Parashas Bo – January 19 – 20, 2024
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JANUARY 19-20, 2024 | 10 SHEVAT 5784 | PARASHAS BO
Candle Lighting 4:55 | Havdalah 5:58
Jodi & David Mazel and Family in loving memory of Jodi's mother, Ellen Bressler Mills, Eta Simcha bas Yaakov, a"h, to commemorate her seventh Yahrzeit on 14 Shevat, and Lois Meyers to commemorate the Yahrzeit of her father, Dr. Carl H. Resnick, Yekusiel ben HaRav Tzvi)
YISE Supports Israel
Our thoughts and prayers are focused on Israel. Please see the back of this sheet for various things you can do to support Israel.
Mazal Tov
Fay Kasser on the birth of a granddaughter, Yehudit Batya, to her children, Shira & Moshe Kasser of Rechovot, Israel. Mazal Tov to siblings Avi, Ayelet, Shoshana, Yisroel, and Rivka, and to grandparents Diane & Moshe Manheim.
Arline & Dr. Irving Katz on the birth of a great-granddaughter, and to Sharona & Shlomo Katz on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Elisheva & Yehuda Katz of White Oak.
Eva & Nissy Moskowitz on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Shalva Tzophia, born to their grandchildren, Leora & Zack Orenshein. Mazal Tov to the grandparents, Gabi & Aryeh Moskowitz of Teaneck, NJ, and to all the aunts and uncles.
Barbara Price on the marriage of her grandson, Yehuda Spivak (West Orange, NJ) to Kyra Appel (Jamaica Estates, NY). Mazal Tov to parents, Debra & Rabbi Marc Spivak and Robin & Michael Appel. Mazal Tov to grandparents, Cheryl & Dr. Howard Spivak, Miriam & Rabbi Shlomo Appel, and Esther & Dr. Stanley Landsman. Mazal Tov to all the siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
YISE mourns the loss of Zechariah Pesach Haber, HY"D, after a valiant fight in Gaza. He was the son of Miriam & Aron Haber and the grandson of former YISE member Debi Haber Wildman Factor and Pesach Haber, a"h, and Susan a"h & Bob Segal a"h. YISE extends its deepest condolences to his wife and children. Shiva is being observed in Jerusalem. Sign up to study Mishnayos at
Sharon Altshul, Rabbi Yaakov Marks, Rabbi Arthur Marks and Carol Vegh on the passing of their mother, Beverly Marks. Sharon is observing Shiva from Motzei Shabbos through Monday at Rechov Fichman 8, Jerusalem 10AM – 8PM.
Ethel Goldwasser on the passing of her son, Yaakov Goldwasser, and Adina Neumann, Chava Elbaum and Elisheva Goldwasser on the passing of their brother. Shiva is being observed at the home of Chava and Joseph Elbaum, 11709 Auth Lane, through Wednesday morning. Mincha/MaarivSunday/Monday/Tuesday at 5:00 PM. Visiting hours Motzei Shabbos 7PM -9PM, Sunday/Monday/Tuesday 9AM – 12PM, 1PM – 6PM and 7PM – 9PM.
Kiddush Sponsors
Hashkamah Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the Hashkamah Minyan Kiddush Group.
Shul Kiddush is sponsored by the Shul Kiddush Group.
Sephardic Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Zahava & Gabe Bensimon with gratitude to Hashem, and Rachel & Rafi Cattan for the Zechut of receiving Hattan Bereshit, and by Anat & Avi Perets and Family.
Youth Announcements
Teen Minyan – Led by Rabbi Moshe Holzer, 9:15 in The House, followed by Kiddush
Shabbos Groups – 10AM until shul ends
Toddler Group, under 2 with parent, Toddler Room
Kinder Group, 2-5, upstairs behind the balcony
Boys 6-9 & Girls 6-9 and 5th-6th Grade Girls, meet in lower lobby and walk to YGW
For more information, contact Sharon Shimoff at
Dor L'Dor – Family Chevrusah-style learning in a fun environment! Next Dor L'Dor is Motzei Shabbos, January 27 at 7:30 PM in the Social Hall.
