Parashas Balak – July 22-23, 2016
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Young Israel Shomrai Emunah – Shabbos Shorts
July 22-23, 2016 – 17 Tammuz 5776 – Parshas Balak
Light Candles by 8:10 (and not before 6:57) – Havdalah 9:14
The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored this week by Vivian Kirshenbaum with Weichert Realtors Office: 301-681-0560 Cell: 301-318-1313
Mazal Tov
* Laurie & Stuart Cohen on the birth of granddaughter, Bracha Perel ('Perri'), to Aliza & Yanky Statman of Baltimore. Mazal Tov also to Perri's three big brothers.
* Marvin Konick on the birth of a great-grandson, Hillel Yehoshua, born to Ayelet & Yosef Konick of Yerushalayim. Mazal Tov to grandparents Ruth & Bill Konick and Michal & Rabbi Jonathan Seidemann of Baltimore, aunts and uncles Yehudis & Rabbi Moshe Arzouan, Renee & Josh Seidemann, and Shirley
* Elaine & Robert Leichter on the birth of a grandson to Tzippy & David Leichter of Baltimore.
* Anne Merzel, daughter of Freyda & Jeffrey Schneider, on her engagement to Mattisyahu Silverman, son of Rivka & Yaakov Silverman. Mazal Tov to all of the Merzel/Schneider and Silverman families.
* Sara & Avi Strum on the birth of a son. Mazal Tov to big brother Yaron, to the grandparents Clair & Art Kagel and Shifra & Steve Strum, and to all the aunts and uncles. The Shalom Zachor will be held at 10905 Pebble Run Drive at 9:00 PM.
Shabbos Schedule
Friday Night:
* Light Candles by 8:10, and not before 6:57
* Mincha:
Arcola: 6:40, 7:10, 8:10 University: 7:15 Sephardi: 7:15 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
Shabbos Day:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45, 9:15 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
The 9:15 Minyan meets in the Small Social Hall.
* Mincha:
Arcola: 2:30, 5:00, 8:05 University: 8:05 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 8:05
* Maariv/Havdalah: 9:14
Divrei Torah:
* 8:45 Main Minyan Rabbi Rosenbaum
* 8:00 and 9:15 Minyanim Rabbi Silver
Kiddush Sponsors:
* Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard – Hedy Ross & Binyamin Sanders in honor of their marriage.
* Sephardi Minyan – Davida & Adam Yitzhaky
* 8:45 Main Minyan – "The Haimish Kiddush Group"
* 9:15 Minyan – "The 9:15 Group"
Shabbos Shiurim:
* Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur at 9:00 AM, behind the balcony.
* Rabbi David Hyatt – Shiur after Hashkamah Minyan, Beis Medrash.
* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan – Shiur after Sephardi Shacharit.
* Rabbi William Millen – Shiur at 7:05 PM.
* Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Shiur at 7:00 PM, Large Beis Medrash.
* Rabbi Amram Hes – Shiur at 7:35 PM.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur after Mincha at Arcola.
* Rabbi Barry Greengart – Shiur after Mincha at University.
Weekday Shiurim
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mussar Study Group for Women (spiritual selfimprovement), Sundays at 9:30 AM, in the room behind the Balcony – will resume July 24.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Gemara Shiur for Men, Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:00 AM – 6:45 AM, in the room behind the Balcony.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Halacha Chabura for Men, Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM, in the Social Hall. For more details, please contact
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Nach Shiur, Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, in the small Beis Medrash.
* Rabbi Rosenbaum's Chumash Shiur for Women, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM, in the small Beis Medrash.
* Rabbi Silver's Parsha Shiur for Men and Women, a mix of Halacha and Aggada. Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM. For more details, please contact
* GWCK Sunday Kollel Brunch and Learn for Men – Sunday mornings. Bagel brunch at 9:30 AM followed by classes from 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM. Choose from classes:
* Timeless Talmud with Rabbi Menachem Winter
* Parsha Discourses with Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman
* Unraveling the Navi with Rabbi Hillel Shaps
* Jewish Philosophy with Rabbi Yonatan Zakem
* Rabbi Levy's Amud Yomi Shiur, Sunday 6:25 AM- 7:25 AM and Monday through Friday 6:25 AM – 7:10 AM in the Beis Medrash.
