Chometz after Pesach
The information listed below has been approved by Rabbi Rosenbuam. Any additional questions should be directed to Rabbi Rosenbaum.
A number of people have asked for more clarification regarding the rules of Chametz sheavar alav haPesach. Please note the following:
All Jews are prohibited from benefitting from chametz owned by another Jew over Pesach. This prohibition applies to products with wheat, barley, rye, oat, or spelt (or their flour) listed as a significant ingredient, such as bread, crackers, cookies, pasta, etc.
1) One may purchase chametz immediately after Pesach from all stores that are owned by Jews which properly sold their chametz before Pesach or are owned by non-Jews, provided they do not purchase their chametz from a Jewish distributor that did not sell their chametz before Pesach. This currently includes:
All establishments under Capitol-K supervision.
Food Lion
Harris Teeter
Magruder's (all)
Royal Farms
Sam's Discount Warehouse
Shoppers Food Warehouse
Trader Joe's
2) One should not purchase bread or other chametz for 2 weeks after Pesach from a store owned by Jews that did not sell their chametz before Pesach or from a store which purchases chametz from Jewish distributors that did not sell their chametz before Pesach. This currently includes Giant, Safeway, Superfresh and Target.
3) One should not purchase other chametz (besides bread) after Pesach until Lag Ba'omer from a store which purchases chametz from Jewish distributors that did not sell their chametz before Pesach. This currently includes Giant, Safeway, Superfresh and Target.
If you have any questions about stores not included on this list or specific products, please contact Rabbi Rosenbaum.