Parashas Haazinu – September 28-29, 2012

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YISE Shabbos Shorts

The Shabbos Shorts is sponsored by Ezra Friedman in honor of Dalia & Hillel Weiss, Lois & Sid Meyers and Paul Berner with gratitude.

SHABBOS, Sept. 28 – Sept. 29, 2012 13 Tishrei 5773

Parashas Ha'azinu Light Candles by 6:36pm

Friday Mincha 6:40pm

The Hashkamah/Nusach Sefard Kiddush is sponsored by "The Group."

The 8AM Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by "The Chevra."

The 8:45AM Main Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by "The Haimish Kiddush Group."

Early Shabbos Mincha – Arcola 2:30pm

Shabbos Mincha – Sephardi 6:20pm

Shabbos Mincha – University 6:35pm

Shabbos Mincha – Arcola, Nusach Sefard 6:35pm

Shabbos Ends 7:33pm


Rose & Rabbi Moshe Litwack on the birth of a daughter, Rivkah Rena. Mazal Tov to grandparents David and Giliah Litwack, and to all the aunts, uncles & cousins.

Linda & Mike Kaiser on the birth of a grandson, son of Tammy & Josh Levin. Mazal Tov also to Josh’s parents, Barb & Ted Levin of Baltimore.


Lulav/Esrog Pick-up – Lulavim/Esrogim may be picked up at Elli Chai's, 2305 University Blvd West, Motzei Shabbos, 1 hour after Shabbos ‘til Midnight; Sunday, Sept. 30, 8am-3pm.

Thanks to the members who helped set up the YISE Sukkah under the direction of Stuart Cohen: Isaac, Maya, and Avi Kotek; Yehuda Shinensky; Eli Landy; and Moshe Kasser; and Manasseh Katz.

Free bamboo available for cutting – Stalks up to 30 feet in length. Call 301-649-5031.

YISE Youth Department's Annual Sukkah Hop! All parents and children PK-6th grade are encouraged to join us for this year's exciting Sukkah Hop Monday, Oct. 1, at 4pm. We'll meet at the YISE Arcola Sukkah to begin our journey, Rain or Shine. Come ready for delicious treats and lots of fun!

The YISE Simchas Torah Family Extravaganza takes place this year on Monday night, Oct.8. Join us for exciting singing, dancing, and delicious treats for the kids, and a special Kiddush provided by the Youth Department! For more details or sponsorship opportunities please contact

Make a positive change in your family's life! YISE Nursery presents the six-week workshop, "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk," Sunday nights, Oct. 14 to Nov. 18, 8pm to 9:30pm, at the Rosenthal home, 1220 Arcola Ave. $100/person, $120/couple; includes 3 books. Registration is limited; email Lianne Heller or call 301-593-7365.


Rabbi Rosenbaum's mussar (spiritual self-improvement) Sunday morning study group for women, will resume Sunday, Oct. 14, at 9:30am.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Mishna Brurah shiur for men takes place Sundays, 8:30pm, at his home. For more information contact

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Men's Gemara shiur meets in the Arcola Social Hall, 6:00-6:45am Tuesdays & Fridays, and will resume Friday, Oct. 12.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Wednesday morning Tehillim shiur resumes Oct. 17, 11am, in the small Beis Medrash.

Rabbi Rosenbaum's Chumash shiur for women, 8pm, Wednesday nights, in the small Beis Medrash, resumes Oct. 17.

Rabbi Moshe Arzouan's advanced Gemara shiur for men will resume after Simchas Torah, Wednesday nights at University Blvd. after Maariv.

Zichron Gedaliah Bais Medrash for Men – Tuesday evenings at 8pm in the YISE Social Hall.

Two weekly programs with the Greater Washington Community Kollel here at YISE: This Sunday Linas Hatzedek – Business Ethics – the important topic of "Tzedaka: Giving Charity The Right Way", Sunday mornings, 9:30am . Yesodei Hatorah, a unique skillsbuilding program designed to foster independent Gemara proficiency. Thursday evenings, time TBA. For more info call 301-213-6504 or see


R' Pinchas Werner – Shiur 8:15am, small Youth Room behind the Women's Balcony.

Rabbi David Hyatt – Gemara Shiur meets in the small Beis Medrash after Hashkamah Minyan.

Rabbi William Millen – Shiur will meet 1 hour before Mincha.

Rabbi Yehoshua Levy – Shiur 1 hour before the Sephardi Mincha.

Rabbi Amram Hes – Parsha shiur meets ½ hour before Mincha.

Rabbi Rosenbaum – Shiur between Mincha/Maariv at Arcola.

Mrs. Yocheved Arzouan – Shiur 9am in small Youth Room behind the Women's Balcony.

Rebbetzin Atara Rosenbaum – Women's shiur Shabbos afternoons, meets this Shabbos two hours before Mincha at the Davis residence, 11403 Monticello Ave.

Helping Hands Across Kemp Mill – YISE's Chesed Committee is organizing to support members with a variety of urgent needs (medical crisis, caring for family, etc). We need your assistance helping out with meals, rides, childcare, etc. For further info or to volunteer, call Melanie Karlin, 301-681-4740, or Miriam Friedman, 301-754-1517, or email; or complete a volunteer form that can be dropped at either of the synagogue's mailboxes (on the wall by the Sanctuary or the executive director's office).


Women's Daytime Tehillim, Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am. Contact Arleeta Lerner for information, 301-649-0552.