* The Golden Network's Torah Hour with breakfast and learning, Tuesday mornings following the 8:30 Shacharis, in the Arcola Social Hall. Open to men and women. For more information 301-338-4810 or
* Bais Medrash Zichron Gedaliah – Tuesdays at 8:00 PM in the Social Hall; Mincha at 7:45 and Maariv to follow. Choose from classes:
* Gemara Kop with R' Nachum Schwartz
* Becoming an Inspired Eved Hashem – Alei Shur (R' Shlomo Wolbe) with Rabbi Yitzchak Scher
* Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's Advanced Gemara Shiur for Men, Wednesdays at 7:20 PM at University.
* GWCK Yesodei Hatorah, a skills-building program designed to foster Gemara proficiency, Thursdays, 8:45 PM – 9:30 PM in the small Social Hall.
YISE Programs and Listings
We welcome new member who was voted in at the last Board meeting: Mrs. Teresa Berman
YISE Together-for-5 – Begins on Monday, July 25, with a new series of audio Shiurim by Rabbi Rosenbaum about Perspectives on Challenges. For more info, visit
Empathy with Animals: Balancing Human Needs Against Animal Comfort – The GWCK invites men and women of the community to a Jewish Ethics lecture with Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman. Sunday, July 31, 9:30 AM, at YISE.
Rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash through Understanding its Destruction – Shiur for women with Rabbi Rosenbaum. Sunday, August 7, at 8:30 PM at the home of Masha Schore, 911 South Belgrade Road.
Premium Memberships – These new member categories include many benefits that would not be included in a regular full membership. They are designed for those who want to enhance their experience while providing support for our comprehensive programming and growth. Base membership fees cover a fraction of our annual budget which is dedicated to providing the highest standards of quality and service our members expect and deserve. It is initiatives like this that provide opportunity and privilege for those who care to support the leading orthodox synagogue in the Greater Washington area. We are grateful for your consideration as we move from strength to strength. See details at
New Play Area – The Youth Committee is setting up a temporary toddler play area at the Shul, in the fenced-off area facing Arcola. While the Kemp Mill Park playground is under renovation, play equipment will be available on Shabbos and Yom Tov mornings. Children must be supervised at all times. The play equipment will be available from approximately 10:00 AM until after Kiddush. Anyone who has playground equipment (Little Tikes or similar) in good condition, or would like to contribute a donation to help purchase equipment should please contact the Youth Committee at
High Holiday Seat Planning – The office has sent out information about High Holiday seats, Hashomer New Year Greetings and a new Yizkor Guide, with relevant Tefillos, that will be different from than any previous ones and will benefit the Shul.
Shomrai Nursery is looking to hire a lead teacher for the two-year-old and Pre-K classes for the 2016-2017 school year. We are also seeking part-time and full-time assistants. For more information, please check the school's website: Send resume and cover letter to Ruthie Cohen at
Shiurim from Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, ZT"L, are available at
Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill – YISE's Chesed Committee has a program to help members undergoing serious medical crises. If you or someone you know needs help with meals, carpools, childcare, etc., or to volunteer, please contact: Melanie Karlin, 301-681-4740, or Miriam Friedman, 301-754-1517, If you are unable to cook a meal or help out, but would like to make a donation to Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill, please contact Simi Franco in the office.
YISE Youth Announcements
The Youth Minyan will NOT meet this week, and will resume at the end of the summer.
Please join us this week for groups: 2-5 year-olds meet in the youth room behind the balcony; Early care for 2-5 year-olds runs from 9:30-10:00. Groups run 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM. Please pick up child(ren) promptly.
The Youth Committee is looking for new group leaders for next year (girls and boys). Time can be counted as Chesed hours. There are special activities for leaders as appreciation.
Community Programs and Listings
Daf Yomi meets in the Yeshiva Beis Medrash – Sunday at 6:30 AM, Monday through Thursday at 9:00 PM, and Shabbos 1-1/2 hours before regular Mincha.
Dirshu Daf Yomi B'Halacha on Hilchos Krias HaTorah, learn Mishna Brurah with Rabbi Eli Reingold, Monday – Thursday, 40 minutes before Mincha in the YISE Social Hall. For information contact him at 301-996-5910 or
Kollel Dirshu Silver Spring is learning Maseches Kesuvos. Learn in the morning (5:45 AM – 6:30 AM) or in the evening (9:00 PM – 10:00 PM) at the Boys Yeshiva. For more information, please contact Rabbi Eli Reingold at 301- 996-5910 or Ranon Cortell at 240-277-2730.
