Community Service Day
Come do a Chesed in conjunction with the DCJCC on Community Service Day on 12/25 cosponsored by YISE, KMS, and MJBHA. Two options:
1.Paint the Mary's Center in Silver Spring from 10AM-2PM. (The Center provides health care, family literacy and social services to 24,000 individuals.) Children under 15 need adult supervision.
2. Visit the Fannie and Elias Gellman Home (Jewish Foundation for Group Homes) in Silver Spring from 1PM-3PM. Children under 15 need adult supervision.
Please use the links below to sign up and click on the Kemp Mill group. Note there is a $10 tax-deductible fee per person. For more information, please contact Miriam Friedman at Also note that these projects are open to all ages but 1 adult per 3 children is required.
Jewish Foundation for Group Homes – Fannie and Elias Gellman Home (8 volunteers)