Minyan & Kiddush Contacts
Weekday Minyanim
Time | Gabbai |
6:15/6:30 | Scott Schlesinger |
6:45/6:55 | Ed Zurndorfer |
8:45 | Seth Katz |
Shabbos Minyanim
Time | Location | Gabbai |
7:00 | Belonofsky Sanctuary | Josh Seidemann |
8:45 | Belonofsky Sanctuary | Seth Katz |
9:15 | Social Hall | Rami Mandelbaum |
For general minyan questions please contact Seth Katz, chair of the Ritual Committee and minyan czar.
There are currently two kiddushes in the shul every Shabbos morning. The Hashkamah Minyan kiddush is in the small part of the social hall after the 7:00 minyan. The Shul Kiddush is in the social hall after the 8:45 and 9:15 minyanim. Both are available for sponsorship and also have groups which sponsor the kiddush when there is no individual sponsor. If you are interested in sponsoring a kiddush or joining one of the groups, please contact Simi Franco in the shul office.