Tu B'Shevat event for elementary schoolers – Wednesday, January 24 at 4:30 PM in the Small Social Hall.
Torah Tournament Junior – Come cheer on the contestants! – Sunday, January 28 from 4:30 PM – 6PM in the Social Hall.
Family Shabbos Dinner – Friday, February 2. Adults and children welcome.
Kids Safety Event – Sunday, February 4 from 1PM to 3PM. see youth flyers
Shabbos Schedule
Minyan Locations:
B – Belonofsky Sanctuary, S – Social Hall, LBM – Large Beis Medrash, SBM – Small Beis Medrash, H – The House
Mincha/Maariv: 4:55 (B) 4:55 (Sephardi, LBM)
Shacharis: 7:00 (B), 8:45 (B), 9:15 (S), 8:00 (Sephardi, LBM), 9:15 (Teen, H)
Mincha: 2:30 (B), 4:50 (B), 4:50 (Sephardi, LBM)
Maariv: 5:58 (B)
8:45 Main Minyan Rabbi Rosenbaum
9:15 Minyan Rabbi Amram Hes
Hashkamah Minyan Gemara Shiur (SBM) Rabbi Rosenbaum
Ohr HaChaim Chabura, 8:55 (S) Rabbi Eitan Tennenbaum
Shiur between Mincha/Maariv (B) Rabbi Rosenbaum
Shiurim Sponsors
8:45 Minyan Drasha is sponsored by Judy & Rabbi Roy Rosenbaum to commemorate the upcoming Yahrzeit of Rabbi Roy Rosenbaum'sfather, Rabbi Irving Rosenbaum, HaRav Tzvi Yosef ben David, a"h on 19 Shevat.
Hashkamah Minyan Shiur is sponsored by David Jaray in appreciation of Rabbi Grossman and all those who attend his shiur, and in memory of all those who have lost their lives in Israel
Rabbi Hyatt's Gemara Shiur is sponsored by David Jaray in appreciation of Rabbi Grauman and all those who attend his shiur, and in memory of Rabbi Hyatt, a"h and to all of those who have lost their lives in Israel.
May their Neshamas have an Aliyah. Refuah Shlema to all those that are wounded and ill, and to all of those that have been traumatized in Israel during these times.
The Lower Lobby coffee station is sponsored by Scott Hillman and Roast Masters Hannah & Robert Klein.
YISE Supports Israel
Mission to Israel Several members of YISE are coordinating a mission to Israel in February. For additional information, please contact Yehuda Shinensky ( or Jeremy Goodman ( If you are unable to attend in person, please consider contributing to help sponsor events or supplies, including, but not limited to, gear and meals for soldiers.
YISE salutes Hadas Dubrawsky, daughter of Diana & Ido Dubrawsky. Hadas is a graduate of the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School and serves in an infantry battalion under the IDF Homefront Command. When not actively defending Israel and herpeople, Hadas is a communications professional for Im Tirtzu in Jerusalem. Please join us in thanking Hadas for her service and commitment.
YISE invites members with family on active IDF duty to share their profiles at
YISE maintains a community-wide Tehillim WhatsApp group. To join, visit To submit names of soldiers serving in the IDF for tefilot, please send the soldier's Hebrew name and his/her mother's Hebrew name to
We pray that our soldiers will return soon to their peacetime roles, and in the interim ask our members to daven and undertake other zechuyos on behalf of these and other IDF personnel defending Israel and our people.
Tefilah We gather in the Belonofsky Sanctuary on Sunday evenings after Mincha/Maariv for 15 minutes of communal Tehillim. Additionally, Tehillim are recited at each daily and Shabbos minyan.
Rabbi Rosenbaum leads a daily 15-minute Zoom of Tehillim recital and study of the Sefer Mesilas Yesharim Sunday through Friday at 12:30 PM on Zoom A.