1st Grade Girls' Shabbos Group will meet on Shabbos, Sept. 29, at the home of Ariella Litwack, 807 Lamberton Dr., from 5pm – 6:15 pm.

The Women's Discussion Group "Positive Word Power" will meet this Shabbos, 5:00pm, at the home of Mrs. Klavan, 1006 Lamberton Drive.

The ultimate kindness – Chevra Kadisha is called the ultimate good deed, chesed shel emet, as the recipient cannot return the favor. The Chevra Kadisha of Greater Washington urgently needs volunteers to conduct taharot, the process by which bodies of Jews are prepared for burial according to Jewish tradition. Opportunities are available daily. For men, contact Joel Bauman, or 301-704-6830; for women, Devorah Grayson,

Can't Afford a Lulav/Etrog? The Yehudah Mond Foundation will get a set for you. Contact Rabbi Moshe Arzouan, 301-905-2937.

Ropes course in Sandy Springs Adventure Park – Thursday, Oct. 4 (Chol Hamoed), 9am – 1pm. 16701 Norwood Rd., Sandy Spring, MD. Succah on premises! For ages 7 and older. (5-6 year olds can participate with an adult – the cost is $34+tax.) Don't forget food and drinks. Huge discount on tickets – only $25+tax per person! For more info and to RSVP contact Miriam Friedman If you are not sure about a reservation, you can just show up on Thursday. Release forms available at media/ssap_releaseform.pdf must be completed with parent/guardian signature (for under 18).

There will be a daily mincha minyan in Bethesda starting Wednesday, Oct. 10. Please email for more information.

Computer Training Online – Starting the week of Oct. 14, the OU will present online classes in Computer Aided Design (Basic and Advanced), Dreamweaver Web Design (Beginners), Excel (Beginners), Photoshop, and HTML (Beginners). Info and register at

Turn Your Great Idea Into a Successful Business — Featuring Seth Goldman, founder, Honest Tea. 600 Eye Street, NW, Oct. 17, 7-9pm. Sponsored by JSSA. Info/register at

Save the Date Nov. 4 – Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington invites the community to its annual Gala Brunch . This year's honorees are Sara Glashofer, Lori Tolchin and Irit Rasooly Goldman. The event will be held on Sunday November 4, 2012 at 10:00 am at KMS. For more information go to , email or call 202-331-4481. Reservations and ads for the Journal are now being accepted.

The Warwick Sukkah is up and almost complete. Many thanks to the volunteers who helped set up. The Sukkah will be open, imy"h, all Sukkos, and ‘hefker' to all who wish to use it. Lights will be available at night. Opportunities still exist for further set-up, maintenance,and take-down after the Chag (contact

The YISE Sisterhood seeks sponsors for the festive Simchas Torah kiddushim it provides at both the Arcola and University Blvd. locations. Sponsorships can be made in honor of loved ones or upcoming simchas, in commemoration of yahrtzeits, or to show appreciation for the YISE community and YISE Sisterhood. Any sponsorship amount is greatly appreciated! Checks should be made out to YISE Sisterhood and sent to Hedy Bauman, 1131 University Blvd. W., #610, Silver Spring, MD 20902 or email to pledge a donation. Sponsors will be publicly acknowledged (unless otherwise noted). Additionally, YISE Sisterhood is seeking volunteers to assist with setting up and cleaning up the Simchas Torah kiddushim. Please contact if you can volunteer. Tizku L'mitzvot and Chag Sameach from the YISE Sisterhood!


The Youth Minyan will resume this Shabbos at 9:15am sharp.

The Youth Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by the Youth Minyan Kiddush Group.

YISE Shabbos groups 2 – 5 year-olds meet in the youth room behind the balcony; Girls 1st – 4th grade meet in the Small Beis Medrash; Boys 1st – 4th grade gather outside the Social Hall and walk over to the Yeshiva. Groups run 10am – 11:15am. Please pick your child(ren) up promptly.

Camp Shomrai Sukkot 2012 – Send your child for three fun-filled days of team building, and task oriented fun. Davening, arts, crafts, special visitors, dramatic play, sports and games, and building projects will spark the interests and stoke the imaginations of all our campers. Dates and Times: Wednesday Oct. 3, through Friday Oct. 5. $40 per day for regular day from 9am to 3pm Extended AM – 8 am to 9 am $8 per day Extended PM Wed and Thurs – 3pm to 6pm $8 per hour per day Friday – 3pm to 4pm $8. Healthy snacks and drinks provided. Please send pareve or dairy lunch. Call or email Lianne Heller for more information, (301) 593-7365 or

Talk to the Rabbi — Rabbi Rosenbaum is available by phone (No meetings are scheduled) from 10am until 11am, Monday through Friday, barring extenuating circumstances. Of course people can call at any time and either speak to him or leave a message. His office number is 301-593-4465, ext. 405.

Don't Waste it – Planning a Simcha? Mazal Tov! What will you do with any left over catered food from certified kosher stores or caterers? The Yehudah Mond Foundation can distribute your extra food with local families who have a need. To donate, call or have your caterer contact or call 301-537-7158.

Next Shabbos Shorts Deadline: Wednesday, Oct. 3, at 12 Noon.

Submit items for the Shabbos Shorts to

Office Phone: 301-593-4465 Office Fax: 301-593-2330

Eruv line: 301-593-5561 E-Mail: Web Site:

Office Hours: Open Wednesday/Thursday, 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-1pm

Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer, zt"l

Dr. Marc Katz – President Alan Zimmerman – Executive Director