Tehillim – Wednesday mornings. Contact Arleeta Lerner at 301-649-0552.
Shiur on Parsha – This Shabbos, July 23, with Rabbi Marvin Goldman. at 1121 University Blvd. West, Apt. 316, at 5:00 PM.
Kemp Mill Civic Association – Meeting Wednesday, July 27, 7:30 PM in the YISE Large Social Hall. Agenda includes elections, road changes & repairs, deer, landscaping, interim Wheaton library, post office problems and much more.
Toastmasters' Meeting – Wednesday, July 27, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM in the YISE Small Social Hall. See what Toastmasters is all about and find out how you can become a more confident communicator and leader. Contact Scott Schlesinger at for more information.
Faith vs. Personal Responsibility: The Torah's View on Financial Planning and Insurance – The GWCK presents a community lecture on Sunday, July 31 at 7:15 PM at GWCK, 10900 Lockwood Drive, presented by Rabbi Yosef Saltzman, Jewish educator and insurance professional.
Leading Up to Tisha B'Av – Video presentation for women of Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi. Sunday, July 31 at 8:15 PM at the SSJC; and Tuesday, August 2 at 8:15 PM at the Walter home in Woodside 9109 Crosby Road; Cost $5.
Boys SEED Summer Learning at YGW–Tiferes Gedaliah – For rising 6th-11th graders. August 15 – 25, 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM. 8:30 AM Davening/ breakfast, 9:30 AM learning, 11:30 AM lunch, 12:00 Noon activity, 1:00 PM swimming, 2:30 PM pick up. Please bring cereal and a bagged lunch, we will provide milk and paper goods. Drop off: YISE. Pick up: YGW Boys Campus. Cost: $50 per week per student, $75 for full program – Trips cost extra. To sign up or for more information contact Rabbi Simmy Merkin at or 301-962-5111 ext 1522.
Fast of Shiva Asar B'Tammuz
Sunday, July 24
* Fast Begins 4:26
* Early Mincha 2:00 (Arcola)
* Mincha 7:50 (Arcola)
* Maariv 8:45 (Arcola)
* Fast Ends 9:13
The Week Ahead
Sunday, July 24 – Shiva Asar B'Tammuz Monday, July 25 Tuesday, July 26 Wednesday, July 27 Thursday, July 28 Friday, July 29
Arcola 6: 30, 7:30, 8:45 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30 6:15, 6:45, 7:35, 8:30 6:30, 6:55, 7:35, 8:30
Sephardi 7:30 6:10, 7:10 6:15, 7:15 6:15, 7:15 6:10, 7:10 6:15, 7:15
Arcola 2:00, 7:50 / 8:45 8:10 8:10 8:10 8:10 See Shabbos schedule
Sephardi 8:00 8:05 8:05 8:05 8:05
Halachic Times: Earliest Talis & Tefillin: 5:08 AM, Latest Krias Shma: 9:38 AM, Earliest Mincha: 1:51 PM
Next Shabbos
July 29-30, 2016 – 24 Tammuz 5776
Parshas Pinchas – Mevorchim Hachodesh
Light Candles by 8:04 – Havdalah 9:06
Friday Night:
* Light Candles by 8:04, and not before 6:52
* Mincha:
Arcola: 6:35, 7:05, 8:05 University: 7:15 Sephardi: 7:15 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
Shabbos Day:
* Shacharis:
Arcola: 7:00, 8:00, 8:45, 9:15 University: 8:30 Sephardi: 7:45 Nusach Sefard: 7:00
* Mincha:
Arcola: 2:30, 5:00, 8:00 University: 8:00 Sephardi: 7:40 Nusach Sefard: 8:00
* Maariv/Havdalah: 9:06
Cheryl Stern Community Kelim Mikvah is Now Open
Dedicate a brick in the path to the Keilim Mikvah at YISE. Your engraved brick will be placed on the sidewalk in front of the Mikvah.
Donations are 100% tax deductible.
For more details visit:
Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, July 27 at 12:00 Noon.
Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to:
Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330
Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail:
Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Michael Shimoff – President
Rabbi Binyamin Silver – Asst. Rabbi Maurie Rosenberg – Executive Director