Tzedaka A list of charitable organizations is available at:
Political Action information can be accessed via AIPAC and the OU
As we engage our efforts through tefilah, tzedakah and political action, let us also beseech Hashem daily to bring safety to the citizens of Israel, success to its military, and clarity to its leadership.
Upcoming YISE Events
Shabbos Sefer Soiree – Rabbi Ira Brandriss will speak on "Chovos Halevavos: Obligations of the Heart – Gateways to a Spiritual Life" on Friday, January 19 at 8:30 PM in the Social Hall, followed by light refreshments. see flyer
Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill, a part of YISE's Chesed Committee, has a current need for meals starting January 23. Please sign up in Helping Hands or contact Melanie Karlin, 301-681-4740, or Miriam Friedman, 301-754-1517, if you have trouble getting into the system.
Likras Shabbos: A Deeper Understanding of Kabbalas Shabbos: Learn and appreciate the inner meaning and depth of Kabbalas Shabbos, and transform your Friday night Davening! Given by Rabbi Postelnek. Starting this Thursday January 25, 8:50 PM – 9:30 PM at the Goodman home, 11611 Kemp Mill Road. see flyer
Tu B'Shvat Food Drive – Please donate food to the Capital Kosher Pantry's Tu B'Shvat Food Drive. Suggested foods, drop off locations, and acceptable Kashrut symbols are listed in the flyer. see flyer
Men's Melaveh Malka – Join Rabbi Postelnek and friends for singing, food, and Torah. Motzei Shabbos, January 27 at 8:30 PM at the home of Goldie & Ben Fields. To sponsor, visit see flyer
Nach Yomi Siyum – All women and girls invited. Sunday, January 28 from 11AM – 1PM. Brunch, inspiring speakers, and interactive program. RSVP: see flyer Save the Dates: Scholar-In-Residence Programs at YISE – February 23-25 and March 8-9. see flyer
Finding My Place in Torah, Community and Life – A shiur given by Rabbi Postelnek. Monday, February 5 at 8:30 PM, at the home of Leah & Yoni Levine, 1111 University Blvd. W (University Towers) Apt. 206. see flyer
Come Join Rabbi Koss's Monthly Jewish History class on Zoom! Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington and the YISE Chesed Committee. Rabbi Koss will be speaking on a topic in Jewish history, Monday, February 5 from 2PM – 3PM on Zoom A.
Ask the Rabbi – This month's topic: Halachos of Shopping. Tuesday, February 6 from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM on Zoom A. Send in your questions to by Sunday, February 4. For more information and to submit questions by phone or anonymously, contact Miriam Friedman at 301-754-1517 or To sponsor the program, please contact the YISE office. see flyer
Camp Shomrai Early Bird Special -Registration is now open. Don't miss out! Register before February 1 to save $75 on each child's registration.
Zoom Connection details in the SHMA and at Flyers are available at
The Week Ahead
Thursday Jan 25 – Tu B'Shevat
Halachic Times: Latest Alos Hashachar 5:59 AM, Earliest Talis and Tefilin: 6:27 AM, Latest Netz: 7:24 AM, Latest Krias Shema: 9:50 AM, Earliest Mincha: 12:52 PM, Earliest Shkia: 5:16 PM, Latest Tzeis Hacochavim 6:06 PM
Next Shabbos
January 26-27, 2024
17 Shevat 5784
Parashas Beshalach
Candle lighting 5:03
Havdalah 6:06
Friday Night:
Mincha/Maariv: 5:05 (B) 5:00 (Sephardi, LBM)
Shabbos Day:
Shacharis: 7:00 (B), 8:45 (B), 9:15 (S), 8:00 (Sephardi, LBM), 9:15 (Teen, H)
Mincha: 2:30 (B), 5:00 (B), 5:00 (Sephardi, LBM)
Maariv: 6:06