efforts through tefilah, tzedakah and political action, let us also beseech Hashem daily to bring safety to the citizens of Israel, success to its military, and clarity to its leadership.
Upcoming YISE Events
Limud on the Lawn – A monthly exploration of different Torah luminaries through the ages at YISE members' homes. Rabbi Rosenbaum will speak about the Rabbeinu Yonah, August 24 at 5:45 PM on the lawn of Judy and Rabbi Roy Rosenbaum, 806 Kersey Road. Contact the YISE to sponsor Limud on the Lawn for $54. see flyer
Quick Torah Thoughts with Rabbi Rosenbaum – Join our WhatsApp Chat with Rabbi Rosenbaum for quick (5 minute) shiurim ranging from Mishna to Halacha to Mussar and more! see flyer
High Holidays registration is open! – Please visit for more details and to sign up for seats, childcare, and more. Paper forms are also available in the shul. Seating priorities will be honored through Rosh Chodesh Elul (September 4).
School Supplies Drive – Please donate new and unused school supplies to Yad Yehuda's Capital Kosher Pantry! A complete list of the items needed and directions to donate are included on the flyer. Drop off in CKP box at YISE. see flyer
Monthly Jewish History Class – Rabbi Koss will be speaking on a topic in Jewish history, Monday, September 2 from2:00 PM – 3:00 PM on Zoom A. Sponsored by Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington and the YISE Chesed Committee.
Men's Night Seder Program – Restarting Rosh Chodesh Elul, Tuesday September 3! Learn with a Chavrusa, Chabura or on your own! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30 PM-9:15 PM in the Small Beis Medrash, Maariv to follow. Chabura with Rabbi Postelnek, "From Iyun to Halacha: Real questions learned real well." Includes light snacks and Thursday night cholent! To sponsor, visit see flyer
Evening of Inspiration – Join us for an uplifting music event starring Eitan Katz, Torah School Choir Boys Choir and Yosef Kugler. Sunday, September 8, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM, 11608 Fillmore Drive. For tickets email Supporting local charities including YISE. see flyer
Transformative Tefillah Series – Given by Rabbi Postelnek, based on Shearim B'Tefillah. Deepen your connection to the Yamim Noraim by learning about the different expressions of prayer! Mondays (September 9, 16, 23, and October 7) on Zoom A, 8:15 PM -8:45 PM. First shiur – "Selichos: Why Are We Repeating Ourselves?". see flyer for further shiurim and Zoom details.
SAVE THE DATE! Scholar in Residence – Dr. Henry Abramson, September 13-14. Stories of personal transformation. see flyer
Meat and Greet BBQ – Sunday, September 15, 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM in the backyard of The House. RSVP by September 9 at see flyer
Zoom Connection details in the SHMA and at Flyers are available at
The Week Ahead
Halachic Times: Latest Alos Hashachar 5:13 AM, Earliest Talis and Tefilin: 5:43 AM, Latest Netz: 6:37 AM, Latest Krias Shema: 9:50 AM, Earliest Mincha: 1:43 PM, Earliest Shkia: 7:39 PM, Latest Tzeis Hacochavim 8:30 PM
Next Shabbos
August 30-31, 2024
27 Av 5784
Parashas Re’eh
Mevorchim Hachodesh
Candle lighting: 7:22 not before: 6:19
Havdalah: 8:21
Friday Night:
Mincha/Maariv: 6:00 (Plag, S), 7:00 (B), 7:25 (B) 7:15 (Sephardi, LBM)
Shabbos Day:
Shacharis: 7:00 (B), 8:45 (B), 9:15 (S), 8:00 (Sephardi, LBM)
Mincha: 2:30 (B), 5:00 (B), 7:20 (B),7:15 (Sephardi, LBM)
Maariv: 8:21