An Inspirational Shabbos
Greater Washington Community Kollel in conjunction with YISE presents:
An Inspirational Shabbos
This Shabbos! Join the Greater Washington Community Kollel and YISE for an Inspirational Shabbos at YISE!
Thought-provoking lectures led by Kollel Scholars of the GWCK.
Ruach-filled tefillos and Zemiros led by special guest Baal Tefillah and singer Yehuda Green.
Elegant catered Friday Night family dinner with inspiring Divrei Torah and Zemiros. Reservations required. Booked to capacity.
Delicious Dessert Buffet and Ruach-filled Oneg Shabbos following the Seudah, approximately 8:15pm at Shomrai.
Musical Havdalah Service with Yehuda Green! 6:10pm, Motzei Shabbos at Shomrai.
If you are driving to Shul after Shabbos, please remember to say Hamavdil…
Join us for the following classes and lectures:
Oneg – A Perfect Blemish, Rabbi Yonatan Zakem, Director of Community Outreach
8:00am Minyan – A Precious Few, A Precious Many, Rabbi Zacharia Schwartz
8:45am Main Minyan – Of Houses and Tents, Rabbi Menachem Winter, Rosh Kollel
Between Mincha and Maariv – Informing and Collaborating: From the Pharaohs to the Present, Rabbi Yitzhak Grossman, Rosh Chabura
Women's Class – Yocheved: Mother of Leaders; Matriarch of Grandeur, Mrs. Sara Malka Winter 3:15pm. Home of Gloria Feldman 1000 Lamberton Drive
Shalosh Seudos for Teenage Girls – A Conversation about Connecting, Mrs. Nechama Zakem 4:45pm. Home of Nechama Zakem 11722 Fulham Street
Shabbaton Committee
Batsheva and Moshe Broder
Simi and Sammy Franco
Marilyn and Judah Lifschitz
Sharon and Michael Shimoff
For more information contact: The Greater Washington Community Kollel:
10900 Lockwood Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20901
Rosh Kollel Rabbi Menachem Winter – 301.213.6504 –